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Mythos ABC
Text & Idea: Mads Brynnum
Production & Layout: Claus Raasted
1. edition, 1. printing, 2015
ISBN 978-87-92507-27-3
Text & Idea
Mads Brynnum
Production & Layout
Claus Raasted
Grand Master
Jes Ravn
Mathias Bottfeldt, Dracan Dembinski, Mads Hermann Johansen,
Rafał Kocój, Tom Kristensen, Paul Mudie, Sean Philips, Aske
Schmidt Rose, Sophus Vinther
Cover illustration
Paul Mudie
Thanks to...
Jesper Rugård for editorial assistance; Tine Ravn, Anja Skoglund,
and Morten Skovgaard for proofing; and of course to Bjørk for
insisting that I should write a rhyme about a shoggoth.
The horror writer H. P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) was a master of the macabre and he wrote about truly
scary things. His stories weren’t as much about vampires and ghosts as they were about unfathomable
creatures and ancient gods. In Lovecraft’s world evil isn’t out to get man – it just doesn’t care about
us. And almost all of his stories deal with meeting the unknown and what it does to our fragile mind.
Or as he himself puts it: ““The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and
strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown”
No, I can’t imagine a better world to dive into with my kids before bedtime.
Lovecraft’s universe – his cosmology – is called The Cthulhu Mythos after the best known of his
creatures: ancient Cthulhu who sleeps at the bottom of the sea. But his mythos is not all about
creepy gods like Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep or frightening monsters like shoggoths or flying polyps.
No, they are also about the cat city of Ulthar, the musician Eric Zann, and many other strange and
wonderful things.
Lovecraft was quite unknown when he lived, but luckily that has changed since. You can find
references to his works in such places as
Batman, Hellboy,
Black Album,
and the first
season of
True Detective.
A lot of writers have also added to the Cthulhu Mythos (something he
encouraged them to do), but in
Mythos ABC
I’ve tried to stick to Lovecraft’s original creations.
If you don’t know Lovecraft already, but want to read more,
The Call of Cthulhu, At The Mountains
Of Madness, The Music Of Eric Zann, The Colour Out of Space,
Shadow Over Innsmouth
are all
good places to start.
Mythos ABC
was made possible thanks to all those who supported our Indiegogo campaign and
preordered the book. And not least thanks to our fantastic illustrators who’ve been working hard to
find the right mix of scary and strange. Thanks to you all.
The English version is slightly different from the Danish original because I wanted all rhymes to be
about something beginning with the appropriate letter. Therefore you’ll find rhymes about flying
polyps, Jupiter, Outer Gods, and vooniths in this edition only.
Mads Brynnum, July 2015
Jes Ravn (Grand Master)
Jes Ravn is the Grand Master of Mythos ABC. It’s something about him having secured us funds to publish in the exchange for our souls, we think. This is him with his spawn.
The people behind the book
Mads Brynnum (Text & Idea)
Mads is among other things a comedian, a game
designer, and a professional geek. He is the father of
two, and he often reads books about monsters and
unspeakable horrors to them hoping that they’ll
grow up and become someone he can play board
games with.
Claus Raasted (Production & Layout)
Claus is a professional roleplayer, a lecturer, and
the author of 17 other books. When he’s not doing
roleplaying tourism at Polish castles, he has a
tendency to get involved in strange projects - and
this one is no exception. Claus also believes that the
world needs more monsters in general.
Mathias Bottfeldt – A, E, F, I, V, and W
Dracan Dembinski – background for S
Mads Hermann Johansen – B, C, D, H, N, and S
Rafał Kocój - Grand Master
Tom Kristensen – R, U, X, and Z
Paul Mudie – G, K, O, and the cover
Sean Philips – L
Aske Schmidt Rose – J, M, P, T and Y
Sophus Vinther – Q
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