Lost Pages - Genial Jack, Issue 1.pdf

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Jonathan Newell’s
A Lost Pages book
Issue ten - volume 1
Writing, Illustration, and Cartography: Jonathan Newell
Cover Art: Bronwyn McIvor
Layout and Graphic Design: Paolo Greco
Playtesters: Ben Bourgon, Sarah Felkar, Jonathan Kift, Bronwyn McIvor, Robert McLelland,
Samantha Mills, Kathryn Moench, Thor Polukoshko, Bill Radford, Allison Sullivan
First Edition - Glasgow - Autumn 2019
A whale the size of a mountain
A whale who for centuries has been the host to the teeming town of Jackburg, a
place of swallowed ships and lost sailors from countless different lands. Genial
Jack: Jack the Generous, Jack the Gentle, Jack the Gigantic. A living wonder of
the world, a creature who many believe to be the oldest living organism on the
planet, who remembers the ancient beings who first visited this world and seeded
it with life in aeons long distant.
The first ships, they say, he ate by accident, but they survived on the fish that
daily poured into his belly, and made new homes in his forestomach, a ram-
shackle village made from the detritus of broken boats. It was years later that
they realized they were not the first, finding older structures deeper in Jack’s
endless innards, ruins of some primeval predecessor Jackburg from ages past.
In time, Jackburg expanded, colonizing his mouth, his skin, his other three
stomachs. Mansions dangle from the roof of his maw, ironclad watchtowers
bristle from round his blowhole, a temple tops his head, while in his belly, built
to withstand the peristaltic forces of the muscular forestomach, thrives a small
city, formed from the hulks of ships from every corner of the ocean.
Jackburg is a city of traders and priests, for the Navigators – mystics descended
from ancient captains – commune with the beast, using their prayers and sacri-
fices to direct Jack from city to city. A fleet of trading ships and naval vessels now
accompany him everywhere, and fortresses cling to his barnacled flanks, cannons
swiveling alongside his fins. Their travels take them around the planet, and they
bring with them the treasures and stories and languages and knowledge of
distant places, from realms across the Blushing Ocean and past the Frontiers of
Chaos, and even from the frozen expanse of the Inscrutable Lands in the far
south of the world.
He is a
they land,
Genial Jack
opens his great
jaws, water
rushing in, and a
fleet of ships rushes
out, flags flying in the
wind, ships of every
type and nation, flying
alongside the cetacean flag
of Jackburg: galleons and
triremes and whirring
submarines, corpseships from
Erubescence, dolphin-drawn chariots,
puffing steamships, hovercraft from Verdigris, living
boat-things from Teratopolis, amorphous amoeba-vessels from
beyond the Entropic Wastes, chitin barqentines from the Insect Arcologies.
Behind them, in the great beast’s mouth and through into his stomach, the lights
of Jackburg twinkle.
Using Genial Jack
Issue 1 of Genial Jack provides an overview of the inhabitants and districts of
Jackburg. While written with a larger campaign setting in mind, Jack can easily
be dropped into other fantasy campaign settings, particularly those with a wild,
high magic or gonzo aesthetic. Indeed, Jack and his symbiotic city could form
the basis for an entire campaign, as the Godwhale travels from port to port.
Subsequent issues will provide additional NPCs, campaign locations, and
adventures for such a game.
Genial Jack is home to hundreds of species, castaways and adventurous souls
from every port of call in the known world; every time Jack leaves a place, he
inevitably brings with him a handful of immigrants, as well as stowaways seeking
a new life on the waves. Fey from the forests of Faerie, gnomes from the Sunless
Realms, thurs and trollbloods from the north, ophidians from the southern
jungles, ghouls and dagonians from Hex, dhampir from Erubescence, annis from
Mara, cephalomorphs from Ganglion, lamiae from Purulence, and many others
can all be found walking the living streets of the Inner Town or peering through
the portholes of Blowhole Role and Barnaclebank. However, a number of
species are especially common in the city – castaway peoples, exiled tribes,
merfolk of many kinds, and other ocean-faring species are the most numerous.
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