Warlock Patron - Lord of Agony 5e.docx

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Warlock Patron - Lord of Agony


By Neal Powell

That's totally my name, and I'm loving the comments. Thought I had it said to let me know about them, but I didn't. I will start replying soon.

& J.M. Perkins


[H1] Otherworldly Patron

Warlocks in Salt In Wounds have the following Otherworldly Patron option, in addition to those in the Player’s Handbook.

[H2] Lord of Agony

Your patron exists because of, and for, pain and suffering at their most extreme. This is what brought them into being, and this is what continues to feed them. They count very few in their service, and it is only those that have shownshone

"shown" is more likely here

their worth that the patron will choose.

The true machinations of your patron are unknown to you other than knowing that they are fed and delighted by the agony you suffer and cause. You were selected to carry the burden of suffering beyond that of most mortal’s


understanding so that your patron may be strengthened and attain the height of power they deserve and desire.

As an option to add more flavor to your character, you can roll on the table below or choose an attributes

Unless the intention is to have multiple attributes

tied to warlocks of the Lord of Agony.

[H4] Lord of Agony Attributes




You can hear screams of pain throughout your waking hours that , which no one else hears.


Your scars are too numerous to count -, or hide.


You dream onlyonly dream of past instances where you suffered great harm.


Sometimes those around you can feel old wounds as if they were new again.


You sometimes awake to find new wounds that have already healed.


You often enquire too deeply about the suffering of others.


[H3] Expanded Spell List

The Lord of Agony lets you choose from and expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

[H4] Lord of Agony Expanded Spells

Spell Level



ray of sickness, shield

This doesn't seem to fit. I'd go with Inflict Wounds. That seems like the obvious choice for this Patron imo.

Odd choice, perhaps Bane would be more fitting.

I think the idea is to let them tank more damage, but honestly the most flavor-appropriate spells for that are already on the Warlock spell/evocation list.


blindness/deafness, flaming sphere

Suggested replacement: Detect Thoughts


bestow curse, spirit guardians

I understand that this Patron is attempting to achieve apotheosis, so this spell makes sense in that regards, but if you do swap it out then Feign Death, Conjure Barrage (inflict many wounds by summoning countless daggers/whatever) or Life Transference (your suffering becomes succor for your ally), but ultimately it isn't a bad choice really.

Suggested replacement: Feign Death or Speak With Dead

I think of those two suggestions Feign Death works better than Speak with Dead as your faking injuries instead of speaking with spirits.

I thought it was odd that it's on the Undying Warlock's list, since there's also a Patron-free Invocation. Feign death is too situational to really be a draw to the archetype, but it would be fine if there are other appealing Patron Spells. I like the suggestion of detect thoughts for 2nd.

Hmm Phantasmal Force could also be considered since that spell can actually inflict psychic damage as part of it's illusion.


black tentacles

Is there a reason this isn't Evard's Black Tentacles? Or is it a different spell?

The proper noun of spells isn't actually part of the OGL, but the actual spells themselves are: https://open5e.com/Spellcasting/spells_a-z/b/black-tentacles.html

Ah since I have the books I never actually bothered to check what differences are in the OGL as I can often find it just as fast through the book.


I don't really see the reason for this spell being here. It doesn't seem to fit? I'd go with Death Ward, Phantasmal Killer, or Elemental Bane

fire shield

Suggested replacement: Phantasmal Killer

I agree that Phantasmal Killer would be a good fit for this Patron

Agree strongly.



contagion, cone of cold

Suggested Replacement: Cloudkill



[H4] Similar Wounds

I REALLY like this idea, but have some opinions about the implementation.


1) I personally think it should be up to the player how they use this information about the painful memory, instead of just an automatic bonus. Gives the player a better opportunity to be a manipulative bastard.


2) The price of failure here feels harsh, and I forsee it making players less willing to use this ability.


3) With #1 in mind, this should probably be usable outside of the listed checks, with a passed save preventing you from using it on them for the next day or something.


4) You might want to phrase it as "one of their most painful memories" to give the GM a bit more leeway in case knowing it would wreck the story.

Starting at 1st level, your patron reveals to you the pain of others. Before making a Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion check

Perhaps generalize this to any Charisma check?

I agree that generalizing it might be best since the only opposed Charisma checks are dealing with Deception, Intimidation or Persuasion. And Performance checks aren't opposed so I don't think this could be applied anyways. This would keep the word count lower so it takes up less space.

Can easily word it to being 'Before making an opposed Charisma check...'' to try and keep it from applying to unopposed charisma checks it wouldn't make sense with.

Sentient weapons make opposed Charisma checks when they don't like the way you treat them. PHB-verbiage is "Charisma (Deception)" &c. but I think this is fine.

I think that it would technically be "Charisma ability check".

A performance check wouldn't make sense for this. However this has the ability to be abused if it isn't limited to once per long rest like the fey presence feature is. Without that limit every warlock is going to use this ability on everyone.

you may cause one creature you can see within 60 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. If the creature fails then you gain access to you know of their most painful memory, and you have advantage on the check against that creature, who is forced to relive the memory, weakening their resolve and their ability to commit their full attention to the current situation. If the creature succeeds, they are aware of your intrusion and you have disadvantage on the check against the creature.

Maybe include something akin to the phrasing in 'Friends' and/or 'Detect Thoughts' to expand on this and its potential repercussions.

[H4] Suffering In Death

Starting at 6th level, your patron will help keep you standing even through agonizing wounds. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, and not killed outright, you can choose to spend an unused Hit Die

This part is odd, perhaps it can become spend a Hit Die and heal that much.

I agree for an ability that can only be used once per long rest, regaining just 1 hit point instead of an expected 1d8+con mod feels a bit strange. Even if it is a non-action reaction style effect.

It makes sense to me as the tradeoff of being able to spend that hit die in combat rather than over the course of a quiet hour.


However, I wouldn't mind if hostile creatures had to save against fear or something when it happened, especially since it's once per long rest.

That would be interesting someone seeing your self-revival feeling a wave of fear and pain to be frightened... toss in something like that and the come back with 1hp makes a bit more sense as the 'rest of the hp' are spent on the 'effect'.

Or perhaps you could steal health or a hit die from a comrade to prevent death? It would go with the theme of suffering....

Since it's the patron keeping you standing rather than your own fortitude, maybe you could be reduced 1 hp and gain temporary HP equal to your spellcasting (Cha) modifier (minimum 0) for one hour instead... though maybe that just overcomplicates things

, and are reduced to 1 hit point instead.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

[H4] Conduit of Pain

Starting at 10th level, when you or an ally within 30 feet are damaged by another creature you can use your reaction to redirect a portion of the damage back at the creature. You reduce the damage caused by half, and the attacking creature must make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save you are able to redirect half of the damage back to the creature. On a successful save, you redirect the damage but also suffer an equal amount of damage.

This is wonderfully themed mechanics.

Thanks! I really liked making this one.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

[H4] Augmented Anguish

Starting at 14th level, you gain the ability to force your suffering into the mind of others. You may select a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier to implant with the gruesome details of your worst agony. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 7d10 psychic damage and becomes frightened for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. On a successful save, the target is not frightened and takes half as much damage.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.


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