Arcanist Press - More Ancestries & Cultures.pdf

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Written by Eugene Marshall
Layout & Design by Amy Bliss Marshall
Cover Background by: Paweł Czerwiński
Cover Figure: Inks By Don Tantiado
& Colors by Basith Ibraham
Art from: Bien Flores, Don Tantiado, Basith Ibramhim,
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With Special Thanks to
Sigil Entertaiment Group
More Ancestries
& Cultures
This document is an expansion of the rules found in
Ancestry & Culture: An Alternative to Race in 5e,
available on
It contains sixty-four unusual ancestries and cultures, some based on
classic playable races and others based on classic fantasy monsters. You’ll also find rules for altering
a culture to fit with one of the eleven geographic regions, such as mountains, grasslands, arctic,
underground, or forest, for example, as well as several of the planes beyond the material plane, such
as the astral plane, the plane of shadow, and the plane of faerie. This allows players to take their
chosen culture and swap out one or more geographic or planar trait, giving their chosen culture a
new flavor.
If you’d like more custom ancestries and cultures, be sure to check out
Custom Ancestries & Cultures
as well, which offers 62 more choices, from fantasy classics to bizarre originals.
Table of Contents
Introduction -------------------------3
Abolethi ------------------------------- 5
Apri -------------------------------------- 5
Aster ------------------------------------ 6
Behirborn ----------------------------- 8
Blink Dog ------------------------------ 9
Bulette Folk ------------------------ 10
Centaur ---------------------------------11
Cephalid ------------------------------- 12
The Combined ------------------------ 13
Devan ---------------------------------- 14
Djinn-Blessed --------------------------15
Drider -----------------------------------16
Earthborn --------------------------- 17
Efreeti-Touched --------------------18
Elf: Fey & Shadow -----------------19
Erinyesi -------------------------------20
Ettinfolk ----------------------------- 21
Flesh Construct ----------------- 22
Gargoyle -----------------------------23
Glabrezan -------------------------- 24
Harpy --------------------------------- 24
Hobgoblin --------------------------- 26
Kraken Folk ----------------------- 26
Leonine -------------------------------- 27
Leshan -------------------------------- 28
Naga Kin ----------------------------- 29
Oozeling ----------------------------- 30
Owlbear Kin ------------------------ 33
Pachyderman ----------------------- 33
Phoenix Born -----------------------34
Psilocybe ------------------------------ 35
Raven Kin ----------------------------- 36
Salamandrite ---------------------- 37
Scorpian ------------------------------ 38
Selkie Folk --------------------------- 39
Sobekite ------------------------------40
Sphinx Folk -------------------------- 41
Spirit Bound ------------------------ 42
Tarrasquer ------------------------ 42
Unicoran ---------------------------- 44
Vinefolk ------------------------------45
Vulcanen ---------------------------- 46
Waterborne ------------------------ 46
Yetikin -------------------------------- 47
Geographic Cultural
Traits -------------------------- 48
Planar Cultural Traits ------52
Legal Information ---------------57
Abolethis are humans who were once thralls
of the ancient, evil aboleth empire. Many
centuries ago, they regained their freedom,
though they still carry the effects of their
millennia of proximity to the aberrations.
Ability Score Increase.
Your Charisma score
increases by 2 and your Strength by 1.
Abolethi communities tend to value
autonomy and individual difference, perhaps as
a result of the abolethi once having been thralls.
Their members tend toward neutrality, but those
of all alignments can be found among them.
Abolethi Psionics.
Those who grow up in
abolethi communities are taught to develop
special psionic abilities that the abolethi long
ago learned from their former rulers. You know
cantrip. When you reach 3rd
level, you can cast the
spell once
with this trait. When you reach 5th level, you
can cast the
detect thoughts
spell once with
this trait. Because you use psionics to create
these effects, you do not need to use any spell
components when casting these spells. You
regain the ability to cast these spells with this
trait when you finish a long rest. Charisma
is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Memory of the People.
Abolethi communities
have rich oral traditions in which their
histories are carefully preserved. Every
significant event dating back for hundreds
of years is conserved in these traditions.
You have proficiency in History.
You speak, read, and
write Common and Deep Speech.
Abolethi Ancestral Traits
Those of abolethi ancestry resemble humans,
but the influence of their former masters, the
aboleths, can still be seen. Abolethis have
webbed fingers and toes, gills, and slimy
skin. Abolethis tend to have certain traits.
Abolethis mature more slowly than
humans and live for around 150 years.
Abolethis are human in size
and shape. Your size is Medium.
Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Like their ancient masters, abolethis
can excrete a thick mucus from their skin. You
have advantage on rolls to escape a grapple.
When you are underwater, you can exude a
cloud of mucus. A creature that touches you or
that hits you with a melee attack while within
5 feet of you while you are underwater must
make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or
be poisoned until the end of its next turn.
Subaqueous Acclimation.
Ancient abolethis
adjusted over many centuries to better serve
their underwater masters. You can breathe air
and water and have a swim speed of 20 feet.
Apri are anthropomorphic boars. Some apri
tales claim that they are direct descendants
of a god named Moccus, a great boar who
could take human form. Unlike their forebear,
however, apri cannot transform, remaining
ever in a boar-human hybrid form.
Abolethi Cultural Traits
Abolethi communities are few, though those
that exist are harmonious and welcoming to
others. Most are autonomous communes,
with no hierarchy or ruler. Instead, those of
these communities share property and labor
communally, make decisions by consensus,
and eschew concepts of private property,
sovereignty, and punishment. Many can be
found on the shore or near a body of water,
because those of abolethi ancestry often take
advantage of their natural abilities underwater
to fish and otherwise live off the sea.
Apri Ancestral Traits
Those of apri ancestry resemble humans
with short, bristly fur all over their
bodies, a humanoid torso and limbs, and
a boar’s head, with prominent tusks.
Apri tend to have certain traits.
Apri mature at the same rate as
humans and live for about as long.
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