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The cosmology of the Norse mythology stands on nine realms:
Asgard, Alfheim, Helheim, Jotunheim, Midgard, Muspelheim,
Niflheim, Svartalfheim, and Vanaheim. These realms reside on
Yggdrasil, the tree of life.
Asgard is the home of the gods. Odin and most of his pan-
theon reside here. The famous hall of Valhalla is in Asgard,
greeting warriors of worth to the endless feast. Alfheim is
the realm of light elves. They are beautiful creatures ruled by
goddess Freyja. Although Freyja is very influential in Svilland,
there is no passage to Alfheim from this land.
Helheim is the realm of the dishonorable dead. Those who
are not worthy of Valhalla come here when they die. Helheim
is ruled by Hel. Jotunheim is the realm of giants, frost and
mountain jotnar came from here.
Midgard is the realm of mere mortals. It is surrounded
and protected by Jormungandr, the serpent of time. Svilland
resides in Midgard. Muspelheim is the realm of fire. Fire giants
and the Ragnarok-bringing Surtr inhabit and are sealed here.
Niflheim is the realm of cold and mist.
Svartalfheim is the realm of the dvergar. Dvergar that came
to Svilland try to find their way back to this realm. Vanaheim
is the realm of Vanir. The conquered Vanir of Svilland were
actually the first to settle to this very land.
There are many gods and goddesses in the Norse mytholo-
gy. Yet, as Svilland is a place that is relatively new-settled by
the children of Odin the Allfather, neither all the deities nor
all the realms are known to them. There are 9 major deities
in the pantheon. They have gathered up many believers and
influence the realm dearly.
Additionally, there are 4 smaller deities: Heimdall, Ran,
Skadi, and Ullr. They have not gathered many followers yet
and thus have not established themselves or distinct domains
of divine power in Svilland.
Odin the Allfather is the god of gods. He rules over Asgard.
Aegir is the giant-god of the seas. Balder is the god of poetry
and beauty. Fenrir is the son of Loki. He is the giant wolf god
of blood and savagery, waiting to be released in Ragnarok, and
murder Odin. Freyja is the wife of Odin. She is the goddess of
nature and fertility. Hel is the daughter of Loki. She is the god-
dess of death and the dead. Loki is the blood brother of Odin.
He is the god of trickery. Thor is the son of Odin. He is the god
of thunder and enemy of the frost jotnar. Tyr is the god of
justice and war.
villand is a land of last resort. People have escaped here from the deadly Black Winter of the north. Their
escape from frost jotnar conquerors resulted in their bloody conquest over the Vanir and kuning. Through
the ages, they may have founded civilizations, kingdoms. Yet, Svilland will always remain as a land of people
that are at the edge of massacre by a new forthcoming horde. The cycle keeps repeating itself as the new replacing
the old, and those who settle are never relieved from their survival instinct.
Unlike many other Dungeons and Dragons games, Svilland Campaign Setting has an atmosphere that is ruthless,
grim, and dark. Heroes here become so with bloody challenges of the mortal and the divine alike. The pantheon
of Odin the Allfather does not provide protection and power out of lightly love of some D&D gods. The gods and
goddesses of Svillanders desire bloody sacrifices and weave vicious tests over mortals to see their worth. Divinity is
not inherent, it is earned, often through deadly means.
The cultures of Svilland reflect this cosmology as well. Kings and queens need to be tough and worthy of war as
much as they need to be respected by their kin. As kingdoms are not fully established and rather are gatherings of
warlords, political struggle and raids on villages are a common part of Svillanders’ way of life.
Consequently, adventurers in Svilland are not well-greeted everywhere. Because of the mistrust between dif-
ferent races, or even clans, commoners in a town don’t often greet strangers with a warm welcome. Still, bardship
and storytelling are common arts of the land. As an adventurer, your accomplishments may quickly find their way
to the tongues of people. Reputation is hard to earn, but it is well-respected once it is earned.
As many places are in constant threat by hostile clans, jarls, or monsters in the wilderness, there is always a
fight that you can prove yourself worthy to Valhalla. On the other hand, you should not lose your vigilance when
you are travelling. You should keep an eye on the horizon and set up patrols among your party. Those who are
arrogant enough to underestimate their opponent or hunt may become the hunted quite fast.
South Sea
Ekin Topanoğlu, Alican Develioğlu, İzel İrem Aydın, Umut Çomak, Barkın Tokalak, and
Bartu Ağca, Eyüp Emre Erdem
Aysegül Gürzumar
Özge Güngör, Muhammet Feyyaz, Muhammet Feyyaz, Ahmet Can Kahraman, Ömer
Tunç, Umut Çomak and Tithi Luadthong
Umut Çomak
Ayout AnD
Umut Çomak, Eyüp Emre Erdem, Dilan Çomak
Svilland Campaign Setting is published by Dream Realm Storytellers, under the Open Game License version 1.0a Copyright 2000 Wizards
of the Coast, Inc. Dream Realm Storytellers logo, Svilland Campaign Setting and 5e logos are trademarks of Dream Realm Storytellers. All characters
and the distinctive likenesses thereof are property of Dream Realm Storytellers.
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, and are not Open
Content: All trademarks, proper names, dialogues, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artworks, and trade dress.
© 2020 Dream Realm Storytellers.
Table of Contents
in the south sea
Race of South Sea.............................................8
Cults of South Sea...........................................10
The South Sea.................................................13
Howling Land......................................................14
Raus Square.........................................................22
The Glory.........................................................48
The Land.........................................................50
The Sea............................................................52
The Battle........................................................53
Crew and Ships................................................55
Crew Members....................................................55
Example Ships.....................................................60
Spells and
Magıc Items
Magic Items.....................................................73
New Character Options
Deep Water Domain........................................34
Background: Child Who Survived..................35
Monsters, Friends
and foes
Friends and Foes.............................................95
Na al w
The Crew.........................................................37 Sea Encounters..............................................104
The Longship...................................................41
Ship Level and Archetypes.............................45
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