Casey Hoekstra - Lost Tomb of Lacooma.pdf

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Lost Tomb of Lacooma 
D&D 5e Pick-up-and-Play Module
What is The Lost Tomb of Lacooma
A ready to play adventure with interior maps, tables, monsters, and story. A 2-4 hour adventure
for Characters Level 2-4.
What’s Included
An introduction for Players and the DM
Interior Map of Grimack’s Lair
The NPC/Monster Grimack and his stat block
A Random Jungle Experience Table for the time between Grimack’s Lair and the
5. The Lost Tomb of Lacooma
6. A possible, dangerous, deadly, twist.
What You Need to Play
1. The Monster Manual for 5e
2. Pencils and character sheets
3. An understanding of the basic rules of D&D
Your guide leads the way up the side of the steep mountain. The thick jungle vegetation you
hacked a path through earlier has grown sparse, revealing jutting rocks and the wind blasted
face of a jagged mountain range. Your guide stops ahead, his massive half-orc chest heaving
from the climb as he beckons you onward.
he points, his large hand dripping with moisture, at the mouth of a dark cave.
“That’s where he dwells. He usually meets me at the entrance, but I haven’t seen him in over a
week and I’m beginning to grow nervous. He can be very unpredictable, depressive even,
which is understandable considering he’s the last of his kind---”
Your guide wipes his brow,
looking down the mountain at the cove you came from. You can see a large three masted
vessel sitting tiny in the water far below and a handful of buildings nestled among the roots of
the mountain. Your guide’s voice sinks low as he continues
“I’ve grown fond of him over the
last few months, don’t get me wrong---he’s a dangerous fellow---but he’s another outsider like
me, trying to make his way in a mostly human world and I fear---”
His voice sinks lower,
hardly audible over the wind slipping through the mountain peaks.
“And I fear that some of the
crew might be hunting him. Teegan came this way on a hunting expedition a week ago. He was
supposed to return to camp yesterday, but hasn’t shown up. Maybe he’s still hunting in the
heart of the jungle, or maybe my fears are correct and he’s bitten off more than he can chew
and set his sights on hunting him some giant ape.”
The half-orc turns again to the looming cave entrance ahead.
“In which case I’m not sure
who I’m afraid for more, Grimack or Teegan’s crew. I wish I could go with you, but I’m
needed back at the cove and the Captain won’t be happy if I don’t show up for duty. Bring me
word about Grimack, let me know he’s alright will you?”
And with a last encouraging nod,
your guide slips downhill through the jungle vines toward the cove. What do you do?
What you, the Dungeon Master, need to know before we begin:
1. Grisbane (your guide) and Grimack the great ape have been holding talks for a couple of
months. Grisbane has been trying to convince Grimack to hold talks with Lorguard the
pirate captain and king who rules the cove on the south of the island. Grisbane (your
guide) has never been in Grimack’s cave and has no information about it’s interior.
2. Recently, Grimack hasn’t shown up for the talks...
3. Teegan (a member of the Cove to the south) led a hunting party into the cave a few days
ago in an attempt to hunt the giant ape. There may be traces of their passage about the
cave entrance and inside if the players are looking for it.
4. Grimack the great ape has been holed up in the depths of his lair because he is very close
to completing a ritual he has been working on for almost 10 years. The ritual will
combine Yuan-ti blood magic with Girallon artifacts in an attempt to resurrect his nearly
extinct species.
a. The artifact Grimack needs to complete his ritual lies in the
Tomb of Lacooma,
which lies in the jungle to the north. Grimack cannot go to the Tomb himself
because the old Yuan-ti spells on the ruin specifically bar Girallon from entering.
b. Grimack will be VERY FRIENDLY with the players on their arrival because he
wants/needs them to retrieve the artifact (​
The Cobra’s Tongue)
from Lacooma’s
c. If the Players return
The Cobra’s Tongue
to Grimack he will attempt to trick,
manipulate, and separate the group because he needs a blood sacrifice to activate
the artifact. He will attempt to isolate a Player and kill them to complete the
5. Read
description by his picture and stat block to get a better sense of the
history of the island and what his aims are.
Numbers listed below describe numbered locations on the map above.
Beyond the Entrance:
The room before you smells wet with mold and rot. The little light from the
mouth of the cave reveals a forest of seven foot tall mushrooms growing in the darkness. The ceiling
is thirty feet high and covered with the jagged teeth of clinging stalactites pointing toward the cavern
floor. A rank odor wafts between the mushrooms in front of you, but it is difficult to discern where it
comes from. You can hear the trickle of moving water from further on in the cave.
DC 14 Nature​
will reveal the mushrooms to be
Shrieker Mushrooms p. 138 MM.​
It will also
reveal their screaming reaction when people enter their space
DC 14 Perception
will tell a player that the rank odor further on in the cave is coming from a rotting
corpse killed not so long go, but little else.
DC 16 Perception​
reveals that smaller violet mushrooms grow beneath the caps of the larger
Shrieker Mushrooms p. 138 MM:
Grimack has cultivated natural defense systems throughout
his lair, these mushrooms are the first tier of those defenses. They are his natural warning
system and as described in the MM when anyone moves within 30ft of the mushroom it will
emit a shriek that can be heard throughout Grimack’s lair. These mushrooms live off moisture
and darkness, and cause no harm.
Violet Fungus p. 138 MM:
Among the larger Shrieking mushrooms, Grimack has bred a small
troupe of Violet Fungus. These much smaller mushrooms lurk beneath waiting for anything not
deterred by the screaming of their fungi kin to venture deeper within. There are
Fungi at #2. They are currently feeding on a rotting goat that Grimack left for them, but they
are always hungry for fresh flesh and will attack the Players if they pass.
A lower
DC Perception
will detect the stink of the goat here.
DC 17 Perception/Investigation
roll might discover a severed finger among the
moss at the bottom of the cave. It appears to be human, the ring is a wedding ring
worth 35gp. (DM’s knowledge: it is
ring, one of
’s men who came into
the cave to hunt Grimack and the finger was lost fighting the Violet Fungi.
The Drop:
As you reach the edge of the mushroom forest, stones skitter away into a plummeting
abyss. A 90ft drop interrupted by rough stone outcroppings and islands protrude from the walls
below. The shining bones of a bleached skeleton lies sprawled on the first outcropping 30ft below
you. A backpack and scattered belongings sit beside the stark bones. The walls here glisten with
moisture, and a viscous goo drips from the rock.
The Descent:
This vertical descent allows the players to face multiple small problems at once.
The walls are slippery and using a rope here will be tricky.
DC 10 Athletics​
rolls are required
to keep hold of the rope for every 30ft of movement downward. A failed roll could result in
massive damage (1d6 for every 10ft of the fall) so players should be rewarded for using their
Ooze and a Body:
As illustrated on the map, three of the surfaces on the descent are covered
Gray Ooze p. 243 MM.
The ooze is not intelligent, but reactionary, attacking any Player
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