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Hi, I ( @explosive-fishing ) offered to rewrite a few parts a while back and I decided to tackle volume 9. I only planned to write a more detailed summary but ended up doing a full translation of the full chapter. If there is anything you find wrong, please don’t hesitate to make the necessary corrections.

I only skimmed through it a bit and I’m really impressed by your writing and translation. Yes, it’s really hard to write up a summary and yet still end up translating it. Thank you for contributing, I’ll add it to the Volume 9 pdf! =D - Christy


The guard was shaken by Rong Tian so fiercely that he nearly fell over, but he could only endure the pain and reply with a trembling voice, “Duke Ming… Duke Ming is only in shock…” Before he could finish his sentence, Rong Tian released his grip on his frail stature.

When he finally caught his breath, Rong Tian and Lie Er’s shadows had already left.

Rong Tian rushed back to the lobby and there on the door, he could find traces of blood. There were only a few drops but they were enough to send him into a state of panic. Three steps turned into two steps as he hurried into the hall and there, Feng Ming’s sight appeared before him.

“Feng Ming!” Rong Tian called under his breath. He rushed forward and opened his arms to take Feng Ming in his chest.

Lie Er shouted, “Your Majesty, you can’t!” With all his strength, he lunged at Rong Tian’s waist and pulled him back.

That took Rong Tian by surprise but then he suddenly remembered that he was still under the effect of the Lover’s blood and broke down in cold sweat. Had he taken another step, he could have put both their lives in danger. Only now did he understand how cruel the Lover’s blood really was and this only deepened his worries. He stopped himself and frantically asked, “Feng Ming, are you alright? Quickly, answer me!”

Feng Ming was still in a daze, staring at the traces of blood on the ground. Only after a while did he answer sadly, “He told me to come in. At first, he was focusing on his sword practice and I was observing on the side. Then for some reason, the tip of his blade wouldn’t cease shaking and it made such a frightening sound. I only thought it was strange that his blade was wavering but Rong Hu got angry and intervened. He barely had the chance to do anything when Xian Zong… he…”

Feng Ming only said that much but he was already dreading what happened which showed just how dangerous the situation just then was. His arms were loose on his sides but his hands were clenched in fists.

Chiu Yue was still at the quarters to tend to Feng Ming, having known the news sooner than Rong Tian.

Lie Er was extremely anxious. Having just returned from fetching the army’s physician, he quickly asked, “How is my brother? Are his wounds severe?”

When Chiu Lan glanced over, she noticed that the physician’s sleeves were covered in fresh blood. Her face became as white as sheets as she could barely stand the sight.

Understanding Chiu Lan’s worries, Chiu Yue whispered over to her and gave her a light push, “You should go in. We can take care of Duke Ming over here.”

When the physician who was just dragged over saw that the person laying on the bed completely drenched in blood was Hong Hu, he couldn’t bear to conclude too quickly. He was about to reply to Lie Er when he suddenly caught glimpse of Rong Tian. He then hurried over to bow to him.

Rong Tian waved his hand, “There’s no time for formalities. How are his wounds?”

“Your majesty, we’re still trying to stop the bleeding but other than that…” The physician hesitated. “…It’s still uncertain.”

Hearing that, both Lie Er and Chiu Lan became terrified.

Feng Ming pushed his way in and caught up, “What do you mean by that? Can he not be saved? You need to save him!”

“Feng Ming, you need to calm down.” Rong Tian wanted to hold him but he couldn’t. He wanted to stay close to him, but he couldn’t. Moreover, with Rong Hu’s state still being unclear, everything irritated him so. Seeing how strained the physician was, he forced a calm voice out of him, “Cure him well for me. I don’t care what costly medicine you use, but just as long as you can treat him, use anything you want. From now on, you will be stationed here to take care of the wounded without fail.”

Lie Er quickly added, “I will stay here to help. I won’t let any troubles get in the way.”

“No,” Chiu Lan finally seemed to have calmed down still as anxious as she was. She considered, “Rong Hu is now injured. The Great King and Duke Ming cannot afford to be missing another guard beside them. Women are more suited for these tasks, so I will make sure to take care of Rong Hu. Things will become hectic for Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing who will now have stay by Duke Ming’s side at all times.”

Both Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing agreed to meet her request.

Chiu Yue said, “Don’t worry. We sisters will take care of Duke Ming. We won’t let anything happen to him.” She then turned over to Feng Ming and continued, “Duke Ming, next time, please do not approach the Holy Master anymore. His personality is odd. If he says he can kill, then he’ll definitely do it.”

Chiu Xing patted her chest, looking emotional, “That person is crazy. He didn’t say anything and suddenly directed his sword towards his own progeny.”

At the mention of Xiao Zong, Feng Ming’s expression turned biter.

“Feng Ming?” Rong Tian called out to him.

Feng Ming forced a smile as he looked back at Rong Tian and helplessly replied, “This is what I sowed. I intended to provoke him but I didn’t think that I would end up pulling Rong Hu into this…”

During that time, the guards and maids continuously headed in and out to bring hot water and medicine. Chiu Lan had long returned with the physician to the recovery room.

Everyone was worried about Rong Hu’s state and refused to step out of the lobby until news were heard. Lie Er couldn’t help but keep looking over to the direction of the recovery room.

Rong Tian looked into his eyes and said, “You should go over there and see how things are going.”

Lie Er’s whole expression changed. He took a first step but traced back, his head shaking, “Chiu Lan promised to take care of him. Even if I were there, what else could I do?” He remained to stand between Rong Tian and Feng Ming without moving anymore.

Everyone understood his intention clearly.

Feng Ming’s current mood was extremely bad; he needed someone beside him.

When seeing Duke Ming’s bearing, the Great King would surely not be able to resist. If the situation was to repeat like earlier, if the Great King momentarily forgot about the Lover’s blood and accidentally touched Duke Ming, then what would happen?

Even though everyone trusted in Rong Tian’s ability of restraint, the other way around was also a concern.

That was why a swift person like Lie Er was needed for everyone to have a peace of mind.

Seeing everyone act like this made Rong Tian very uncomfortable inside.

His closest aid was stabbed by his master and now laid in the infirmary without knowing whether he would survive.

Seeing how much Feng Ming’s face had lost its colors, it seemed he came out of this ordeal with more than a trauma but with quite a wound at the bottom of his heart. His usual charismatic, bright and loveable self was no more as if his soul was lost.

He was the Great King of Xi Lei. He should be the one to console Feng Ming, but in this tragedy, he couldn’t even give him something as simple as a warm embrace.

If he stretched out his hand, he swore that he would just be able to reach him…

This was his greatest failure since the day he was born and that sensation felt so heavy and painful.

The atmosphere was serious. The group of maids tried their best to mask their feelings but as they served tea while walking quietly on their tip toes, their worries were made clear.

Suddenly, a heavy set of footsteps broke the silence.

“Your majesty.” The troop outside the main entrance was a personal escort of Rong Tian’s. The voice elevated to give his report, “Lady Yao Ye is asking for your audience.”

Rong Tian’s eyebrows furrowed. “She’s here already.”

This woman truly knew how to take advantage of the timing. How exceedingly formidable.

Lie Er was worried about his brother and just hearing about Lady Yao Ye reminded him that she was responsible for Rong Hu’s predicament to begin with. Irritated, he confided to Rong Tian, “Your Majesty, this woman won’t bring you any good news. Last time, she prompted Duke Ming to trouble Xiao Zong and Duke Ming came close to losing his life. I’ll go chase her out.”

Rong Tian was still irritated by what happened to Rong Hu and that still didn’t take into account the issue concerning Feng Ming and the Lover’s blood that was still unresolved. Knowing that he couldn’t let his emotions get in the way at a time like this, he shook his head. “To what use will chasing her away be? Tell her to come in.”

Lie Er could only obey and give his order to the guards, “Let her in.”

It took only a moment until Lady Yao Ye’s feminine silhouette appeared from outside the door, one delicate and whose footsteps did not make a sound. She truly was a person who knew how to present herself well. Her tunic was no longer a distinctive white, but her pants were red and reached her ankles, and the color of her skirt faded to a ring of black, which added to her air of nobility and grace.

She walked into the lobby and with a fleeting gaze, she already asserted the dark expression on Rong Tian’s face. Even being directed with Lie Er’s fierce glare, she took him lightly and showed no sight of fright. Her face revealed her dimples as she gently said, “I have received news of today’s events. Your Majesty, what are your thoughts?”

“What are my thoughts?” Rong Tian sat on his chair, showing his signature coldness. He suddenly raised his hand to point at Feng Ming who was right next to him and raised his voice. “Today, Feng Ming came this close to losing his life by the Holy Master’s hands. I would like to ask you back, what are your thoughts?”

The anger of the royalty was as fierce as thunder.

Rong Tian’s natural aura was already imposing but once anger hit him, it became so much more terrifying.

When Rong Tian gave the order to let Lady Yao Ye in, Lie Er thought he was still calm and careful, but to think that just seeing the person in front of him would make him lose composure as such.

When Lady Yao Ye suddenly saw his expression turn grave, even she felt a little shocked, but within the blink of an eye, after regaining her senses and thinking for a bit, she unexpectedly covered her mouth and she laughed softly. Then it escalated to the point where she could not stop laughing and even her dangling hair brooch shook vigorously in tandem.

Rong Tian coldly asked, “My lady, what is it that you find so funny?” His voice had a sinister sound as his inner flames were on the verge of eruption.

When she heard his inquiry, Lady Yao Ye tried to contain her laughter, then returned to her icy display. She replied with contempt, “I was laughing at the ignorance of Xi Lei’s Great King. You have followed Xiao dear for so many years and yet you still don’t fully understand your master’s abilities. If he truly wanted to kill my son, did he really need to use a sword to take action? Would he have given your guard the chance to lunge himself into the room to be the recipient of his blade? Where is that guard of yours now? I heard he was still alive. Hah, against such a small fry, if Xian dear did not restrain himself, do you think anyone would have survived after his sword had struck down? What hilarity!”

Her words were heavier and sharper than Rong Tian’s and once she was done, she did not mind to look at his reaction but instead turned to Feng Ming’s direction. After a short hesitation, she let her pearly and slender fingers caress his icy cold forehead, and affectionately said, “I was certain that Xiao dear wouldn’t do you harm and that was why I told you to go to him. If you had truly died today, then I wouldn’t bear to live by myself. My son, your mother is a terrible, heartless and undignified woman, but until now, I have never once thought of sending you to your death. Even if you are suffering from the Lover’s blood, there is an antidote for that poison.”

When seeing that Lady Yao Ye was touching Feng Ming, Rong Tian tensed up and quickly stood from his seat, ready to intercept, but after hearing her speak warmly to Feng Ming, he managed to restrain himself from acting rashly.

Inside, Feng Ming harbored countless disagreements towards this woman who was the spitting image of himself, and that tasted bitter and poignant, salty and painful. After listening to her, he took time to observe her a little bit. She made him recall how he was an orphan to begin with, a person who did not have parents, and here at this place, it was still the case. Even if An He had parents, he was thrown away by them since he was young. Even if he had adoptive parents, Duke Rong took him to the palace to take the Crown Prince’s place and the one who the Empress Dowager had eyes for was Rong Tian. Compared to himself, Feng Ming felt that An He was far more pitiable.

Conflicting emotions stirred within him. He forced a smile but he couldn’t find a word to say. Helplessly, he looked over at Rong Tian’s face past Lady Yao Ye and spoke with a smile, “You don’t have to worry. I’m very well. It’s just… It’s just that I really miss you.” Just this sentence was purely foolish, but it was spoken with such deep affection that even the bystanders felt moved by it. Feng Ming’s smile never faltered as he continued, “Before, I always complained about you being too clingy and I thought it was bothersome. Now that I think about it, I’m really sorry. Rong Tian, I just want to be close to you.“ His eyes reddened but the tears that formed on his eyes still refused to roll down his cheeks.

Just listening to him like that, Rong Tian was losing to himself.

His gaze deepened as he watched over the lonely figure of his lover.

Lie Er suddenly sensed that something was wrong and quickly called out, “Your Majesty, you can’t!” Rong Tian ran past Lie Er, feeling himself turning delirious. He pushed Lady Yao Ye aside and hurried to take Feng Ming into his arms.

Chiu Lan and Chiu Xing were both at the back of Feng Ming and in turn cried out, “Duke Ming, you can’t!” The speed of their reaction failed in comparison to Lie Er, so when the two pairs of arms reached out forward, all they managed was to graze the side of Feng Ming’s clothes.

Feng Ming acted in tandem with Rong Tian. As soon as he saw him move, he immediately rose from his seat and threw himself straight at Rong Tian’s chest. The world was wide, but here there were only Rong Tian’s arms. In that moment, in their world, there no longer was this notion of world conquest, not even the kingdom of Xi Lei or the Lover’s blood.

The two of them held each other tightly like nothing could pull them apart. In the midst of life and death, they felt satisfied within each other’s embrace and were overjoyed with happiness.

Even Lady Yao Ye was unprepared to face such foolishness.

Chiu Xing and Chiu Yue were frightened to death and immediately kneeled down. With both hands on their chests vigorously gripping at their shirt, they desperately looked up at the couple.

 The living room was so large yet it was so quiet that even the sounds of breathing stopped.

Within the blink of an eye in which the time had stopped, it was as if everything was an instance drawn out on a picture, like this was nothing more than an arranged setting. It was like a single drop of water falling into a pond but the ripples that should have resulted from were yet to be seen; nothing could be heard.

The ripples were beautiful, circling round and round, all around Rong Tian and Feng Ming in their embrace who could not wake up from their bliss.

Under the vibration of the wave, the whispers that rose were mixed with both joy and fright. In their disbelief, they mumbled, they thanked the gods above.



“Dear god……”

“There’s nothing wrong?”

“Really nothing?”

“Could it be that the poison reacts slowly?”

After several rounds of discussions and observation, a long sigh echoed throughout the room without ceasing.

Chiu Xing and Chiu Yue started praying out loud and clapped their hands to thank god, “Dear god above, they are safe. We were scared to death.” The two sisters, as if telepathic, spoke at the same time. Even their demeanor was the exact same and it was so very endearing.

When Feng Ming came to, he asked Rong Tian, “Why are we still alive?”

With his quick reasoning, Rong Tian had roughly guessed earlier what had happened and he was grateful. He had taken a look over at Lady Yao Ye and she was still wore the same cold expression on her face. He then asked Feng Ming in return, “Why don’t you ask yourself?”

Feng Ming finally figured it out, now thinking about how much of a comedy yesterday’s commotion really was, then turned around to ask Lady Yao Ye, “You… The poison you used to harm me was fake? Ah!” Before he could finish, his face had already received a strong slap from Lady Yao Ye.

Lady Yao Ye remained beside him, pondering over how he and Rong Tian had pushed away any concerns for life and death just to embrace each other. Nobody could have guessed that it would have come to this, and even Rong Tian was taken by surprised and was powerless face to that situation.

Seeing the five fingers appear on Feng Ming’s face, Rong Tian felt anguished but also angered. He fiercely asked, “Why did you hit him?”

Lady Yao Ye acted as if she never noticed Rong Tian’s query, but she only gazed upon Feng Ming with her clear eyes. After a while, she finally spoke, her voice showing deep resentment, “Yes, yes, I’m the world’s most evil mother. Why did I have to use fake medicine? Since I am so heinous, of course I should have used real poison on my own son!” Her tears streamed down her face, but she did not wipe them. Only, she turned around and left outside.

Her swordplay was learned from Xiao Zong, so there was no doubt that her abilities were high. Her body was however slender and all these people in the room could have stopped her, but either they did not think that they should have done that or they simply did not dare to. They could only withstand their shock as they watched her take her leave.

Chiu Xing pulled her tongue, “With a twisted personality like that, it’s a good thing that our Duke Ming is the opposite of her.”

“Will she really leave without saying anything?”

Rong Tian remained silent for a moment, then let out a sigh, “Because of her, Master has stayed in loneliness and strayed from the path of the sword for fifteen years.”

“Ah…” Feng Ming suddenly spoke, “The problem with the Lover’s blood is solved, but there is still the issue between her and the Holy Master. Should we give our support as well?”

Rong Tian gave him a warning gaze, “You are banned from going to provoke my master. Rong Hu’s state is still unclear and you still want to dispense Lie Er’s life too?”

Feng Ming recalled that Rong Hu was still being treated inside and how grim the situation was. He then asked with worry, “I wonder how Rong Hu’s injury turned out. Isn’t that physician very knowledgeable about blade wounds? Why is it taking so much time?”

In the middle of the conversation, suddenly a loud shouting was heard and it came from the physician who has been taking care of the bleeding and from the maids who have been changing the water. For some reason, these people charged out of the room where Rong Hu was being treated, all except for Chiu Lan.

Everyone suddenly panicked at the sight, then asked, “What happened? Why did you come out like this?”

Lie Er’s head was covered in sweat. He approached the physician, “Is my brother… my brother… is he…” His voice was breaking.

The physician too had his head drenched with sweat.

During all these years of working as a physician in the royal army, never had this happened to him before. First, Rong Hu, the superintendent closest to the Great King, was injured. Second, even if the wound was caused by a blade, he still did not know how the Holy Master managed to stab in such a vigorous way that beside the main wound, there were countless other smaller rips around it. The technique was so terrifying that no matter how he attempted to wrap the wounds, it was never enough.

It was during that grim time that a strange and beautiful woman so suddenly barged into the recovery room.

He wiped away the beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Along with having to sheepishly greet Rong Tian, he had to figure out how to reply to Lie Er who was surely burning inside. “No, that’s not it… there was a woman dressed in bright colors and she chased us out…”

Everyone within the room yelled out at the same time, “Lady Yao Ye?”

Lie Er shook from anger and clenched his fists as he grew impatient. “She… She’ll definitely harm my brother!”

It was then that Feng Ming stepped out from Rong Tian’s arms. “This won’t do. I need to go see.”

Rong Tian tried to pull him back, “You still want to go and receive another slap?” His voice turned serious, “She holds no resentment towards Rong Hu, so why would there be reasons for her to harm him? On the other side, my master usually doesn’t act recklessly, but he still gave Rong Hu a fatal wound today. Could it be…” He pondered over it for a moment, then confidently said, “I’m certain that Lady Yao Ye will be able to save Rong Hu.”

After he gave his piece, everyone understood part of his reasoning but still somehow found that so hard to believe.

Out of ones standing in front of Rong Tian, the first who dared to speak was of course Feng Ming. He stared wide-eyed with his mouth open, then embarrassingly said, “The ways that those two people use to convey their feelings is too terrifying. Rong Hu ended up shedding blood as a result…”

But carefully thinking back, this really did fit those two people’s style.

One is the proudest man across the lands and the other is the most renowned poison user in the world. Why would they even mind about the lives of the bystanders?

Rong Tian guessed, “Ever since Master learned of Lady Yao Ye’s appearance, he had been quite on edge. Today, he made the exception to let you stand by him while he practiced because he wanted to see if he was capable of maintaining focus or not.”

“As a result, he became distracted and wanted to strike down Duke Ming whose face reminded him of his beloved, but he couldn’t bear to do it.” Lie Er indignantly said, “In the end, even my brother was pulled into this…”

Feng Ming sadly replied, “I’m truly sorry.”

Lie Er was taken affright and immediately waved his hand, “No, no, that’s not what I meant. This is not Duke Ming’s fault. It’s the Holy…” He then remembered that the Holy Master was the Great King’s master and Duke Ming’s father, and that was enough reason to cease his line of thought. The Great King’s perception had always been accurate and if he had guessed that Lady Yao Ye would be able to save Rong Hu, then pursuing this issue at a later date still won’t be too late.

“Currently, Master harbors this love and hate towards Lady Yao Ye, and he can’t manage to ignore her no matter what he does.” Rong Tian looked far out of the windows. Beyond that large and dense green forest was the personal quarters of Xiao Zong where no one could freely enter.

Feng Ming lamented, “What is love that which made countless ready to give up their lives?” ((note: He is reciting a popular poem from “The Return of the Condor Heroes”. I don’t know if there’s an official translation…))

Rong Tian stopped to look at him, then smiled, “You can ask anything you want, but this, you can’t. Aren’t we ready to give up our lives for each other?”

Feng Ming’s face reddened now remembering that stunt they pulled from earlier. That foolishness truly was unparalleled. He himself was one thing, but even Rong Tian lost his composure. If they had really lost their lives because of that, then the whole world composed of the eleven kingdoms would be laughing until they cried.

The more he thought about it, the more he was scaring himself. He looked over at Rong Tian, filled with fright, and then scolded him, “Why were you so rash earlier? If you died, what would become of Xi Lei?”

Rong Tian gave this question a thought. If Xi Lei was without him, then there would still be another person to take his place on the throne, but on the other hand, Feng Ming could not be without him. Without saying anything more, he gave Feng Ming a soft smile. He only took his hand, pinching and caressing it.

Feng Ming understood parts of the meaning behind that gesture and remained silent for a moment to study his demeanor. With his hand inside Rong Tian’s firm palm, he pinched him a little bit, then looked up at him with a smile.

Their interlocking gaze spoke more than a thousand words and with only that much, they have already expressed their happiness. Words were no longer necessary.




As requested. =)




So was the pill feng ming recieved from lady yao ye the antidote


It was an aphrodisiac which he had placed into Rong Tian’s wine, I believe. I don’t think Lady Yao Ye had ever poisoned RT with Lover’s Blood (Chapter 1, she slapped FM for thinking so poorly of her). It’s just that RT & FM believed that he was poisoned, so they underwent a dry spell while avoiding each other >.>

I heavily edited the last entry just to embellish it with my nonsense, and I hope I haven’t changed it too much from Christy’s translation to the point where misunderstandings happen xD

- Drunkasaurus

According to Chapter 6 of Volume 9, the pill that Lady Yao Ye gave to Feng Ming was never tested as Feng Ming said he wouldn’t dare to use it on RT (just because Lady Yao Ye’s motives are just too strange for him to handle - even if she has good intentions).

In the last chapter of Volume 9, it’s really unclear whether or not Feng Ming did use the pill Lady Yao Ye gave him. It was not clearly indicated since Feng Ming just admitted he placed some sort of pill/medication in the wine. It could be like drunkasaurus said, but I can’t confirm it - not even sure if this detail is really necessary, but yeah… >__<


Thanks Drunkasaurus for editing the last entry. I still can’t believe how wonderful it’s re-written and even surprised that you could re-word (from my poor translation) the whole scene to make it sound so lustful and professional. You should definitely write some erotic stories! XD

— Christy

Drunkasaurus did an amazing job last entry, it really was very erotic!


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