Brien Foerster - Aftershock - The Ancient Cataclysm That Erased Human History (2016).pdf

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The Ancient Cataclysm That Erased Human History
Authored by Brien Foerster
Cover by Hans Messerschmidt
All photos in the book by Brien Foerster or Irene Mendoza
Machu Pic'chu: Inca repair work on top of older megalithic walls
A book like this is not the labor of one person, but is the compilation of all of
those that came before him. The Inca were one of the greatest cultures of all
time, in part due to their social cohesion and mastery of astonishing agricultural
systems that stretched from valley floors to the tops of mountains. Although the
colonial Spanish tried brutally to extinguish any vestiges of their culture and
works, and wrote incorrect histories about them, we know through oral traditions
that they did not claim responsibility for the great megalithic works attributed to
them by most writers.
The dynastic Egyptians, makers of astonishing temples and other structures of
stone, also recorded through their glyph system that their ancestry went much
farther back in time than most academics will accept. It is the hope that this book
will shed light into a much more complex and intriguing history of our planet
than what we have been taught.
To this end, as regards ancient Peru, I wish to thank Dr. Theo Paredes, Willco
Apaza, Sr. Juan Navarro, and Sr. Renato Davila Riquelme for their assistance in
guiding me through the complex history of that enchanting country. In Bolivia,
Antonio Portugal has been a vital teacher, and in Egypt, no one could possibly
have had better resources and insights than those graciously and freely given by
Stephen Mehler, Mohamed Ibrahim, and the amazing Yousef and Patricia
Awyan, as well as the rest of the Awyan family of Giza.
In addition, to my beloved Irene, who has walked with me every step of the way.
Forward by Stephen S. Mehler
In the last decades of the 20th, and the first two decades of the 21st
centuries, many researchers have arisen to seriously question accepted
academic theories concerning the ancient history and prehistory of
humanity, and call for new paradigm shifts about human origins and
distinct existence of ancient advanced civilizations.
Brien Foerster has emerged as one of the most active and profound of
these researchers. He not only questions academic theories, but
actively and vigorously goes to ancient megalithic sites around the
world to investigate for himself. Brien has visited these sites in the
presence of world-class archaeologists, geologists, engineers of all
types, chemists, physicists, and stone masons.
I have had the privilege to be with Brien onsite four times in Egypt,
and to Peru, Bolivia and Lebanon, and watch and experience him
deeply investigate these areas.
Brien has produced many books and this current one is an excellent
work, with his own concise analysis of the literature and onsite
observations. It is full of visual evidence of artifacts and sites not seen
by most scientists and laypeople. The evidence is in strong support of
the theory that a worldwide cataclysm - mentioned in ‘great flood’
myths of over 250 different cultures - impacted the Earth and
humanity ca. 11,500 years ago. This book is a must read for
professionals and laypeople alike - well written and presented with
ample physical evidence that can no longer be denied or ignored by
anyone seriously interested in the true prehistory of humanity.
Stephen S. Mehler, MA
Lafayette, Colorado
May 2016
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