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Looks CouLd kILL
Wa R h a m m e R fa n ta s y R o L e p L ay
Andy Law and Dave Allen
Dave Allen
Additional Writing:
Ben Scerri
Ralph Horsley and Scott Purdy
Graphic Design and Layout:
Paul Bourne
Andy Law
Síne Quinn
Andy Law
Dominic McDowall
WFRP4 Designed by:
Andy Law and Dominic McDowall
Thanks to:
Games Workshop
Published by Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd,
Suite D3, Unit 4, Gemini House, Hargreaves Road,
Groundwell Industrial Estate,
Swindon, SN25 5AZ, UK
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
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without the prior permission of the publishers.
Adventure Summary ............................................................. 3
Getting Started ..................................................................... 4
Part 1: The Stricken Boat ...................................................... 4
All Aboard the Good Ship
............................... 4
The Barge Master ............................................................. 6
The Strigany Mystic ......................................................... 6
Foundering ...................................................................... 7
Aftermath ........................................................................ 8
Part 2: The Misty Road ......................................................... 8
The Opinions of Rutger Reuter ........................................ 9
Gossip with the Strigany................................................ 10
Part 3: Arrival at the Camp ................................................. 10
A Meeting with Johanna Stiegler ................................... 12
Nightmares .................................................................... 13
Part 4: The Site and the Stones ........................................... 14
The Oghams .................................................................. 14
Removing the Oghams .................................................. 16
Finishing the Work ........................................................ 16
Part 5: The Death of Rutger Reuter .................................... 17
Key Moment .................................................................. 17
Part 6: The Beast of the Ortschlamm .................................. 18
Following the Trail ......................................................... 18
Fighting the Basilisk ...................................................... 20
Selling the Basilisk, Dead or Alive ................................. 20
Something Fishy Going On........................................... 21
Accusing the Brigands ................................................... 22
Part 7: Back at the Camp .................................................... 22
Arriving at the Camp ..................................................... 22
Speaking to the Strigany ................................................ 22
Dealing with Stiegler ..................................................... 23
Aftermath ........................................................................... 23
Tracking down Thulgrim ................................................ 23
Rewards ......................................................................... 24
Handouts ............................................................................ 25
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u b e R s R e I k a dv e n t u R e s : I f L o o k s C o u L d k I L L
If Looks CouLd kILL
ubeRsReIk adventuRes
Ubersreik Adventures: If Looks Could Kill
is designed with
beginner characters in mind, but can be played by experienced
groups, though some of the encounters may need to be modified
if you wish to provide a challenge. The scenario starts near the
settlement of Grausee and concludes in Ubersreik. Alternatively,
it could be sited along any river in the Empire with minimal
modification as long as there is a sizeable town nearby.
The following morning, the Characters are instructed to dig up
an ogham — a standing stone — which none of the Strigany dare
approach. After leaving the stone circle, the Characters return
to find Reuter murdered. Monstrous tracks lead from Reuter’s
body into the water, towards the ill-omened Ortschlamm — a
stinking, sucking swamp.
Stiegler offers the Characters a generous bounty for the head
of the monster who killed Reuter, though this is simply a
distraction to get rid of them. In truth, Stiegler hired a gang of
thugs to murder Reuter and make it look like the fabled ‘Beast of
Ortschlamm’. Once within the swamp, the Characters discover
the thugs who murdered Reuter being hunted by a very real
monster! If they manage to survive and return to the camp, they
discover that Thulgrim has stolen the paychest, leaving Stiegler
It is up to the Characters to decide if Stiegler should be turned
in to the authorities for murder, and whether to chase down
Thulgrim, whose reasons for the theft are more complicated than
it first appears.
The Characters are employed by Rutger Reuter, a charismatic
merchant, to guard his building supplies and help out at his
work camp. Whilst travelling, their barge is attacked and sinks,
forcing the passengers to travel the rest of the way by foot.
Upon arriving at the work camp, the Characters meet Thulgrim
Nadrinsson — a disgruntled Dwarf foreman with an axe to
grind — and Johanna Stiegler — Reuter’s partner in business.
Each hates the other, but are keeping up appearances for the
sake of the worksite, where a gang of Strigany labourers are
hired to build a mill alongside the Grausee.
Wa R h a m m e R fa n ta s y R o L e p L ay
The Characters begin their adventure on board a rickety river
barge headed down the Verfelfluss, which runs northwards from
the village of Grausee. They have just agreed to work for Rutger
Reuter, a merchant from Ubersreik who has hired the barge to
ship building supplies downriver.
a number of hanging drapes. To the prow sits an elderly woman,
swathed in a black, woollen shawl. She rocks herself to and fro
upon a three-legged stool and mutters to herself.
Before the Characters have a chance to really take everything in,
a young man throws back the curtains concealing his cabin, and
introduces himself with a flourish. This is Rutger Reuter, though
he may be a little unsteady on the deck, his hand is held out in
greeting and his smile is wide and genuine. His blond hair hangs in
a shaggy pageboy cut, and he has friendly, hazel eyes. He’s slender,
handsome, and wears practical but well-tailored clothing. He’s
keen to know his new employees, and will try his best to impress.
Use the following as an example of what he may say:
Part 1: the Stricken Boat
The Characters are taken on board the
and have a
chance to meet their new employer and rub elbows with the
crew. They also meet Vadoma — the mystic — and learn about
the Grausee’s curse, right before the barge is struck by a giant
Stirpike, and forced to run aground.
boArd the
Read or paraphrase the following to the players:
You are aboard the
a river barge hired by your
employer, a merchant named Rutger Reuter. The vessel is in
poor shape; faded paint peels from its age-worn timber. Its deck
is stacked with teetering piles of wooden crates, barrels and
building supplies.
The crew are Strigany — wandering folk of the Old World known
for their dark superstitions. They seem capable as they busy across
the barge, their hooped earrings clinking in their long, dark hair
as they chatter amiably, speaking Reikspiel with a heavy nasal
twang. To the stern is a large cabin, its interior concealed behind
‘Good day to you! I’m Rutger Reuter — just call me Rutger.
Delighted to have you aboard. At our campsite, we have much
work to do. There are certain things I would rather well-muscled
and disciplined folk such as yourselves oversee. I’m not expecting
any trouble, but if you could keep your eyes open and help muck-in
should anything come up then I’ll make sure you are well rewarded
for any work you do. Now, tell me a bit about yourselves…’
Rutger Reuter – Merchant
Rutger Reuter is a charming, young scion of an old, relatively
unsuccessful merchant family from Ubersreik. He has a gentle
heart and doesn’t like to see people suffer, so tries to do well by his
employees. However, he is somewhat naïve and given to covering
up his shortcomings with rash promises and tall stories. This is a
very bad habit that he can’t shake. It has soured the relationship
with his business partner, Johanna Stiegler, as she can see through
his bravado. She has come to realise Rutger isn’t just a liar, but has
ReuteR and hIs paRtneRs
Reuter is one of three notable characters involved in a planned
construction of a new textile mill. those with relevant backgrounds
may know a little about some of the parties involved. Information
should be made available to them if they ask about it and can
pass an
easy (+40) Lore (Ubersreik)
challenging (+0) Lore (the
test, or if they encourage the other characters on the barge
to discuss the subject.
the nearby city of ubersreik is in a period of crisis. the noble
house Jungfreud, which used to exercise a withering degree of
control over the region, has recently undergone a fall from grace.
Currently the city is under governance by the forces of the emperor
himself. the reasons for this state of affairs is unsure, and a
matter of much discussion by all classes. the Jungfreuds never
welcomed the increasing power of merchants, and some rumours
suggest this has contributed to their current woes. a Character who
passes an
easy (+40) Lore (history)
test will know the Jungfreuds
were infamous for levying punitive tariffs on goods that entered
ubersreik. they often blocked plans by entrepreneurial types to
pursue projects in their territory.
few know this, but a Character who passes a
Hard (−20) Lore
test will know the Jungfreuds long opposed developing
land near Grausee as they believe the area to be cursed.
Rutger is a member of the Reuter family who have had mercantile
concerns in the area for generations. the Reuters have a long
history of business dealings in the western Reikland. they are
famously supportive of the Jungfreud family. despite this, the
Reuters stand to benefit from any freedoms merchants might enjoy
as a result of the Jungfreuds’ diminishing influence. Recently the
Reuters have teamed up with another family of merchants, the
stieglers. Rumour suggests they are hardworking and eager to make
a name for themselves, but not above ruthless business practices
and reckless corner-cutting in their dealings.
finally, Rutger may mention his foreman, thulgrim nadrisson, if
asked about the constructions he plans. this is not a name the
Characters will have heard before, no matter how learned or curious
they might be.
u b e R s R e I k a dv e n t u R e s : I f L o o k s C o u L d k I L L
spent significant quantities of their money without her permission.
Reuter has an ulterior motive in inviting the Characters on board.
Recently, he’s grown increasingly paranoid as very real tensions
grew between him and Stiegler. His paranoia is exacerbated by
repeated nightmares of his impending death. He hopes that by
hiring the Characters personally, they will act as his own agents in
the camp, rather than be shared jointly with Stiegler.
Reuter will be enthusiastic about anything the Characters
offer about themselves and their background. He fosters an air
of genuine interest. He appears keen to see they do well, both
financially and in life. If they mention any skills or achievements
he is quick to seize on them and assure the Characters that
he could be a source of future opportunity in Ubersreik:
Catching? Why my family have an interest in several granaries
and there’s always a bounty on vermin! We must keep in touch!’
or ‘An
Apprentice Wizard? I’ve ideas about turning magic into
profit! We should discuss this later!’
and similar. Tailor this to
individual Characters as suits, but don’t push it too hard.
Reuter is cagey about his current operations. If talk turns to
questions he will be brief:
‘Oh, just some building work, and
protecting the supplies as we travel there. Nothing too onerous.’
If pressed further, he will make excuses. After all, he has a lot of
paperwork to complete if he wants everything finished before he
reaches the worksite.
Once Reuter has exchanged pleasantries with the Characters he
heads back into his cabin. He is keen to ensure the Characters are
loyal and do their job as best they can, so will end with something
‘Make yourselves useful during the journey and I’ll notice.
There’s always rewards in store for those who stick with us. We’ve
big things planned for the area. You could earn yourselves some
serious coin if you prove your worth.’
When left alone, Characters who show an interest in the boat
and have relevant Skills can take a
Challenging (+0) Lore
Average (+20) Sail
Test. Those who pass get the
distinct impression this is a shoddy operation, that the boat has
been loaded in such a way as to cause unnecessary degrees of
instability, and that the cargo is not well secured. This can be
resolved with a further
Challenging (+0) Lore (Riverways)
Average (+20) Sail
Test, or automatically if one of the Characters
is a Stevedore.
To begin, Reuter brings the characters into the scenario and can be
used to encourage group interaction. Later he supplies important
plot points as the Characters head towards the campsite. The next
day, he becomes an important plot point himself as nightmares
become reality…
rUtger reUter
agi Dex int WP Fel W
35 26 28 32 48 43 36 46 52 64 13
Charm 82, Haggle 75
Weapon (Dagger) +4
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