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After Lady Yao Ye had left, Rong Tian and Feng Ming wanted to step closer to each other. However, they remembered that Rong Tian was still poisoned by Lover’s Blood, and so they stood an arm length apart and discussed what to do next.

Rong Hu had to alert all the guards from the forest behind to dissolve the ambush, from which he became tired afterwards. As for Lie Er, he asked them what Lady Yao Ye wanted Duke Ming to do.

Feng Ming told him that his mother wanted him to go bother Master Xiao to the point that he no longer could concentrate on his martial arts.  Lie Er was confused by his reply. At this time, Chiu Lan came in and reported to Rong Tian that Mei Ji wanted him to stop by her place to discuss something.

Rong Tian nodded his head. "Ah, I’ll come over there in a moment.“

He turned around to ask Feng Ming, ”Do you want to come along too?”

Mei Ji’s place currently housed Third Princess and Bo Ling, who were both imprisoned. Feng Ming had almost been lured into their trap, and so Rong Tian didn’t really want Feng Ming to come along.

Feng Ming thought for a while and then replied, “Let’s go over there together. They can’t possibly trick me again, right?”

The two of them went to Mei Jei’s place, along with Rong Hu, Lie Er, and Chiu Lan who were following behind. On the way there, Feng Ming had to constantly remind himself to keep a distance from Rong Tian.

FM: How are you going to deal with Third Princess and Bo Ling?

Rong Tian turned his head and looked at Feng Ming. Feeling suspicious, he asked, “Are you feeling soft-hearted and wanted to plead on their behalf?”

FM: Mei Ji has already done so, and there is no need for me to do so as well. However, Lady Yao Ye did said that Long Tian didn’t have much time to live. Thinking about this, I thought about Third Princess and felt that…you can put out an offer.

What Feng Ming proposed was interesting, causing the corner of Rong Tian’s mouth to curve upward.

RT: What kind of offer should I make?

FM: If Long Tian dies, Third Princess will have the opportunity of becoming the Queen of Fan Jia. Next to Fan Jia is Li Kingdom, and if Fan Jia can become an ally of Xi Lei…

His head suddenly felt a tickling sensation, as if something was placed on him. Feng Ming was so scared that he almost jump up in fright, he lifted his head up.

FM: Rong Tian! Did you forget that you are poisoned?

Rong Tian looked down at him and started laughing. “Silly, I just used a branch to touch you a bit. Seeing that you are more aware of political affairs these days, I’m very happy. Tonight, when we return, I’ll reward you.”

Feng Ming thought about what kind of reward Rong Tian would give him. In the past, whenever this sex-addicted pervert said “reward,” it would always carry a hidden meaning. Now that Rong Tian was affected by Lover’s Blood, they couldn’t have skin contact, so exactly how would he reward him?

Feng Ming continued walking as he was left deep in thought. His face was half red when he stopped in his tracks and thought about Rong Tian’s idea earlier. Oh my… He can’t seriously be the first person in this world to invent the condom, could he?

RT: What are you doing, staring off into space? Walk a bit faster.

Feng Ming realized that they have reached Mei Ji’s place.

Because of the earlier incident, Rong Hu, Lie Er, and Chiu Lan also went inside Mei Ji’s room along with Rong Tian and Feng Ming. It was in the late afternoon when they had arrived.

Mei Ji was sitting at the table with Third Princess and Bo Ling. They had just finished their lunch. It appeared that Mei Ji didn’t have much of an appetite since her food was still there, without signs of being touched. She stood up to greet Rong Tian.

Feng Ming saw that she was smiling happily last evening at the banquet, but now her face was a bit slimmer. He knew that the situation with Rong Tian must have caused her be uneasy.

RT: I heard that you wanted to see me?

They all sat down, Feng Ming made sure to sit a few feet away from Rong Tian.

MJ: I heard that Lady Yao Ye came to visit. Did Your Majesty see her?

RT: I have.

Rong Tian retold the encounter to Mei Ji since there was no reason to hide it from the rest of them. When he came to the part about her gift—Long Tian’s bowl—Third Princess couldn’t help but let out a sigh. She tilted her head a bit in excitement, but was afraid to make glances at Bo Ling.

If Lady Yao Ye could actually kill Long Tian, then they will have a chance to take over Fan Jia successfully. But the most important right now is for them to return to Fan Jia in one piece.

Rong Tian had been poisoned with Lover’s Blood because of them, and if he could not receive the antidote, then he might very well kill them to relieve his anger.

As of now, they could only rely on Mei Ji’s love for her homeland as protection.

MJ: The personality of this Lady is really strange. Your Majesty must take extra precaution in dealing with this person, who is both intelligent and unpredictable. I wonder what was the third step she mentioned?

Rong Tian smirked.

Mei Ji asked in a surprised voice, “Could it be that Your Majesty has already guessed what it is?”

Rong Tian thought for a moment and then shook his head. “I have only guessed half of it. Once I fully understand it, I will tell you.”

Mei Ji looked over at Feng Ming. “If that’s the case, then Duke Ming will need to cooperate with Lady Yao Ye in order to receive the antidote to the Lover’s Blood. However, Master Xiao is not the type of person that is kindhearted. He regards martial arts as of utmost importance, if Duke Ming takes action to distract his cultivation, then you must be extremely careful because Master Xiao can be ruthless.”

Feng Ming had already thought about this problem on the way here. He bit his lower lips and shrugged his shoulders. ”That is the reason why my mother, Lady Yao Ye, decided to poison me. If it weren’t for the antidote, I wouldn’t go to bother Master Xiao for no reason.”

Because of Lady Yao Ye’s predicament, the future of the pair of older lovers and the pair of younger lovers have been entwined together as one.

Third Princess was planning on saying something but then stopped herself.

This made Rong Tian question her. “Did Third Princess want to say something on your mind?” he asked.

Rong Tian’s tone of voice surprised Third Princess and Bo Ling.

Feng Ming knew that Rong Tian was prepared to bring up the offer of an alliance with Third Princess. After all, having more allies makes life a bit easier than having more enemies.

When Bo Ling heard Rong Tian say that Long Tian was poisoned, he was thinking inside and came to an understanding.

FZ: I just find it hard to understand—if Duke Ming is the son of Lady Yao Ye and Master Xiao, then why did he appear in Xi Lei palace? Could it be that when Lady Yao Ye was abandoned by Master Xiao, she tossed her own child away and Duke Rong was there to bring the child to the palace?

Feng Ming realized that when he saw Lady Yao Ye today, he had only the antidote on his mind, and did not think to ask that question. When he thought about it, Feng Ming felt that what Third Princess suggested could be true since Lady Yao Ye did have an eccentric personality.

Mei Ji shook her head. “I don’t believe there could be such a coincidence like you described. A little child was being taken in by Duke Rong, and yet Duke Rong’s son became the disciple of Master Xiao. I believe that when Lady Yao Ye discovered that Master Xiao had accepted His Majesty as a disciple, her pride was wounded and therefore she had left her son at the Rong residence.

It was pitiful for the small child who didn’t know a single thing. Just because he was born without the strength and talent of learning martial arts, he was looking down upon by his own parents and was carelessly tossed away by his mother.

However, they didn’t know that Feng Ming was not really the fake Crown Prince, An He, who was brought up in Xi Lei palace. He was neither Duke Rong’s foster child nor the son of Lady Yao Ye and Master Xiao.

FM: This matter we can ask Lady Yao Ye to clarify. Since it is still early, let me go visit Master Xiao a bit.

RH: Let me accompany Duke Ming over there.

After bringing additional guards along, Rong Hu escorted Feng Ming to Master Xiao’s place. A large portion of the people inside Mei Ji’s room had left. Several maids brought over some fruits and placed them on the table. Mei Ji wiped down the fruit and gave it to Rong Tian.

Rong Tian chuckled in gratitude, accepted the fruit and ate it.

Mei Ji was afraid that because he was poisoned, Rong Tian would distance himself from her. Seeing that Rong Tian’s attitude was still kind and gentle, she was feeling happy inside, but the corner of her eyes was a bit red.

Out of the people present, Rong Tian and Bo Ling were the ones with an interest in politics. Bo Ling noted that although Feng Ming had left, Rong Tian was still here. It was clear that XI Lei King had intended to discuss political matters with him.

As Mei Ji handed fruits to Rong Tian, Bo Ling took the opportunity to wink at Third Princess.

BL: If what Lady Yao Ye said is correct, then Long Tian must have been poisoned with ‘Man She’. This would mean that Fan Jia will soon have a grand funeral. When that time comes, what actions will Xi Lei take?

The royal succession and the future of Fan Jia was an important matter.

When Rong Tian opened his mouth, both Third Princess and Mei Ji focused their attention to listen.

However, Rong Tian was merely expressing his interest in the fruits, savoring the sweetness of them within his mouth. Then, he grinned and looked towards Bo Ling.

RT: What suggestion does Fourth Prince have?

BL: Xi Lei King is a young and intelligent ruler with grand ambitions of conquering the world. However, this world is largely divided. Without including the Eastern Sea, there are still eleven kingdoms secretly vying for power. If Xi Lei King wishes to fulfill your ambition, wouldn’t you need to build alliances?

Rong Tian softly chuckled. “Please explain it clearly, Fourth Prince.”

BL: As of now, Third Princess is the last of Fan Jia’s royal bloodline. The common people wish for the royal heir to return, and for her to ascend the throne to rule once again. I can guarantee that just as long as Third Princess and I return to Fan Jia, we can establish contact with several officials who are loyal to Fan Jia’s royal bloodline. Once Long Tian dies, Third Princess can reappear to take back the crown. With outside protection and the internal machinations arranged by myself, the royal throne of Fan Jia will return to its rightful heir.

Bo Ling explain further, “Although we had unpleasant relations with Xi Lei in the past, it was due to external factors that were forced. I, Bo Ling, can swear that I never had any ill intentions towards Xi Lei King and Duke Ming. With Fan Jia bordering Li Kingdom, Pu Rong, Yan Ting, Yong Yin, Zhao Bei—if we become allies, we can help one another. In the future, if XI Lei King ever intends to march against the kingdom of Li, the armies of Fan Jia will immediately rally forth in your aid. With just one letter from Your Majesty, we will supply rations and send in military troops. With our combined efforts, Xi Lei will not need to worry.”

"At the moment, Ruo Yan is still unconscious. We can take advantage of his condition to defeat the kingdom of Li first. After eliminating a powerful enemy, the smaller countries are left vulnerable. By then, there wouldn’t be anyone left to pose a threat to Your Majesty or Xi Lei, am I correct?”

Bo Ling had spoken with passion, depicting a beautiful and exciting scenario for everyone. Third Princess especially loved his talent for discussing politics in a calm manner. Her sparkling eyes appeared to be praising him.

Even Mei Ji silently agreed that Third Princess’s choice in men was not bad. If this person could sit on the throne of Bo Jian, wouldn’t he be a ruler with great promises? Unfortunately, his luck wasn’t great, but this was no fault of his own.

Rong Tian had a inscrutable smile. He finished eating the fruit and spat out the pit, then took a warm towel to wipe his hands. While cleaning his hands, Rong Tian turned his head to look at Lie Er.

Lie Er was quick-thinking and understood that it was his turn to take the stage. He laughed and slowly said, “Prince Bo Ling sure harbors grand ambitions. At the moment, your lives are at stake and you are still dreaming about the future. isn’t that quite funny? Our King is still poisoned—could you have forgotten this fact so easily?”

It wasn’t that Bo Ling did not think this through. The prince just believed that with Rong Tian’s personality, he would not let go of the opportunity to capture Fan Jia and increase his strength in unifying the world.

If Rong Tian had the opportunity to capture Fan Jia, he would not let go of Bo Ling or Third Princess so easily.

BL: Fan Jia is only a small kingdom. We would not dare to challenge a large, powerful force like Xi Lei, not to mention that Third Princess and I still owe Xi Lei King several favors. In our alliance, Xi Lei is indisputably the dominant leading power, while Fan Jia is just the secondary cohort.

FZ: So as long as I can ascend the throne of Fan Jia, Fan Jia will adhere to the ways of a vassal state and will make tributes to Xi Lei. And if Xi Lei is ever in a war, then we will immediately send troops to aid Xi Lei upon receiving a letter from Your Majesty.

RT: It isn’t just following the ways of a vassal state, but simply becoming a vassal state. The world is constantly in strife; the people are in displacement, and the main reason is because these small kingdoms prefer to follow their own ways and thus, the disputes continue. Unity is just a matter of time; it’s falls upon finding the person with the strongest grip. Prince Bo Ling and Third Princess are both intelligent people, so shouldn’t you understand the meaning behind it? Feng Ming once said something very interesting—a smart bird will know where to land. Aren’t these words very reasonable?

Bo Ling and Third Princess glanced at each other in silence.

If they agreed, it would be like handing over Fan Jia to Xi Lei with their own two hands. They have fought painstakingly for the throne and yet all that effort will have gone to waste.

RT: However, I will allow you to be just like Dong Fan. As long as Third Princess is still alive, her royal power will not be restricted. In fact, I will punish anyone who tries to harm the royal heir of Fan Jia. What does Third Princess think about this?

Bo Ling took a quick glance at the guards within the room from the corner of his eyes. At this time, it wasn’t “choosing the right place to land,” but if they did not nod their heads, he was afraid that their heads would no longer be attached to their bodies.

Did they want to be a headless ruler, or to become a ruler for only one generation? This was not a hard decision to make.

FZ: Fine, we will follow Dong Fan’s example, but I have a few conditions.

RT: Go ahead and say them.

FZ: One, Xi Lei King must treat all the people of Fan Jia with kindness.

RT: Of course, they will become my people after all.

FZ: Two, the royal descendants of Fan Jia—although though they cannot become King—they must be made nobles of Xi Lei. I would ask that Your Majesty allow them to hold important positions, such as court officials or generals. My descendants must have a place in the future of our unified kingdoms.

RT: Of course. Fan Jia’s royalty are of noble status, so how can they be treated as commoners? Also, in addition to being the royal bloodline of Xi Lei, they will become nobility of highest rank. I will formally declare this matter to the entire world. The ‘Fan’ royal family has played a large part in helping Xi Lei unify the world. It is only appropriate that they are rewarded.

Rong Tian was the king of Xi Lei, and every word he spoke was affirmative. There wasn’t anyone who would dare to disbelieve it.

Third Princess saw that he was agreeable to all her conditions and knew that since this matter was urgent, she couldn’t continue to hesitate and loudly respond, “Good.”

She stood up and walked towards the place where Rong Tian was seated and gracefully bowed three times.

Rong Tian straightened and after accepting her three bows, he helped her up and said, “If anyone plans to hurt Fan Jia’s royal family in the future, Xi Lei will immediately kill that person. Third Princess should have nothing to worry about.”

Fan Zia was trying not to cry in front of so many people. Her voice was scarcely above a whisper as she asked, “When is Your Majesty going to allow us to return to Fan Jia?”

RT: What suggestion does Third Princess have?

BL: The sooner the better. We need time to contact the loyal officials in order to prepare everything.

RT: Third Princess can immediately leave at any time. Ah, but the journey to Fan Jia is very dangerous and Princess does not have any soldiers beside you… for this matter, I will send 3000 disguised soldiers to secretly escort Princess back to your homeland. In addition, I also have friends in Fan Jia, so I’ll write several letters for Princess to bring along. So if anything were to happen, Princess can use those letters to ask for help. As long as they see my handwriting, they will make every effort to protect Princess, but….

Third Princess and Bo Ling were overjoyed upon hearing this, but when Rong Tian had suddenly change the subject, their hearts were beating irregularly.

MJ: Your Majesty, but what?

Rong Tian laughed, “But Miao Guang is still in Bo Jian and is secretly plotting away. If she were to become the Queen of Bo Jian, that would be a huge complication for Xi Lei. I intend to invite Prince Bo Ling to stay here a few days so I can learn a bit more about Bo Jian.”

Both Third Princess and Bo Ling’s faces went pale. If Bo Ling becomes Rong Tian’s hostage, then Third Princess will not dare to act rashly.

RT: How is that? Prince Bo Ling does not agree?

Third Princess looked hesitantly at Rong Tian and then turned her gaze at Mei Ji to beg her, “Miss Mei Ji…”

Mei Ji was very happy about Rong Tian’s plan in unifying the world. What he mentioned did not endanger the royal bloodline of Fan Jia. It was just a measure to protect his interests.

At this moment, Mei Ji revealed a charming smile and said, “What His Majesty had offered is superb. Does Third Princess have an opinion about it?”

Even Mei Ji refused to help them, so Third Princess and Bo Ling knew that their situation was hopeless. If they refused Rong Tian’s suggestion, then it would clearly announce that their talk of alliances and vassal states was just a ruse to buy them time to escape.

BL: This is all very good. To be of help to Xi Lei King is great fortune to Bo Ling. Please rest assured, I will fully cooperate and report any details about Bo Jian that Your Majesty wish to know more of.

FZ: Prince…

Bo Ling did not dare to look at her and continued smiling at Rong Tian. “Because we are soon to be separated, Princess is feeling somewhat dejected. Will Your Majesty allow me and Third Princess to speak privately for a few words?”

RT: Go ahead.

BL: Princess, please follow me.

Bo Ling took Third Princess’s hand and the two of them left. They went into a smaller adjoining room to speak in private. Lie Er, along with a few guards, surrounded the area outside.

Bo Ling entered room and closed the doors behind them. He turned around to face Third Princess.

BL: Princess should not try to be brave. For us to have reached this far, our expectations have already exceeded.

FZ: He wants to make you a hostage! I..how can I…

BL: As long as Princess can return to Fan Jia and retake the throne, my life will not be in danger. Only by holding me prisoner can Rong Tian rest assured and allow Princess to take the journey back without any suspicion.

FZ: But you…what will happen later?

BL: Right now, we need to overcome this hurdle first before thinking about the future. We have been through so many difficulties in the past, yet we have managed to face them together. I do not doubt that we cannot overcome this one as well.

He took Third Princess hands and looked at them with sadness.

BL: These beautiful, delicate hands now have been tarnished by so many blisters, and it’s all because I’m useless. Fortunately, you still have hopes for regaining the throne. When that time comes, you will no longer have to suffer like this anymore.

Bo Ling was trying to comfort her, but when Third Princess was finished listening to his words, her tears poured out.

Bo Ling quickly helped her wipe away the tears.

FZ: Your life is in someone’s hands. Even if I became the Queen of Fan Jia, my heart cannot be at peace if you are not beside me. Rong Tian still has the the poison in his body. and I do not believe that he does not hate you for it. If he dies because of the poison, then his men will kill you to vent their anger. Even if he receives the antidote and I able to regain the throne—but to live in separation from you—how is that fate any different from dying?

BL: Do not be afraid. I will stay alive, just listen to me. To stay next to Xi Lei King can be seen as an opportunity.

FZ: What opportunity?

BL: This world will soon descend into chaos, and if we were to discuss who has the qualification to unify the eleven kingdoms, there aren’t many people. Ruo Yan of Li is a risk-taker, but after the event at Aman River, he is no different from a dead man. Duke Ming may seem like a fool, but during his journey to Fan Jia, Bo Jian, Li Kingdom, and Dong Fan, he has wreaked havoc wherever he went. Ultimately, Duke Ming was behind the demise of the brilliant Lu Dan. In my opinion, Rong Tian has the potential to achieve great things. If that is the case, then by staying next to him, I might be able to build a brighter future for myself.

Third Princess finally understood the situation. If the unity of the eleven kingdoms was really inevitable, then forming ties with the future emperor can be advantageous in securing a position later on.

FZ: Do you really believe that he will achieve great accomplishments in unifying the world?

BL: I’m not sure, but there is a possibility. If I stay beside him, I can examine the situation more closely and gain a better understanding. If Rong Tian has that ability, I will pledge my full allegiance to him. If he is just a paper tiger, then… at that time, your power in Fan Jia would have been secured. I will help Xi Lei on the inside, while using his influence to regain the throne of Bo Jian. From there, we will slowly conspire.

Rong Tian and Mei Ji were waiting in the other room, enjoying the fresh fruits for more than half an hour. Rong Tian saw that Mei Ji was feeling melancholic and tried to comfort her.

RT: I am the one poisoned, so you’re not the one suffering. Also, Lady Yao Ye has already arrived, and from what I can tell, she doesn’t want to take my life.

Mei Ji softly sighed, “Any poison is fine, but it had to be Lover’s Blood. This will only cause Your Majesty to suffer internally. Luckily, Xi Lei King is understanding. As for other people, they will say that I purposely caused Your Majesty to be poisoned in order to separate you from Duke Ming. Thinking about that, Mei Ji would feel endless shame.

She sighed for a moment and then changed the topic, “This situation with Third Princess, Your Majesty has properly dealt with matter in a rightful way. When I first met Third Princess, she was the most beloved daughter of the former Fan Jia King. Who would have thought that after his death, she would have to wander the world like this? She is actually a kindhearted person, but she fell in love with Bo Ling and was led astray by him. For Your Majesty to monitor Bo Ling, it is just like monitoring her.

Bo Ling and Third Princess had returned to the room and they were both quiet. Mei Ji saw that the corner of the princess’s eyes were red, and guessed that she had been crying, so Mei Ji stood up and helped Third Princess sit down.

RT: What have you all decided?

Third Princess glanced over at Bo Ling and gently nodded her head.

FZ: Fourth Prince will stay here. I request Xi Lei King to take good care of him.

RT: Princess can rest assured. Rong Tian swears that I will not let Fourth Prince feel any aggravation.

Mei Ji saw that the time has finally come. She ordered her maids to bring over a white piece of silk, some ink, a knife, and a basin of water. Rong Tian and Third Princess wrote down the oath and marked it with their blood.  All of this took about two hours.

Rong Tian saw that the situation was finally resolved. He felt a sense of satisfaction as he stood up and made plans for Third Princess’s departure.

RT: Before Third Princess departs, Prince Bo Ling will still stay at Mei Ji’s place.

Rong Tian bid farewell to Mei Ji, and a number of guards were left behind at her place to watch after Bo Ling.

When Rong Tian had left Mei Ji’s room, the sun was slightly heading West. One of his confidants, Mian Ya, rushed forth. He was one of the guards who had followed Rong Hu out and was sent to protect Duke Ming.

Rong Tian stopped and asked him, “Weren’t you with Feng Ming? Why did you come back alone?”

Mian Ya replied, “Duke Ming went to visit the Holy Master Xiao, but he was practicing with his sword and didn’t want to meet with anyone. Duke Ming refused to leave and asked his attendants to inform him several times saying that he must see Master Xiao.

RT: And what happened?

MY: What happened was really strange. Master Xiao allowed Duke Ming to come see him as an exception, but no other people are allowed to go in. Rong Hu brought the rest of us to wait quietly outside the door. At that time, there was a delivery by Xi Lei army that was sent over. Rong Hu saw that is was a delivery and didn’t want to delay it, so he ordered me to give it to Your Majesty to look over.

After finishing, Mian Ya gave the envelope to Rong Tian. Rong Tian opened it up and upon reading it, he frowned.

RT: How can this be?

LE: Your Majesty, did something major happen?

Rong Tian was about to answer when a sudden burst of unorganized footsteps came running forth. Two people sprinted towards him, tryin...

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