BRP - Blood Tide.pdf

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Complete Table of Contents
A Brief History of the Golden
Age of Piracy ....................... 6
All for Me Grog: Equipment for
Equipment for Pirates,
Buccaneers, and other Sea
Robbers .............................. 66
‘Ard to Port: Spot Rules for
Pirating ............................ 105
Going on the Account:
Campaigns in the Golden Age
of Piracy........................... 193
The Governor’s Commission225
Logbooks and Sea Shanties:
Piratey Media .................. 235
Forward .................................... 5
Important Locations ............ 209
Run Out the Guns: Rules for
Combat at Sea ................... 79
Scallywags, Scurvy
Dogs, and Old Salts:
Pirate Characters ............... 17
Ships........................................ 89
Stunts ...................................... 29
Voudou ................................... 43
The World of Blood Tide ..... 113
Creatures and Characters
Agwe ....................................... 48
Aye-Aye ................................. 134
Ayizan ..................................... 48
Baron Samedi ......................... 49
Bimini ....................122, 135, 136
Black Dogs ............................ 136
Black Rocks........................... 126
Blood Fleet............................ 125
Bloody Jack ........................... 137
The Calusa ............................ 121
Carrefour ................................ 50
Chupacabra .......................... 139
Colonial Governor ............... 140
Colonial Lady ....................... 141
Corrupted Agent of the King
(Bimini) ........................... 135
Corrupted Calusa Shaman .. 141
Corrupted Calusa Warrior... 142
Corrupted Pirate (Bimini)... 136
Demon Fish .......................... 142
El Cuco and La Cuca ............ 143
Elite Sailor ............................ 144
European Sorcerer................ 145
Experienced Sailor ................ 146
Experienced Soldier/Marine 145
Flying Devil .......................... 146
Forsaken Pirates ................... 124
Giant Crab ............................ 147
Goblins ................................. 147
Green Sailor .......................... 148
Green Soldier/Marine .......... 148
Hairoun ................................ 149
Ithalikur ................................ 126
King Juan of Bimini ............. 120
La Llorna .............................. 154
Landsman ............................. 154
Loa, Ancestral ....................... 155
Loa, Ideal .............................. 156
Loa, Lesser ............................ 155
Loa, Touched ........................ 157
L’Olonnais ............................ 152
Los Eternos Caballeros......... 159
Los Eternos Conquistadores 158
Los Eternos Horses............... 160
Los Soldaros ......................... 161
Luscas ............................ 124, 161
Mather’s Automaton
Mather’s Hounds.................. 163
Maybouya ............................. 125
Maybouya Cultist, Shaman.. 164
Maybouya Cultist, Warrior .. 165
Maybouya Cultist, Pirate ..... 165
Mermaids...................... 124, 165
Mothmen .............................. 167
Nari’th, Queen of the
Mermaids ................ 122, 167
Ondine .......................... 124, 169
Other Servants of the King .. 122
Pastor Cotton Mather .......... 170
Punta Majagua ..................... 123
Undying Legion of King Juan
Ponce de Leon ................. 121
Armor Table ........................... 69
Black Powder fumbles Table .. 74
Clothing Table ........................ 75
Drunken Pirates on Shore Leave
Table................................... 78
Goods Table ............................ 68
Melee Weapons Table ............. 70
Monetary Systems in the Golden
Age of Piracy ..................... 66
Ranged Weapons Table .......... 72
Ship’s Stores Table .................. 77
Tools Table .............................. 77
The Governor’s Commission225
Act Five: At the Court of King
Naagto Aram Brak .......... 228
Act Four: Meeting with the
Merry Trade..................... 228
Act One: An Offer They Can’t
Refuse .............................. 225
Act Six: Return to Barbados 229
Act Three: Cruising off the
Guinea Coast ................... 227
Act Two: Finding Black Jack
McPhee ............................ 226
NPCs ..................................... 230
Campaigns ............................193
Adventure Seeds ................... 195
Campaign Starters................ 195
Campaign Styles ................... 194
Encounters............................ 198
The Jolly Maid of Bristol ..... 206
Jupiter’s Child ....................... 203
Lizzy’s Story .......................... 204
Wooden Ships....................... 199
Combat at Sea
Crew Skill Table ...................... 87
Conversion Table.................... 82
Hit Location Table ................. 86
Morale Bonus/Penalty Table .. 88
Naval Combat......................... 79
Naval Weapons Table ............. 83
Officer Skill Table ................... 87
Ship Critical Table .................. 84
Weather Guage Table ............. 80
Wind Speed Table .................. 81
Early Years................................. 6
Height of the Piracy Pandemic 9
The Decline of Pirates .............. 9
Life as a Pirate ........................ 10
Getting Around ...................... 12
Living the Life......................... 12
Salty Language...................15-16
Who’s Who on a Pirate Ship .. 11
Important Locations ...........209
Assada ................................... 212
Backwater ............................. 213
Betsielo Kingdoms ............... 209
Charlestown and the Outer
Banks ............................... 216
Dockside ............................... 213
Fort—Dauphin .................... 209
Great Blue Hole .................... 219
The Harbor ........................... 213
High Street and Above ......... 213
Île Saint—Marie ................... 210
Kingston and the
Ruins of Port Royal ......... 212
Libertatia .............................. 209
New Providence ................... 217
Other Places of Mystical
Importance ...................... 220
Port Liberi............................. 210
Red Headed Kate’s ................ 214
The Ruins of Port Royal....... 216
The School of the Loa .......... 211
The Six Sacred Springs......... 217
St. Paul’s Church .................. 214
The Well of the Aye—Aye .... 211
The Well of Sacrifice ............ 220
Well of Sorrows .................... 220
The Whale’s Footprint ......... 220
Hate......................................... 28
Love and Loyalty .................... 28
New Skills ............................... 25
Pirate Names .....................24-25
Pirate Professions ................... 19
Reputation .............................. 26
Sacrifice to the
Well of Sacrifice............... 171
Sea Serpent, Long Necked.... 171
Sea Serpent, Ophidian ......... 171
Sea Serpent, Saurian............. 172
Skunk Ape ............................ 172
Spearfinger............................ 173
Sorcery in Blood Tide ............ 17
Spectral Pirates ..................... 174
Squid, Colossal ..................... 174
Starting Equipment................ 24
Unliving Alligator................. 175
Unliving War-Turtle ............. 176
Zombie, Greater ................... 176
Zombie, Lesser...................... 177
Spot Rules for Pirating ........105
Careening and Maintenance 105
Choosing Captains and Other
Officers ............................ 105
Combat Aboard Ship ........... 106
Disease .................................. 106
Distances Between Common
Ports of Call of the World
Table................................. 111
Flogging ................................ 107
Keelhauling and Walking the
Plank ................................ 107
Mutiny .................................. 108
Navigation ............................ 109
Rabble ................................... 109
Regaining Sanity................... 111
Rations, Water, an Weevils ... 112
Weather ................................. 112
Wind Speed Table ................ 110
Stunts ......................................29
Stunts Table .......................30-31
Pirate Crews..........................177
The Fair Chase...................... 182
The Fortuna.......................... 187
The Revenge ......................... 177
The World of Blood tide ......113
Brethren of the Coast ........... 130
Militia of the Devine ............ 126
The Rise of Voudou.............. 117
The Situation Today ............. 118
The Supernatural World ...... 113
When the World Went Mad. 116
Common Rituals .................... 54
Dhamballah Wedo ................. 50
Ezili Dantor ............................ 51
Legba ....................................... 51
Marinette ................................ 53
Ogun ....................................... 53
Loa, the ................................... 47
Voudou in Play ....................... 46
Who Can Use Voudou? .......... 44
Ships ........................................89
Armed Brig ............................. 90
Barque ..................................... 93
Brig, Merchant........................ 93
Brigantine ............................... 94
Calypso ................................. 200
Donegal................................. 201
East Indiaman ........................ 94
Frigate ..................................... 95
Frigate, Heavy ......................... 95
Gunboat .................................. 96
Martin ................................... 203
Minerve................................. 202
Orion .................................... 201
Sample Ship Sheet .............91-92
Schooner ................................. 96
Ship of the Line. 1st Rate ....... 97
Ship of the Line, 2nd Rate ..... 98
Ship of the Line, 3rd Rate ...... 99
Ship of the Line, 4th Rate .... 101
Sloop of War ......................... 102
Sloop, Merchant ................... 102
Treasure Galleon .................. 103
Troop Transport ................... 104
Native War Canoe ................ 104
Maps .............................. 239-241
Atlantic Ocean ...................... 205
Carribean .............................. 208
Indian Ocean ........................ 221
Anne Bonny .......................... 137
Calico Jack Rackham............ 138
Christopher Marlowe ... 132, 139
Cotton Mather.............. 127, 170
Edward ‘Blackbeard’ Teach .. 143
Henry Morgan.................. 8, 149
Mary Reade........................... 162
Voudou ................................... 43
Agwe ....................................... 48
Ayizan ..................................... 48
Baron Samedi ......................... 49
Carrefour ................................ 50
Pirate Character Creation
Character Creation................. 17
Desire ...................................... 27
Fear ......................................... 27
Flaws ....................................... 26
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