Jackie Chan Corerules.pdf

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Inspired by (mostly) the first two seasons of the animated series, this family-friendly
game uses the Wushu role-playing engine to help you recreate the stories with your group.
The original animated series was created by John Rogers
and developed by Jackie Chan. No rights reserved.
Who am I?
I’m a dedicated family guy who
tries to do the right thing and teach others the
do the same in life. Life is too precious.
Professionally as an experienced archaeol-
ogist, I travel around the world to explore
lost places and retrieve rare artifacts for
museums. I always have my toolkit with
tiny brushes and notepad for sketches.
From time to time I also work as a Research-
er for Section 13, which is a secret spy organiza-
tion run by my good friend, Captain Augustus
Black. Section 13 has both complicated my
family’s life as well as helped us out when the
Bad Guys came for us and destroyed our home.
Additionally, I help run Uncle’s New
Antique Shop in San Francisco, CA, when
he’s away. It’s also where the Chan family
lives and Uncle makes sure that everyone
who lives there also can make a sale to any
potential customers who visit. The Shop
is where we do research on artifacts and
enchantments that Section 13 can’t handle.
I’ve learned so much from Uncle and he is
always there for our family.
I also help raise my niece from Hong Kong,
Jade, who’s been living with us for the past few
years. Ever since Jade joined us, life has never
been the same and I am constantly amazed
with what she has to um “teach” me.
Sometimes I work out with Tohru when he
needs rest from his Magic studies as I know a
little Kung Fu — it seems to be making him
feel more at home and part of our family.
K, 5:
I Know Kun
g Fu
P, 4:
O, 3:
Family Guy
W, 1:
Nice Guy [R
Stunt (spend a
Perform a
action scene invo
lving unusual
items, such as m
ops, bicycles,
toys, and even w
shield wipers.
Who am I?
I am Uncle. I run Uncle’s New
Rare Finds (antiques shop) in Chinatown, San
Francisco — best deals in town!
I am also a master Chi wizard trained by
Chi Master Fong, but this is another story. I
am training Tohru to take over for me — I
have always wanted to travel the world with-
out needing to battle ancient demon sorcer-
ers. I am very proud of Tohru — but don’t you
say a word about that to him — he’s too good
of a deal to pass up.
I have a nephew, Jackie, who works hard in
his career and for Captain Black with Section
13 — they have a spacious lavatory that can
substitute the space I need for a Chi wizard’s
laboratory. Jackie needs to remember to be a
better salesman around the Shop. I trained
Jackie myself in the ancient Chinese Art
of Kung Fu — your whole body becomes
a deadly secret weapon. Oh yes, one more
thing about Jackie, he needs a good wife!
Do you know one?
I am also pleased to help raise Jackie’s
niece, Jade, when she stays with us. She has
such potential and unlike Captain Black, she
believes in Magic and hopefully will contin-
ue to learn to respect the Old Ways and her
Elders, Hot-cha!
If only I can convince Captain Black to
open a full-time department in Section 13
for doing research on Magic. It would help
Uncle’s old bones to not have to travel back to
the Shop.
K, 3:
Want a Pie
ce of Uncle?
P, 4:
Antiques D
O, 4:
Magic Must
Defeat Magic
O, 3:
One More
Thing! [REFRES
W, 1:
A Good De
Stunt (spend a C
To use the co
er spell on oppon
ents who are
Magical, “Yu Mo
Gwaai Fai Di Zao
Who am I?
I’m Jackie’s 16 year-old niece
from Hong Kong. I’m adventurous, strong-
willed, curious, and most certainly vigilant.
I find ways to get into the action, always
exploiting loopholes in what people tell me
to do with my cunning intellect, and I love to
help others whenever the opportunity arises.
I’m a junior in High School and can’t wait
to graduate and take what I’ve learned from
my secret adventures with Uncle Jackie and
apply it to the real world. I can’t wait to make
the world a better place.
In fact, I’ve been learning all sorts of things
from hanging out in Section 13 — like all
their way cool gadgets from the R&D divi-
sion, and from all those long, um, talks with
Captain Black.
When I’m not busy with that, I real-
ly like to hang out with my best friend,
Big-T (Tohru), though Uncle keeps him so
busy training all the time. Me and Big-T
share chores, play games, and talk during
missions, training sessions, and when Uncle’s
Sometimes I steal Uncle away to hear about
his stories when he was growing up in China
and his move to the States. Uncle was sooo
Jackie back in the day. He has the best tea and
jokes when he’s not Mr. Grumpy Pants.
And of course there’s Uncle Jackie — I’ve
learned so much from him, from kicking butt
to being a responsible individual in or out of
trouble. No one’s as cool as Uncle Jackie.
K, 3:
I Learned fr
om the Best
P, 3:
High Scho
ol Student
O, 3:
O, 5:
Cunning [R
W, 1:
Tr ying to H
Stunt (spend a
To show up
where another P
C is, with a
simple explanati
on, like
taking the stairs.
Who am I?
I’m originally from Japan,
though I’ve been in the States for a while. I am
a large man of girth, but too small for Sumo
and I HATE fish!
I used to work for Valmont as the lead
enforcer of the Dark Hand, a gang of inter-
national criminals. For a while, Valmont was
working with a demon sorcerer named Shen-
du. However, that did not turn out well.
As a result, I found my fortune changed
and have been adopted into the Chan family.
Uncle has made me his apprentice to pass on
his Chi wizard training, and also to tend to
the shop so that he can go on vacation. Uncle
is a harsh task master, but at least he does not
order me to single-handedly face off against
a demon sorcerer.
I’ve been blessed to have developed a
strong relationship with Jade Chan and we
spend hours talking between chores, train-
ing and missions. She’s the sister I never
knew I wanted.
Her Uncle, Jackie, is doing his best to ac-
cept me into the family and has been tutoring
me with Kung Fu, but it’s difficult to change
your habits.
The most interesting change has been
working with Captain Black of Section 13. He
once hunted me and the rest of the Dark Hand
and now I am working as a consultant for him
on “unusual missions.” Life is full of surprises,
especially with the Chan family.
K, 4:
Old Schoo
l Thuggery
P, 4:
O, 4:
W, 1:
Stunt (spend a
To utilize yo
massive size an
d/or impressive
strength during
a scene.
. B
Who am I?
I am the leader of a covert spy
organization called Section 13. We defend the
world from threats mundane and paranormal.
It’s up to me to recruit and train individ-
uals for each crisis. From time to time I call
on my friend, Jackie, to help with some of
the more unusual matters and in return I’ve
shared many of Section 13’s resources with
him and his family — including letting them
live with us until their home could be rebuilt.
While I can’t really claim to understand
everything we encounter or trust in the
superstitious mumbo jumbo that people like
Jackie’s Uncle spout off, I have learned to
trust his experience on missions, mostly.
Jackie has always been a reliable consul-
tant and more importantly, a loyal friend.
And if his niece, Jade, continues with
her progress, I may even recruit her to join
Section 13 as an official agent.
The only sore spot in the lot has been
Tohru, who I used to hunt as an interna-
tional criminal member of the Dark Hand
for a few years. I think that we’re working on
revising our relationship with each encounter.
Given all of my experience around the
world I have my days full of looking at the
larger picture with intel pouring in from
contacts and Section 13’s Tech Net.
The job can get crazy, but I know a few
shortcuts to make it through troubles. Having
access to the latest resources doesn’t hurt
Stunt (spend a
To have a
resource either
on hand or to re
sition one from
Section 13.
K, 4:
Trained Aro
und the World
P, 5:
Leader of S
ection 13
O, 3:
Knows Sho
rtcuts [REFRESH
W, 1:
Don’t Trust
Inspired by (mostly) the first two seasons of
the animated series, this family-friendly game
uses the Wushu role-playing engine to help
you recreate the stories with your group.
Running the Adventures
1. Player describes the action.
2. If required, dice are rolled equal to the
number of descriptions thrown listed
(max. 5). Roll equal to or less than the
Trait rank used.
3. Note:
Spending Chi Points may be
required for some effects.
4. GM describes the outcome. Repeat...
Name of Adventure?:
Who’s in the middle of what?:
• Who wants what?
• Complications?
• Obligations/drama?
PCs linked?:
NPCs linked?:
• K:
“Kombat” (cinematic and “krazy,”
Kung Fu style)
• P:
Profession (spy, archaeologist, student)
• O:
Other (Traits that are not defined else-
where — usually one is a REFRESH Trait)
• W:
Weakness (something a character can-
not easily resist and adds drama/trouble)
Divide the number of dice in your pool
Yin (defense)
Yang (offense).
CHI POINTS - Health/Stunts
Spend on:
Health, Stunts, and narration.
Earn by:
Being cool, tagging REFRESH Traits.
1. Start in the middle of a scene where some-
one discovers something they shouldn’t,
or is in over their head. Maybe they stole
or found a cursed artifact? Maybe some-
one else is competing for the same thing?
Maybe someone else has sent goons — or
better yet — Shadowkhan to fetch it from
you after the Player Characters did the hard
work of getting past all of those traps?
2. If you think the PCs are winning too easily,
kick it up a level — just make sure to re-
ward them heavily for enduring those Bad
Day Bad Days on them. They are the Good
Guys after all.
3. Throw in mystical artifacts or Magic, mix
it up with criminal shenanigans and make
sure it threatens one or more of the Chans.
4. Don’t forget Section 13 and real world drama.
Who are they?
Tribes of spiritual warriors
who are bound in service to whoever possess-
es the Tarakudo Mask that controls them.
Summoned from the darkness within,
Shadowkhan travel from their realm to
emerge from shadows in our world.
They usually appear as black-clothed ninjas
with red eyes and gray-blue skin who never
speak even when “knocked out” — disappear-
ing into a splatter of shadow.
They often use a variety of weapons and
tools to carry out their mission, including
throwing stars, bolos, and smoke bombs. They
also have gliding cloaks in their outfits and
can scale walls and other surfaces with ease.
The Shadowkhan are said to be kindred
souls who lost themselves to dishonor, were
traitors to loved ones, or were corrupted
through the Dark Arts.
It is through the dark urges within a per-
son that the full power of the Shadowkhan
can be exploited to harm and to steal from
Common Shadowkhan Items
• Throwing stars
• Bolo ties
• Smoke bombs
• Gliding-cloaks
• Nets and ropes
• And others created during play
Mooks vs. Solo:
Normally, treat Shad-
owkhan as Mooks — when solo use below...
Stunt (spend a
To have an
d use a
special spiritual
Ninja item as pa
of an action (Yin
or Yang)
during a scene.
K, 4:
Spiritual N
inja Warriors
P, 3:
Servants to
a Higher Power
O, 5:
We Come in
W, 1:
Mask Command
The Shadowkhan
About the Mask
1. To serve the Mask wielder.
2. To become more empowered by a wielder.
3. To bring Tarakudo into this world.
4. To bathe the Earth in Darkness.
Mask Wielder
K, 5:
Demon Mayhem
P , 3:
Demon Vessel
O, 4:
Dark Arts [REFRESH]
W, 1:
Banishment by Magic [REFRESH]
Good for the Shadowkhan:
To have Tara-
kudo brought into this world through the
power of the Mask.
Bad for the Shadowkhan:
To have the Mask
banished from this world.
For generations, the demon sorcerer,
Shendu had direct access to control the Shad-
owkhan through his connection with their
source in the beyond. However, since Shendu’s
defeat the Mask has changed hands, falling
into the wrong hands.
However, now that the Tarakudo Mask
is in this world one must wear it in order to
give orders to the Shadowkhan. Once the
orders have been given, the user may take off
the mask, if they are able. Losing oneself to
the power of the Mask is always a threat. The
Mask will try to inhabit the wearer and bring
forth the demon Tarakudo into our world.
These spiritual warriors can be
cultivated by a wielder into Tribes, each with
specialized appearances and abilities. How-
ever, this is rare and dangerous for the Mask
wielder to do as the power of the demon con-
nected to the Mask will grow faster — perhaps
even summoning Tarakudo into the wielder.
Where is the Mask/wielder?:
Effects on the Mask wearer?:
• What are the Shadowkhan doing?
• Complications?
• Obligations/drama?
PCs linked?:
NPCs linked?:
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