Run to the Sound of the Guns. The True Story of an American Ranger at War in Afghanistan and Iraq.pdf

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“We the living Rangers will never forget our fallen comrades. They and the ideals
for which they fought will remain ever-present among us. For we fully understand
the extent of their heroic sacrifices. We will carry their spirit with us into all walks
of life; into all corners of America. Our hearts join together in sorrow for their loss;
but also our hearts swell with pride to have fought alongside such valiant men. They
will never be considered dead, for they live with us in spirit.”
Colonel William Orlando Darby
“The riveting true story of a Ranger taking the fight to the enemies of our country.
The courage exhibited by Moore and his Rangers is extraordinary and all Americans
have reason to feel pride in these men. They serve each other, their Regiment, the
Army and the United States. I highly recommend Run to the Sound of the Guns. The
unrivaled and fantastic story of an American Ranger.”
Michael A. Kelso, Command Sergeant Major (Ret.), Rhodesian Commando and U.S. Army Ranger, Army
Ranger Hall of Fame
“Run to the Sound of the Guns is a riveting account of the journey of a Ranger from a
private to a platoon sergeant in the 75th Ranger Regiment. This book captures the
heart, soul and mindset of what it’s like to deploy as a Ranger in a Ranger battalion.
Each chapter of this book will keep you on the edge of your seat. If I was still
serving I would make this mandatory reading for my Rangers.”
Howard “Mad Max” Mullen, Master Sergeant (Ret.), 2013 Army Ranger Hall of Fame and 2013
Distinguished Member of the Ranger Training Brigade
“‘Ranger’ always likes to read about Rangers, and this book does not disappoint.
Nick provides the reader a first-person narrative of 2nd Ranger Battalion’s part in
the Regiment’s breakout of the Abrams Charter and its transformation into the
robust and agile force it is today. If you are student, fan, or veteran of the Ranger
world; read this book.”
Mark T. Lisi, Colonel (Ret.), was a founding member of the 2nd Ranger Battalion and served as a private
through to sergeant in B Company between May 1975 and November 1977.
“Nick Moore tells the story of a band of American sons who willingly make it their
choice to run to the sound of guns. Though my experience in combat with the
Rangers is dated, Nick brought me back to the days where young men dreamed of
battle and, when they got their chance, they delivered. Ugly, brutal, and
straightforward, Nick Moore’s story is worth your time.”
Matt Eversmann, First Sergeant (Ret.), U.S. Army Ranger, author of THE BATTLE OF MOGADISHU
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