CthulhuTech - Zortiander, Inc. Catalogue.pdf

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Zortiander, Inc. Catalogue
An unofficial CthulhuTech rules & gear expansion
Sebastian Tivig
Inspiration and Copyright
Work is based on the CthulhuTech role-playing
game (www.Cthulhutech.com) made by Wildfire
LLC and published by Catalyst Labs. All copyright
of the CT terms and ideas remains with them.
Images, page borders and backgrounds come from
various artists. Please see the last chapter for full
Note: this is work in progress, so copyright issues are
not handled yet. They will be fully done in the final
version only.
Copyright for the text lies with the author, but pub-
lished under creative commons licence (attribution,
share alike).
Disclaimers and Content
This document is a work of fiction. All characters
herein are fictive characters only, with no ties to
This document is an unofficial CT
expansion and is in no way en-
dorsed, affiliated to, edited or com-
mented by the CT authors.
Mature content.
Gearing up
Tired and knackered, Tech Sergeant Li took a clean
handkerchief from her breast pocket and wiped the
sweat off her face, re-adjusted her hair-net and
sighed. The 31st Mecha fighter wing were to move
out in two weeks from now, on another
forward mission, halting Migou progress
in western Russia. And she still had to get
her Saber back into action and get to
work on tweaking Walther's Blizzard - the
testing during the last two weeks had
shown some flaws in his rocket boosters.
They tended to dangle a bit during com-
bat and needed better support. And finally
she still needed to improve the back
sheath of Ivanna's Khopesh. So much
work, and so little time.
Looking at the mess of tangled wires,
broken armour plates and melted circuit
boards before her, she made a note on
her wrist computer that the left arm ac-
tuators needed replacement. Overlaying
the delay for delivery, internal stocks,
cost and projected time for replacement
on her AR goggles she sighed some more.
One week. One week where her Saber would be stuck
here with one arm inop. At least the repairs remain-
ing where fairly standard and so she sent the work
over to her group of young Techies.
Commanding the working platform to descend, she
shower room was mercifully quick and deserted, as
all other Techies were working on their own assign-
ments, giving her the opportunity to get to the shower
quietly and without having to answer tons of ques-
tions about the latest stealth paint that just arrived,
the semi-mobile sniper rifle (and its use) or the two
Mecha-sized assault rifles she had ordered.
She passed underneath the side-walk that ran
around the immense hangar, in which the
team's Mecha stood: her own Saber, Ivanna's
Khopesh, the Captain's Scimitar, André's
Rapier and Walther's Blizzard. And at the far
end, the two looming and dangerous shapes
of the team's newest additions, both slowly
and eerily moving of their own strange will.
The Engel of Jean and Virginie, an Auphan
and a Tarshish, halfway concealed by the
numerous cranes, structural re-enforcements,
spare parts reserves and service wires and
pipes that crossed in carefully arranged
patterns the entire hangar complex. As she
opened the newly painted green door she
stepped from the cacophony of a thousand
sounds reverberating through the hangar
into the nice quietness of the team's locker
and shower room.
cleaned her hands on another handkerchief (total
usage per hour: 3 and more) then threw it to the
heap of used ones on the platform. The walk to the
Throwing her clothes into the reconditioning ma-
chine, she let loose her hip-long red hair and quickly
stepped through the cool air towards the showers.
The hot stream hit her back, ran down her shoulders
and breasts, caressing her nipples and curling
around her belly, before running down her scarred
legs. She enjoyed the sensation of light pain as
vapour filled the room and the stream became hotter,
letting her body relax and her worries be swept
"Himmel und Hölle, are you trying to suffocate me?"
Her high pitched voice carrier over the splashing
even without her needing to raise it. As answer came
first a loud rumble, some primordial version of the
word "Hm". They ended in silence, got dried, dressed
and prepared to walk out. As she pushed open the
door with him following close behind, she said qui-
"Ere we go: Wanna stop by tonight?"
"Sure. Say ten?"
"Ten it is."
Looking at the work
The next two weeks passed in work: Walther drew up
plans for an adaptation of the standard Broadsword
weapons sheath and adapted it to his Blizzard, while
Li made it work. The Captain and Ivanna were
mostly out, training the French twins in her Engel
and André was giving piloting lessons at headquar-
ters. Two days before the mission, the entire unit
finally got together again in the hangar, inspecting
the refurbished and repaired Mecha and Engel.
"Done what you asked for Captain." Li was giving
the tour, "All rides have back sheath' now and we got
Walther "The Bear" moved his massive frame
through the door frame, a heap of muscles and hair,
still good in shape albeit his age of 37 years. He
smelled slightly of sweat and oil, grease spots on his
hands and scarred face, fresh burn marks on his left
shoulder. As he walked over to the shower nearest to
the window and let go all cold water, his deep,
somewhat rasping voice, carried over the water.
"How's work? Getting your girl back to business?"
He groaned loudly as the ice cold water hit his back-
his muscles tensed for a bit, jaws clenched. It always
required getting used to again.
"Hm. Your plans were good, speed up a bit. I gave it
to the girls to finish."
what we wanted as external weapon. Should com-
plement our Mecha fine."
She took out an e-paper and the list of equipment
appeared on it. As she handed it to the Captain she
continued to point out the modifications made, the
team's AR goggles outlining what she explained and
providing additional figures and data.
"Let's do the creepy part first!" They started at the
Engel, who stood
silent but not fully
immobile as other
Mecha. You could
see the heads dart
here and there, as
if trying to fix you,
shifted from one
leg to another, as
they forced them-
selves to stand
upright for main-
tenance and modi-
fication, instead of
sitting down and
they neared, the
jerked in their
direction and the body crouched lower, as if sniffing
them out, bend forward, the large claws uneasily
hitting the ground. The Tarshish's long tongue slith-
ered into their direction, leaving a trail of ... some
unidentified liquid on the floor. As Li sighed while
thinking about the time it took to keep the Engel's
lair clear, Virginie was already striking affection-
ately the hideous beast’s tongue. Jean let himself be
sniffed over by his ... pet? slave? master?
"Difficult to work with them", Li's voice carried an
edge, "they were not too cooperative when we went
to work on their armour. In any way, we didn't go
deep" she left the thoughts of everyone unspoken: no
one wanted to know what was beyond the armour
and biological containment shell below. She resumed
after the short pause "so we only installed the back
sheath halfway on top. Should do, though. Won't
hold the large sniper or assault rifles we ordered, but
the tongued thing'll" she interrupted as the tongue
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