Statistics on European Neighbourhood KS-02-18-351-EN-N.pdf

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Statistics on European
Neighbourhood Policy
Countries: East
2018 edition
Statistics on European
Neighbourhood Policy
Countries: East
2018 edition
Printed by Imprimerie Centrale in Luxembourg
Manuscript completed in February 2018
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Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2018
© European Union, 2018
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Print: ISBN 978-92-79-80906-4
Cat. No: KS-02-18-351-EN-C
PDF: ISBN 978-92-79-80907-1
Cat. No: KS-02-18-351-EN-N
Statistics on European Neighbourhood Policy
Countries: East — 2018 edition
The 2018 edition of
Statistics on European Neighbourhood Policy Countries: East
presents up-to-date
series of key statistical data for six partners — Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and
Ukraine — also known as the ENP-East countries, as well as data for the EU-28.
The tables, figures, associated commentary and methodological notes concern key social, economic
and environmental themes for which data are collected annually by Eurostat from the ENP-East
countries through a series of harmonised questionnaires. All tables and figures in the publication are
followed by data codes, which link directly to tables within Eurostat’s free dissemination database
(Eurobase): the data codes generally contain the data for the EU-28 and in most cases also contain data
for the individual EU Member States, EFTA countries, enlargement countries and in a few cases also
ENP-East countries.
Director of Directorate A
Pieter Everaers
Head of Unit A3
Ceri Thompson (acting)
Editorial team
Steinn Steinsson and Torbiörn Carlquist
Contact details
Eurostat Unit A3
Statistical Office of the European Union
Joseph Bech Building
5, rue Alphonse Weicker
2721 Luxembourg
Production and desktop publishing
INFORMA s.à r.l.
Giovanni Albertone, Simon Allen, Andrew Redpath
Data extracted
January 2018
Statistics on European Neighbourhood Policy countries: East — 2018 edition
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