City of Mist - District - Tourist Trap.pdf

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This PDF describes a new district in the City set-
ting for the
City of Mist RPG:
the tacky and color-
Tourist Trap.
Here are some examples of how
to use the included locations, NPCs, and Dangers:
“We all need to get away some-
times, our jobs, our families, our
friends. Here is where we get away
Out-of-towners, sure, but also
people who live in the City. It’s a
vacation, a distraction. You can
wine, dine, dance, smoke some-
thing, pop a pill, have an affair,
and be someone you’re not. You
can get away from the coworkers,
friends, and family that drive you
insane with the mundane. People
come to this part of town when
they feel alone and want to feel
something else – love, power,
relaxation – even if it’s manufac-
tured. They’re hungry… but I’m
hungrier. ”
Carlos Despina
• The perfect setting for cases involving vic-
tims of a wild night gone wrong.
ners and locals alike who come here to drown
their sorrows, end up as prey for the many
predators of the Tourist Trap. Whether their
loved ones come looking for them or the crew
takes on cleaning up this seedy den of inequity,
opportunities abound for noir investigations
beneath the light of the Ferris wheel.
• A place for PCs to lose themselves and for-
get their troubles, setting the stage for some
interesting role-playing moments.
When a
player character wishes to go on a self-destruc-
tive binge, the Tourist Trap welcomes her with
open arms… although by morning, she’ll have
more troubles than she started with.
• A colorful backdrop for shady acquisitions
of unique items.
As an entry point into the
City and a mercantile center, the Tourist Trap
features high on the City’s hot locations for
smuggling contraband. If the PCs are after a
special artifact or commodity, word on the
street is they can get it here.
• Enhancing themes of superficiality.
The Tou-
rist Trap is made of cheap plastic and bright co-
lors, and behind them... nothing. Noir wouldn’t
be what it is without the lead characters going
on anti-social rants about the corruption of
modern-day culture, and this place can provide
them with all the ammunition they need.
Distributed by
Written by James Introcaso
Editing: Eran Aviram
Game Production: Omer Shapira
Proofreading: Marshall Oppel
Art: Marlon Ruiz, Harvey Bunda (Gunship Revolution)
Graphic Design: Manuel Serra Saez
City of Mist created by Amit Moshe
© 2019 Son of Oak Game Studio / Amít Moshe
If you’re looking for a crowd, the
Tourist Trap can provide, day or
night. When the sun is up, fam-
ilies spend money in the giant
stores, themed restaurants, ho-
tels, and many attractions the dis-
trict has to offer. After the little
ones are nestled in their rented
beds, the adults come out to play,
dancing, drinking, flirting, and
getting high in well-equipped,
artificially-authentic, and border-
ing-on-hygienic establishments
of debauchery.
In the Tourist Trap, everything – legal or otherwise
– is tacky, flashy, and overpriced. The Tourist Trap
is filled with folks from out of town, its main streets
packed with people speaking in countless languages
while taking the same selfies. During holidays, plenty
of the City’s own citizens come to the district as well,
seeking a fatty meal, good time, or chance to forget
about their problems for a while.
Those who see beyond the colorful candy shell of the
Tourist Trap know it is a place of excess. People come
here to lose themselves in a good time, willingly mak-
ing themselves easier to manipulate. All one needs
to do is promise a shiny distraction with a product or
service and most of the poor souls who frequent this
district would fork over their grandmothers. Those
who have no problem cheating others can make a nice
living off the visitors, who simply want to be fooled.
There’s an even darker side to the Tourist Trap, one
rarely seen by most. Some of the stores are shipping
in more than what’s advertised in their catalogues.
Most of the underpaid managers and shop workers
have no problem making a little extra scratch to un-
load a few unlisted boxes with mysterious contents.
There is a market for high-grade, expensive drugs,
fake IDs, and even weapons that come through the
Tourist Trap, but there are also those who use this
channel to smuggle in other illegal oddities, like exot-
ic pets, embargoed foods, and mystic artifacts.
Paradoxically, the Rifts in the Tourist Trap tend to
stay covert by being outlandish and loud – in this dis-
trict, being loud is what the natives do. The Rifts here
operate in a neighborhood of ever-rotating strangers,
their schemes rarely noticed provided they don’t
leave an obvious trail of trouble or bodies. Powerful
Mythoi plan to unfold their stories in the private
areas of the most exclusive places in the Tourist Trap,
by the cover of a tourist attraction or in the inner
workings of a huge hotel or resort. These forces play
out their tales with victims no one is going to miss, at
least until it’s too late and the trail back to the perpe-
trating Rift has gone cold.
The Tourist Trap is a chance for Rifts to access the
endless resources of the world beyond the City, even
if they don’t really care about that world. Some things
are just not accessible inside the City, so Rifts use
this district to have them imported. While Rifts never
seem to leave the City, they can convince visitors to
aid them in fulfilling their narratives by smuggling in
exotic goods or inviting a renowned assassin from out
of town to take out opposition.
The Mist in the Tourist Trap is layered in an unusual
pattern. Its heavy first layer is distracting and tanta-
lizing, difficult for Mythoi to break through, but once
breached, this hard shell provides a better cover for a
Rift’s nefarious schemes than it does in many other
districts. Rifts who visit here have to be watchful; if
their attention gets caught in the tacky distractions
around, they may find themselves as sweet a prey to
local Rifts as any Sleeper. But dogged and persistent
Rifts may find the Tourist Trap a wonderful place to
play in. Once you’re savvy to the backstage action and
hidden passages of the Tourist Trap, it seems to be
helping you avoid detection. Congratulations, you’re
a part of the show now!
dominates the Tour-
ist Trap like a castle overlooking a kingdom. Several
smaller stores, branches of the flagship, are spread
throughout more distant corners of the district. The
main building occupies an entire block, its many
stories extending into the sky and below the ground.
During the days, the store’s display of cases, shelves,
and mannequins show off over-priced designer and
knock off clothing, jewelry, perfumes, toys, house-
wares, decorations, and just about any other gift one
can imagine. Many of these items are scrawled with a
logo or saying about the City. From the time the store
opens until closing, its aisles and escalators are packed
with a crowd that becomes bigger and more irritable as
gift-giving holidays approach. Smiling retail workers
are always around to help these disgruntled clients.
In the evening and behind the scenes where pa-
trons can’t go, the store’s staff, who suffer under an
elitist management while working underpaying jobs,
supplement their income with criminal activity. Most
don’t get in too deep: They’ll share private informa-
tion or look the other way for a one-time grease of
the palms. A few, however, are willing to immerse
themselves in less scrupulous enterprises – storing
contraband in stock rooms, stealing from the store,
and participating in shady meetings behind closed
breakroom doors.
is one such department store, owned and
run by Felicity Crawford (Enjolras of
Les Misérables),
multi-millionaire who hates the City’s mayor. Though
she underpays her employees, Felicity believes such
economic problems are to blame on the City’s high
cost of living and taxes. At night, she calls meetings
in the offices of her department store with other
unhappy power players where they plan to organize
the City’s poor into a violent revolt to overthrow the
government. Underpaid staff are not her only al-
lies – Felicity has found a way to imbue Revolution's
manikins with the spirit of revolt. She only needs one
more Relic imported from abroad before she throws
the City into chaos and turmoil, which is why the
Gatekeepers are hot on her tail.
but no one is aware that Matilda supplements the
dishes with human flesh. The attractive woman takes
note of people who dine at a lonely table for one,
invites them over to her place for a desert, feeds them
drugged pastries, and butchers them. She brings their
meat to work and mixes the human pieces with beef
to make a savory dish to die for.
is a street blocked
off from vehicle traffic and lined with tented stalls
selling locally produced goods, street food, and
tourist gifts like T-shirts, keychains, coffee mugs, and
other trinkets. This market is typically found on a
street lined with local “authentic” stores that shop-
pers would find interesting, so the stalled vendors
and store owners both turn a profit. People visiting
the Tourist Trap looking for information, weapons,
contraband, or prostitution would do well to start
in this place. Most of the vendors are willing to talk
if you buy something at a stall, and even if a vendor
can’t get a person what she wants, that seller knows
another who can.
Powerful Rifts with City-wide influence often have
one or more vendors on the payroll (or blackmailed)
in order to keep eyes and ears in a public place. It’s
a good way to keep tabs on individuals of interest
coming and going from the City.
Veronica Covel
the Greek messenger goddess) is one such informant.
She owns a stall that sells stained glass skylines of the
City and gossips with other vendors and customers.
Sometimes, when an important piece of information
comes her way, she might offer it to the people who
are affected by it most… for a hefty price.
is tacky, expensive,
and filling. These places decorate in gaudy themes
like beach party, pirate ship, horror movie, or murder
mystery dinner. Everything from the decor to the
names of the dishes on the menu matches the estab-
lishment’s theme. Since everyone who eats here has
money to spend, the waiting staff is extra attentive,
hoping to get nice tips from the wealthy tourists and
locals that come to dine on steak, seafood, or pasta
and drink wine by the bottle.
spiced Meat
is a restaurant themed like an old time
English pub (complete with British flags plastered
everywhere, and the colors of British soccer clubs)
with a kitchen run by Chef Matilda Renoix (Sweeney
Todd). The place is known for its amazing meat pies,
sails on a bay, lake, river, or
other body of water around or near the City. This ferry
brings in folks from out of town, but it also runs tours
along the shores, offering a different way to explore
the City. Tourist ferries feature enthusiastic captain
guides who point out the sights over a loudspeaker as
well as a cash bar with alcohol, soda, and candy.
is run by captain Barry Tunlow
(Sleeper). During the day, Barry gives tours offering
exciting tidbits and personal anecdotes from his time
in the City. He sizes up his clientele and offers private
boating services to those rich and less scrupulous
customers looking to impress, meet in private, or get
up to something that can only be done on the water.
Barry charges a lot, but also keeps his mouth shut and
asks no questions. As a Sleeper, if he witnesses any
Rift activity he soon forgets or rationalises it, which
makes Barry the perfect pilot for Rifts involved in
marine shenanigans.
Sooner or later, something horrible is going to happen
on board the Daytripper. When it does, those caught
inside may very well come to a watery doom. You can
use this Danger profile for any large sinking vessel.
cocktails to couples sitting on lazy chairs and pil-
lows, listening to a percussion band playing covers of
well-known hits. The dance floors are a great place to
find love (at least for the night), the bartenders have
a heavy pour, and there are plenty of private rooms or
dark corners for intimate meetings and illicit activ-
ities. People wait outside the district’s hottest clubs
for hours to get a taste of the alcohol- and drug-fu-
eled atmosphere inside.
Any of the nightclubs in the Tourist Trap are perfect
places for Rifts to meet and make plans with each
other and the Sleeper movers and shakers in the City.
When a popular artist plays one of these places, the
club’s private rooms hold the City’s most powerful
making deals.
Rocky shore
is one of the most popular nightclubs
in the City and has a reputation as a place where it is
easy to find love. The beach-themed establishment is
owned by Danny Olecette (Siren, greek mythology),
an incredible singer who takes the stage between the
hired entertainment’s sets to perform a song or two.
His enchanting voice is one of the clubs main attrac-
tions. Danny hires Rifts of creatures of the night to
work at the Rocky Shore because he knows they will
prey on his clientele. It brings him pleasure to know
his voice might lead his audience to their deaths.
• s.o.s:
When the Ferry enters the scene, if it’s
already sinking, give it
sinking-1, flooded-2,
depending on the situation.
• This ship is Going Down:
When the Ferry starts
sinking or enters the scene, create any number of
new Dangers:
• Major/Minor Hull Breach:
on the Ferry
• Pumps offline:
on the Ferry.
Once fixed, gain ongoing tag
pumps operational.
• Helpless City Resident
(MC Toolkit, p.142)
• Don’t Let Go:
Lopsided floors and gushing sea
water impede movement in and on the ferry. Mov-
ing by ordinary means requires
Taking the Risk,
with the Ferry’s
status acting as an
impeding status, except in fully submerged areas.
• Deathtrap:
As a soft move, all characters in a
submerged area take
• Abandon ship!:
break apart
max out, the ship sinks below the surface.
applies to everyone still on the Ferry.
• A room or section in the Ferry is fully submerged
Things, Bigtime).
• Unsecure objects drop and doors shut to entangle
someone (restrained-2).
• People run for their lives, screaming in panic, then
washed away by a surge.
• A room rapidly fills up with water.
is a loud, glitzy place where fami-
lies play games, win prizes, and consume junk food.
Basketball, air hockey, laser tag, ski ball, crane games,
video games, mini golf courses, and more spit out
tickets that patrons redeem for worthless plastic toys,
oversized stuffed animals, and colorfully packaged
candy. The food is always fried, with sugary soda for
the kids and pitchers of beer for the parents. At night,
the place closes up, but most arcade owners are fine
with allowing less savory entrants provided they pay
a fee and don’t trash the place.
is a three-story arcade with an 80’s heavy
metal theme. The walls are black, the video games
are retro, and the staff walks around in T-shirts with
the sleeves cut off, long-haired wigs, and plenty of
eye shadow. The real games go down at night. The ar-
cade’s manager Tidus Grave (the Grim Reaper) is the
owner’s son. While his father is busy opening a new
arcade in another town, sociopath Tidus runs a dif-
ferent kind of competition. Anyone who knows about
the after hours fun can challenge Tidus to any game
in the arcade. Those who win get a big payout. Those
who lose Tidus murders. The stakes of the game are
is the epicenter of the Tourist
Trap’s nightlife. Some of these clubs are shining mul-
tistoried extravaganzas, with enormous dance floors
and the best the City has to offer in live music and
DJs that bring in crowds ready to cut loose. Others are
open-air tavernas along the beach, serving colorful
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