Black April. The Fall of South Vietnam, 1973-75.pdf

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“Veith tells his tale with a flair and passion equal to that of Shelby Foote writing about the
American Civil War. In this volume he has substantially elevated the level of scholarship with
regard to Vietnam, judiciously analyzing histories, memoirs, and official documents before
blending them into his narrative. The result is a superb book that should substantially change
popular assumptions about America’s allies in the long Vietnam conflict, the character of the
South Vietnamese and their military establishment, and the relevance of all this for current and
future American military involvement around the world.”
—Dr. Larry Engelmann, professor of history at
San Jose State University and author of
Tears Before the Rain:
An Oral History of the Fall of South Vietnam
“George Veith has produced the definitive account of the final battles that preceded the collapse
of the Republic of Vietnam and its capitulation to the Communist armed forces of North Vietnam.
This is a detailed, exhaustively researched, critically analyzed study of the interplay of politics,
strategy, logistics, and personalities in the decline and eventual disintegration of the Republic’s
armed forces. Mr. Veith skillfully weaves information from four types of source material into his
tragic tale: firsthand accounts and reports from South Vietnamese officers and units, American
intelligence reports, North Vietnamese official reports and accounts of the strategy and the
battles, and postwar interviews with South Vietnamese military participants. This book should put
to rest forever the popular misconceptions that the war in Indochina ended with the withdrawal of
American forces, and that the war was lost because the forces of the South lacked the will to
—Colonel William E. Le Gro, former Intelligence Chief
of the Defense Attaché Office, Saigon,
and author of
Vietnam from Cease-Fire to Capitulation
“Masterful, empathetic, and insightful. Veith knows why South Vietnam still mattered even after
America got out, and he tells the story beautifully.
Black April
is an immensely important work
by a historian and writer of the first order.”
—Robert Kurson, author of
Shadow Divers
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