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The next day, the sun was particularly bright.

In the morning, a variety of different birds were chirping merrily, waking everyone up from their beautiful dreams.

The light wind blew across the leaves covered with dewdrops, bringing along a cool breeze in the air.

The only person who woke up with dark eyes was the clever and widely known Duke Ming.

Inside the room, behind the wooden screen, there were two people on the bed. Feng Ming was holding his knees with his back against the head of the bed. He kept staring at the other person for a long while.

The person he was staring at was of course Rong Tian, who enjoyed his night of lust, and was now feeling refreshed.

As for the ‘condom’, well that had already disappeared into dust.

“Feng Ming, listen here.” Rong Tian suddenly smiled.

“Listen to what?” In fact, his little forbidden area was still swollen from the suffering it had to endure last night. Feng Ming’s voice sounded a bit harsh.

“My heart is beating very fast.”

“It was just fine, why is it beating faster?” Having a guilty conscience? Hmph!

Rong Tian’s smile grew even wider. “Of course, it’s because you keep staring at me like that.”

“Rong Tian!” Feng Ming couldn’t tolerate it again, he roared, “I am staring at you because I’m angry, it’s not because I’m trying to seduce you!”

Rong Tian burst out laughing. Taking advantage of Feng Ming’s raised fist, he quickly leaned forward and stole a kiss.

“Last night, weren’t you also enjoying yourself?”

“Yeah, right.”

“Then who was in my arms crying non-stop in excitement?”

Recalling the final scene, Feng Ming’s handsome face blushed red. But…

“But at the beginning, I have been protesting!” Under Rong Tian’s sparkling eyes, his protest gradually lessened.

Rong Tian used his large palm to gently caress Feng Ming’s lovely collarbone, “Last night, did I really go overboard?”

Feng Ming lowered his head, he hesitated a bit and softly replied, “Next time, don’t do it, it’s…too intense.”

This kind of intense love making, if experienced a few more times, he might really drop dead in bed.

Before, he knew that Rong Tian was crazy in bed, but he never expected him to reach another level. Luckily, this Xi Lei King is not a modern person and is not quite familiar with all those SM stuff. Otherwise, every night he will have to die and relive again eight to ten times.

Rong Tian laughed once again.

He placed Feng Ming against his broad chest for awhile, seeing the sunshine outside the window, he tenderly said to Feng Ming, “Let’s get up, I’ll help you get dressed, alright?”

“I don’t need your help!” Feng Ming sat straight up, he pushed the shoulder that was embracing him away, and made a face at Rong Tian. “I’m not going to believe you easily anymore.”

Rong Tian ignored him and picked himself off the bed and put on his white trousers.

RT: Come in.

The door opened a small crack.

Chiu Xing and Chiu Yue ran in happily after they were given permission. Carrying the hot pot of water and towels, they asked, “Is Duke Ming awake? Don’t rush out of bed, use the hot water and towel to wash your face first.”

Chiu Lan brought another hot pot of water over to Rong Tian and helped him wash his face. Lie Er came in to help dress Rong Tian.

After dressing, Zi Yan also came to make his greeting.

Feng Ming remembered about the incident with Lie Zhong Liu and asked about it, “So how are things with Lie Zhong Liu and his wife right now?”

“Lie Zhong Liu is a hopeless romantic, I thought he didn’t have a wife yet. Who would have thought he had such a beautiful wife.”

Zi Yan remembered about Lie Zhong Liu’s swollen and bruised face, he couldn’t help but had a slight grin, “Right now, Wei Chiu Niang is being confined in her room. According to His Majesty’s order, we didn’t make things difficult for her. Lie Zhong Liu was worried that his wife might commit suicide so he stayed outside all night checking up on her.”

“That’s right, I don’t even know how many times he tried to peek inside.” Chiu Yue added.

Chiu Lan kneeled down to help tie the sword around Rong Tian’s waist. She smiled, “I see that Lie Zhong Liu treats his wife very well.”

Lie Er said, “I see that my brother treats sister-in-law very well too.”

Chiu Lan retorted and teased Lie Er, “The best person is your Prince Yong Yi, huh? I remember there was this one time when he took you away for an hour, and upon returning you couldn’t even mount a horse, am I right?”

Understanding the meaning behind it, everyone laughed. Zi Yan followed along and laughed with them before turning to Rong Tian and asked for his advice, “I have investigated and according to the directory that was seized, all the soldiers within Yue Zhong have been captured, no one was able to escape. At least for a short period of time, the royalty of Yong Yin will not know that something has happened here. All the others are easy to handle, just follow through as prisoners of war. But Wei Chiu Niang is the wife of Lie Zhong Liu, what is the best way to deal with her?”

Rong Tian asked, ”Wei Chiu Niang is still within the north wing room of Lie Zhong Liu?”


RT: Then let us pay a visit to this beautiful female commander.
He led the crowd and calmly walked out of the room.

Reaching the north wing room of Lie Zhong Liu, from the outside courtyard, they could see the guards Rong Tian had assigned to guard the room. However, Lie Zhong Liu, who was reported to be monitoring outside overnight, was nowhere to be seen.

After seeing the appearance of Rong Tian, the guards wanted to give their greeting, but were stopped by Rong Tian’s gentle wave. He ordered Chiu Lan and the rest to not follow. Bringing only Feng Ming along, the two of them stood quietly outside the window and looked inside.

“You don’t need to say anymore.” The cold voice of Wei Chiu Niang was heard from inside. “You betrayed me, betrayed the city of Yue Zhong, betrayed Yong Yin. I really hate my father for forcing me to marry a bastard like you!”

She sat on the bed with both her hands tied behind her back by a rope, no longer having the ability to hit Lie Zhong Liu as she pleases.

Rong Tian and Feng Ming were now clear and thought silently to themselves: no wonder Lie Zhong Liu dares to wander into the room, it seems that the tigress is tied up.

Lie Zhong Liu’s face had suffered an overnight blow and was still badly swollen. His forehead and chin still had traces of a fist punch. The handsome face that was originally there looked very comical now.

He tried to come near beside the tied down Wei Chiu Niang and said, “Sweetheart, don’t be angry…”

“How can I not be angry?” Wei Chiu Niang shouted out loudly, frightening Lie Zhong Liu ,causing him to retreat a few steps back.

“Alright, alright. If you like to be angry, then go ahead and be angry. But please don’t harm your body…”

Wei Chiu Niang was indifferent to his pleasing, her beautiful face became cold once again, filled with disdain. “Lie Zhong Liu, please stop your foolish tricks with me. This matter is not something I’ll lessen my anger by just punching you or kicking you out of the house. This is treason! This whole life, don’t ever think that I will forgive you! Get the **** out! You dare step a foot forward, I will kill you!”

“Honey, please listen to me.”

“I won’t listen! I will no longer listen to whatever you say about strategies for unifying a nation anymore…”

“Lu Dan is dead.”

The commotion in the room suddenly died down.

Wei Chiu Niang’s extreme anger ceased as if she was being poured with a pail of ice water. Her whole body in shock.

A moment later, a weak voice asked, “What did you just say?”

“Lu Dan is dead.” The smile on Lie Zhong Liu disappeared, his eyes were slightly depressed, “This news has gradually spread throughout the eleven kingdoms. Soon, even this small and less populated city of Yue Zhong will also received this news.”

“He is dead.” Wei Chiu Niang’s eyes felt empty, as if they sank into a distant memory for a long time and cannot extricate themselves from it. She had been silent for a long time before she slowly let out a long sigh. “He still couldn’t handle it. Well, dying is good, living in pain like that, what’s the point of it? You don’t need to be too sad about it.”

Just awhile ago, she was still yelling at Lie Zhong Liu mercilessly, but when she whispered softly to him the words “you don’t need to be too sad about it” were filled with great affection.

Outside the room, Feng Ming and Rong Tian exchanged a wink. It seems that this couple has a deep relationship with Lu Dan.

They are both Yong Yin people, why do they have connection with an Advisor of Dong Fan?

They only heard Lie Zhong Liu say, “Ever since I heard the news of his death, I couldn’t help but think about the words he had said to us. Chiu Niang, on our wedding day, Lu Dan secretly came by to celebrate. He also drank with us and discussed a few things; do you remember what he said to you?”

Wei Chiu Niang thought about the bad things he just did and didn’t want to answer him. She bit her lips without saying a word and just looked at him with a crestfallen gaze.

Lie Zhong Liu didn’t expect her to answer him as he recalled the event, “He said that if the eleven kingdoms continue their battles for more than a century, no one can stop the inevitable event of the unification of the world. Dong Fan will be destroyed sooner or later, just like the old saying, knowing that an arrow is coming your way, but yet you don’t have the ability to dodge it. That was a lengthy painful despair he had foreseen. From the moment he decided to stay beside Dong Fan King, his predicted outcome of despair had never spared him….I heard that before he died, he persuaded Dong Fan King to hand over Dong Fan to Rong Tian. Lu Dan, Lu Dan, only you have such wisdom in the world, and such courage. Unfortunately, the heavens have treated you so unjustly.”

Wei Chiu Niang was silent.

The two people in the room were silent for a long time. Wei Chiu Niang spoke out, “Even if what he said is true, that the world will be unified sooner or later, then what about it? Should everyone follow in his footsteps and hand over their kingdom over to Rong Tian? Or give it to Ruo Yan of Li Kingdom? If their kingdoms are so powerful, should we just cowardly kneel down and surrender? What meaning would that have? Yong Yin is our homeland, I will not allow it to be threatened by other kingdoms. If Rong Tian wants to annex it, then I will pull out my sword against Rong Tian. If Ruo Yan dares to covet it, then I will also point my sword at him. Even if I lose this life, it will be worth it.”

Ever since she heard of Lu Dan’s death, her angered expression subsided, but every word she just said was clear and firm.

Lie Zhong Liu sighed loudly before lifting the hem of his robes as if he was planning on sitting down beside Wei Chiu Niang.

Wei Chiu Niang turned her head and glared at him, “How dare you come near!”

Lie Zhong Liu stopped in his tracks and let go of his hem. “Alright, I won’t come closer. It’s just I want to ask you a question.”

WCN: Don’t you dare impress me with those eloquent words you use. You colluded with the enemy, and handed Yue Zhong over to Rong Tian. You think that a few words of yours can flatter me?

Hearing this, Feng Ming and Rong Tian, who were eavesdropping outside, finally came to understand a little bit of the situation.

Needless to say, this couple must have debated about the world’s outcome many times before.

Lie Zhong Liu believed that the world should be unified as soon as possible, creating a nation of unity, without having long battles of fighting.

Wei Chiu Niang was dead-set on protecting the independence of Yong Yin and was persistent in keeping it that way for as long as possible. No wonder she didn’t hesitate to shoot the arrow at Rong Tian since he had the power to make Yong Yin disappear forever.

Perhaps Lie Zhong Liu had an eloquent style of debating and would always win against Wei Chiu Niang. Therefore, every time they had an argument, she would often get angry and kick him outside the house.

At this time, Lie Zhong Liu didn’t care if Wei Chiu Niang was listening to him or not. He asked his question, “For whom do you guard this city of Yue Zhong night and day for?”

Wei Chiu Niang made up her mind that she will not be tricked by him again, she bit her lower lip and kept staring at him.
Lie Zhong Liu asked, “Is it because of our Great King? Oh, but the Great King is old, maybe next year he might abdicate the throne over to the new Crown Prince. Then would it be for Yong Quan, the man who once molested you?”

“Shut up!” Wei Chiu Niang couldn’t help but shout, “No matter what you say, drugging your people and opening the gates, bringing Rong Tian inside Yue Zhong is treason! You’re a traitor!”

“Yes, I’m a traitor! So what?” A sudden loud sound burst out, causing the dust on the roof to rustle.

Not only was Wei Chiu Niang startled, even Feng Ming, who was eavesdropping outside, had his ears buzzing.

Aiya, Lie Zhong Liu had showed some backbone.

LZL: This small kingdom of Yong Yin has prolonged itself for centuries under many powerful nations. In order to protect the royal family of Yong Yin, many young men were recruited annually, leaving their homes, and being deployed thousands of miles away to a remote and isolated city on the border. They live there, grow old there, and die there. These people could have live better, have wives, have children, tend to fields, be filial to their parents, plant and harvest. But because of these useless cities needing guards, their lives are meaningless, and their deaths are more meaningless!

WCN: They are all protecting their motherland…

LZL: Shut up! What’s the point of protecting their motherland? They are only protecting the heartless royalty of Yong Yin. Regardless of the annexation, Yong Yin will always be like that. Aman River will always be Aman River. When a nation is bigger, its people will increase. Only when the world is unified as one strong nation will the borders be at peace, more people could live freely, and live the life they wish for, instead of being recruited and collected like pigs, year after year, to guard, be stationed, and deployed for war and die.

Wei Chiu Niang rarely was strongly opposed by Lie Zhong Liu, not to mention being scolded by him. She was stunned for a while before she angrily looked up at him, “What are you getting all worked up for? Unifying the world, unifying the world, you’ve been living at Heaven and Earth Palace with Lu Dan for a few years and now you’re carried away in delusion. Unifying the world, if Yong Yin is to be annexed, we will also become subjugated people, becoming people of lower status, falling into slavery, would you be alright with that? Well, what is that freedom you were talking about? Living the life they always wanted, is that so?”

Lie Zhong Liu listened to her argument; he wasn’t angry but instead smiled. He started giggling as he rubbed his palms together, “If your arrow truly struck Rong Tian and he was killed, not more than 20 years from now, the entire nations in the world would be annexed by Ruo Yan of Li Kingdom. Once that happened, then the situation will become just like you said. Ruo Yan, this tyrant, will always place the winner on top. If he unifies the world, he will place all the people of Li Kingdom as the noblest and the other people of lost nations will be treated as trash and he will step all over them.”

“Pst, then is Rong Tian such a good person?”

“You’re right, Rong Tian is not a good person. Just seeing how he dealt with Lu Dan, spreading plague to the entire capital is evidence that he is also not a good person.”

Because Rong Tian wanted to rescue Feng Ming from the palace of Dong Fan, he had took Feng Ming’s knowledge of viruses and used it for wrongdoing, paralyzing Dong Fan’s military strength and eventually claimed Dong Fan into his hands.

Other people might not have guessed that the plague was due to Rong Tian’s doing. But with Lie Zhong Liu’s amazing analytical ability, with just a little bit of news, he could guess the overall picture of the situation.

When hearing Lie Zhong Liu’s line insisting that Rong Tian was “not a good person,” Feng Ming turned his head and glanced over at Rong Tian.

Rong Tian lifted his finger and made a gesture, motioning for Feng Ming to continue listening to the conversation.

WCN: You knew he wasn’t a good person, then why did you open the gates for him? Well, I don’t want to continue this argument with you. If you know your mistake and wish to redeem yourself, then find an opportunity to kill him. At least you’ll help Yong Yin get rid of a huge threat.

LZL: Rong Tian is not a good person, but he has two good things around him.

Wei Chiu Niang knew he was tricking her, she coldly grumbled at him and refused to speak again.

Lie Zhong Liu saw that Wei Chiu Niang was not easily convinced, but he continued, “The first good thing is Duke Ming, who looks like a complete fool at first glance. Why is he a good thing? It’s a long story, but I will tell you in detail at a much later time.”

When Feng Ming heard that, he thought it was funny and was curious at the same time.

Lie Zhong Liu just called him both stupid and good, could it be because he is stupid that’s why that’s a good thing?

This person did not know him for two days and yet he was very certain in his judgment of him.

However, what exactly is the second good thing around Rong Tian?

Could it be Lie Er? Rong Hu or maybe Zi Yan?

It can’t be Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing, could it?

LZL: The second good thing, if you wait a few days you will probably know because Rong Tian had ordered people to quietly post it up in various places. That is the Grace’s Order. Although Rong Tian is not a good person, he’s a visionary ruler. A mere order and yet the effectiveness of it can be compared with a nation’s powerful troops. From just this one point, Ruo Yan cannot compare to Rong Tian.

Feng Ming was surprised.

He couldn’t believe that Lie Zhong Liu would value the importance of the Grace’s Order.

While listening from the outside, Rong Tian who had been smiling until now, suddenly became pale. He stood up, pulled Feng Ming along and went inside the room. He glanced at Wei Chiu Niang who was sitting on the bed and switched his glance over to Lie Zhong Liu, who was standing to one side.
Rong Tian straightened himself up.

RT: I feel ashamed for I have underestimated you in the past. I’m willing to give the title of Xi Lei’s Prime Minister as an invitation for your aid.

Lie Er who was impatient earlier saw Rong Tian suddenly stood up and pushed open the door, he thought that there was an urgent matter. The whole lot rushed in after them and stood frozen in place after hearing Rong Tian’s words that could decide the future of Xi Lei. They didn’t know what was so great about Lie Zhong Liu that made their Great King be overly excited like this.

Lie Zhong Liu was trying to persuade his wife about him “betraying” her that he didn’t realized his conversation was overheard. He was a bit surprised for a moment.

His quick wit was no less than Lu Dan, after being stunned for a bit, he figured that Feng Ming and Rong Tian were eavesdropping on the outside. Changing his expression, he chuckled coldly.

LZL: Even though the title of Xi Lei’s Prime Minister sounds rather prestigious, it is still a difficult role to uphold. I don’t have that kind of ability; please find a more qualified person instead.

He turned around facing a different direction.

Rong Tian had always been influential throughout; his orders could make anyone frightful. It’s very rare for him to be gentle and polite like this, offering a high status position as Prime Minister and adding in his deepest respect. No one would have guessed Lie Zhong Liu would put on an insensible expression like that.

Lie Er was extremely angry, his teeth were grinding hard.

In his eyes, Rong Tian was being so courteous, even the most arrogant person in the world would dance in joy and immediately kneel down and cheer for the Great King’s generous bestowment.

“Mister Lie.” Feng Ming was the only person beside Rong Tian who overheard the conversation between the couple. He knew what Rong Tian was thinking inside. “If you are in favor that the world should be unified, then you should understand the need of choosing a qualified ruler to unite the eleven nations. Rong Tian is the best candidate, why don’t you agree to his offer? If you have any condition, then feel free to make them.”

LZL: There are many powerful warlords who want to unify the world, why is Rong Tian the best candidate?

FM: Didn’t you said that Rong Tian is much better than Ruo Yan?

After Feng Ming finished, he had a rude awakening. Didn’t he just simply admit that he overheard their conversation?

Lie Zhong Liu saw how cute his frankness was and couldn’t help but smile. After considering for a moment, he asked Feng Ming, “Does Feng Ming really think that Rong Tian is the best candidate in unifying the world?”

FM: Of course.

LZL: In other words, Duke Ming believes that Rong Tian has the ability to unify the world?

FM: Most definitely.

LZL: In other words, with or without my assistance, Rong Tian will still eventually unify the world.

FM: This….

LZL: Then why do you still need to request for my assistance?

Feng Ming was tongue-tied.

So much for his attempted persuasion.

Lie Zhong Liu smiled at Feng Ming’s embarrassed look. Didn’t know what come up in his mind, but he said, “Alright, because of Lu Dan’s sake, I will give Duke Ming a chance.”

Feng Ming quickly asked, “What is it?”

“It’s a chance that will make Lie Zhong Liu, myself, be under Duke Ming’s command forever.”

Lie Zhong Liu stood upright, though his face was still black and blue, but his eyes were warm and gentle with a added manliness to them.

LZL: In order to gain talented people for your usage, you must first touch their hearts. Alright, as long as Duke Ming can impress me with a reason, Lie Zhong Liu will abandon this laziness of mine. From then on, I will be under Duke Ming’s command, and will give my assistance for Duke Ming, what do you think?

He spoke so easily, but in fact, this abnormal proposal was very tricky.
Lie Zhong Liu had traveled through all the nations, he was knowledgeable, and had an extremely eccentric personality and temper. Who could impress him within a short amount of time?

Such a difficult task, could it be that even the world-famous Duke Ming cannot even fulfilled it?

Chiu Lan’s eyes even held some skepticism about Feng Ming.

Only Rong Tian smiled indifferently, stood quietly awaiting for Feng Ming’s response.

Even Feng Ming was a little dumbfounded.

Although he was stupid in a sense, he still understood that Lie Zhong Liu’s so-called opportunity of convincing him was very slim indeed.

What kind of reason can impress Lie Zhong Liu and let him swear his allegiance to Rong Tian?

Continue to convince him of Rong Tian’s positive points? But he already said that Rong Tian was not a good person.

It seems that Rong Tian isn’t someone who the whole world worships.

“This…” Feng Ming was tense and started scratching his head. “Thinking of a reason is not that easy, at least give me some time, right?”

Doesn’t matter what kind of situation this is, first off, he needs to delay the matter, finding some time to discuss and talk to Rong Tian would be better.
Maybe if their intelligence were put together, it will increase the chances of coming up with a good reason.

LZL: Fine, I’ll give you some time to think.

Just when Feng Ming was about to thank him, Lie Zhong Liu pointed his finger at a crescent flower outside the door and said, “I will walk from here to that flower, and from there back here. That will be the time Duke Ming must give his answer.”

“Ha? What? That’s too short…”

Without finishing, Lie Zhong Liu turned around and took his first step.

Oh God, he’s really serious…

Feng Ming nervously widen his eyes, his brain cells running wild, while not forgetting to plead the surrounding people for help. “What should I say? What reason? Hurry and help me think!”

Everyone’s heart also jumped out of their chests as they immediately rushed to give their reply.

“If he assists the King, then His Majesty will bestow lots of grace upon the people of Yong Yin.”

“According to his personality, wealth and fortune will be limitless.”

“His wife and children will live very well.”

“This guy is so arrogant, he must care about fame. If he assists His Majesty, then his name will forever last through the centuries!”

Lie Er’s reason was not very constructive and was filled with self-confidence, “Sooner or later, our Great King will unify the world. If he doesn’t agree to help assisting then we can assure that he will die a painful death.”

“Oh no! Oh no! He’s turning around!” Chiu Xing was so nervous she was pinching her handkerchief into a ball.

Feng Ming looked up and true enough, Lie Zhong Liu came in front of the flower and is intending on turning back.

Oh mother! Why do ancient people also have nerve-racking impromptu quizzes like this? And even using the world’s future as a bet…

Feng Ming was so anxious he started stamping his feet, “Rong Tian, why are you silent? Hurry and give me some advice, if not, your Prime Minister will slip out of your hands.”

Just awhile ago, Rong Tian was the one who gave the invitation of making Lie Zhong Liu his Prime Minister, but now he had the most laid-back demeanor among the rest of them. Seeing Feng Ming anxious to the point his forehead was filled with sweat, he lightly chuckled, “He just want to know Duke Ming’s response. If you were to use any suggestions from any one of us then he will not give you his full respect.”

The clamor of the crowd quieted down.

Feng Ming suddenly realized it.

Yes, this is the best time to show his ability as Duke Ming! Didn’t he always want to help assist Rong Tian, well, this is the most critical moment to do so.

Helping Rong Tian in gaining a talented person like Lie Zhong Liu is the responsible of Duke Ming.

But…. his mind just went blank, even a blade of grass was not found…

This Lie Zhong Liu was one of those crazy, clever geeks that no one knows what he’s thinking inside, just like Lu Dan?

It seems that geniuses have a way of thinking that ordinary people cannot simply understand.

Feng Ming’s heart was like being scratched madly by the claws of a crazy cat, he secretly peered outside the door.


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