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        QUAKE LEVEL:            RAFTERS.BSP
        TYPE       :            DEATHMATCH only.
        TESTING    :            Very little, mostly with the Reaper Bot.
        EDITOR     :            Thred 06b
        BUILD TIME :            I spent around 60 hours or so, making this,
                                and learning the editor at the same time.

                                Qbsp time:406sec
                                Lightx4  :590sec
                                Vislev4  :3.9hours

        SYSTEM     :            PB451CD upped to 90mhz, 16MB RAM

        AUTHOR     :    Brook J. Vogt -aka Bejixed on the 'net.

        Errors     : Couldnt align that 'Q' plaque in front of one lift.
                     E-me if you find more.

        MODS       : NO other mods. Just a quake level.

        Give this to whoever you like, just keep this text file with it.


                                Quake Rocks!


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