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Fan Jia territory.

Under the same moon, there is a huge and magnificent fleet of carriages, riding along with an army of elite men from Li Kingdom, slowly advancing towards the direction of Fan Jia’s capital.

The largest among those carriages was being pulled by sixteen strong horses uniformly marching forward.

The decorated gilded carriage, a gorgeous breathtaking sight, wrapped around the carriage, is a dark curtain embroidered with gold threads. An image of a phoenix like bird preparing for flight was sewn onto the curtain of the horse carriage.

The front and the back of the carriage were guarded by countless soldiers. Numerous armors and sharp swords along with spears were sparkling under the chilling moonlight. In the depths of the night, the army continued marching, but no one actually dared to make random noises or conversation.

As the silent army marched forward, the black and gold magnificent carriage was the secretive main focus of this journey. A cruel and cold evil overlord, who is able to spread fear, numbing the hands and feet of any person who sees him.

Inside that carriage, a devil lay hidden.

Perhaps, it was indeed a hidden devil. This carriage, ever since it had departed, had been quickly advancing towards Fan Jia’s capital.

During this short journey, behind the dark curtains, there have been numerous execution commands sent down and every edict was executed out.

After Fan Jia’s royal family lost their last royal bloodline, the Third Princess, along with the Great King Long Tian, Fan Jia has become an unprecedented weak nation. Blood was splattered across the nation, losing its warmth after seconds. All of the officials and nobles of Fan Jia, who were brave enough to oppose Li army from seizing the capital were forever silenced.

“Your…Majesty…” Behind the black curtain, a weeping cry was heard for a second before it dissipated in the wind.

That was the cry of Si Qiang, who was cleanly stripped down like a lamb, laying supine, with his legs spread open. Si Qiang’s eyes reflected the image of a non-defying, cold-hearted, powerful man.

No sense of pity came from the man, it seemed as if the young man’s body was accustomed to such deep piercing.

Si Qiang’s petite body shivered as he cried out against the icy palm of royalty, stroking him miserably, “Your Majesty….”

He touched the King’s neck. He couldn’t believe that a man as tough as iron, with years of practicing martial arts, would have such beautiful toned muscles like this. Si Qiang cried as he wrapped his arms around the Great King. He knew this was the strongest man he had ever met in his life, enough to make any young man’s spirit go wild.

In contrast to Si Qiang’s moaning, Ruo Yan’s eyes were exceptionally clear.

“Let go.” Ruo Yan tossed Si Qiang’s arms aside, which were wrapped around his neck. He swiftly and forcefully turned over the person lying under him, leaving the young man on his knees with his back towards him.

Because of the sudden change in position, the fiery weapon reached his deepest spot.

Si Qiang screamed out in tears. Previously, this man had vented himself several times which made his twin cheeks and thighs swollen red. This kind of terrifying pain mixed with pleasure traveled through his spine up to his temples. It gave him a sudden rush, making him unable to support himself much longer and he started slumping down.

Ruo Yan hadn’t finished yet so he didn’t allow the young man any moment of rest. Reaching out his hands, he grabbed onto the young man’s waist and continued with the intense thrusts.
Si Qiang’s legs were opened to its maximum capacity. He seemed unconscious, except for the occasional twitching, just like someone being pulled from a nightmare. The thrusting rhythm coming from behind kept its fast pace. “Ah —- Ow ——” The insufferable pain left Si Qiang speechless to the point where he regained consciousness. His face slightly distorted and his limbs for the second time quivered against the fierce thrusts, “Ah!”

What seemed to flare up inside his body almost scorched him. But at the same time, it surprisingly filled him.

The musky male scent of arrogance filled every inch of the enclosed carriage. On the symmetrically handsome face of Ruo Yan was a hint of satisfaction, but it was short-lived. After finding release, he indifferently let go of Si Qiang, who slumped down onto the soft blanket. From beginning to end, there was no trace of a smile on his face. Even his eyes were ice cold.

“Your Majesty…” Si Qiang turned himself over on the blanket, ignoring the beautiful white fluid stains, he looked towards the strong man who had just almost thrust him to death. His harsh voice was softer after the flip, he endearingly said, “Just now….”

“If you still dare to speak while I’m bedding you, I will immediately cut off your tongue.” A moment ago, Ruo Yan had released himself inside Si Qiang, but his gaze right now was as if he was looking at a stranger, “Also, don’t use your hands to hug me.”

He stood up, his tall firm body appeared even more oppressive within the limited space inside the carriage.

Hearing the heartless warning, Si Qiang bit his lower lip, lying still; he looked up and used a prepared clean soft towel to wipe the lower portion of the Great Kings body. While personally dressing himself, Ruo Yan ignored the young man. After all, he wasn’t Feng Ming…

If he was the smart, stubborn Duke Ming, how can he succumb so easily?  Not having any shame and even daring to hold his neck, moaning like some vile whore?

No matter how similar in appearance, maybe with closed eyes, you can imagine the similarities, but underneath all, there is only one Duke Ming.

Filled with disgust, Ruo Yan turned around and sat down in front of the table, no longer glancing at the alluring playmate he had been charmed with.

If only he was holding that person, if only the moaning was of that person, if only the arms that wrapped around his neck belonged to that person…

“Reporting to Your Majesty, an urgent letter!” A loud voice came from outside the horse carriage interrupting his “if onlys.”

Miao Guang’s letter came. Ruo Yan opened up the letter sent by his sister from afar. Under the candlelight, line by line, he slowly read every word.

Duke Ming has fallen into the trap, whether it’s successful or not,  just a few more days and he’ll know.

This one line, he read three to four times, very slowly, as if chewing a very sweet taste of olives. His face always appeared cruel and indifferent, but this time a faint trace of gentleness appeared. This gentle aura had completely changed the overall character of him.

Si Qiang, who had withdrawn to one side with swollen red eyes, held his breath. He couldn’t believe as he gazed at the handsome stern looking face of Ruo Yan that his demeanor instantly changed.


He can’t believe that the King of Li…could also have this kind of expression.

Si Qiang always thought a few days ago that he would not have been loved by the King, but unexpectedly he was favored and in that moment, his entire life belonged to that man.

However, that was not true.

“Si Qiang, come here.” Noticing that Si Qiang’s gaze have been fixated on his face, Ruo Yan put down Miao Guang’s letter and faintly called out.

Perhaps he was in a good mood, calling for his beloved catamite, giving the trembling young man, who haven’t finished cleaning himself, permission to nestle next to him.

Ruo Yan gently ordered, “Close your eyes.”

This tone of voice, along with the strict order Ruo Yan told Si Qiang awhile ago regarding touching him was completely different as night and day.

Si Qiang obediently closed his eyes, tilting his head slightly.

He held his breath, waiting anxiously, because he knew, the Great King will kiss him.

Moreover, it will be a very gentle one.

He slowly clenched his fist, anxiously tense, almost wanting to bite his lower lip with his teeth.

Your Majesty….

The heat gradually closed in.

When the Great King’s lips filled with passion covered his own, Si Qiang knew the corner of his eyes were already moist.

This was obviously an affectionate kiss, where the tip of the man’s tongue filled the depths of his throat, greedily sucking, he refused to let go.

Nothing could have made Si Qiang burst into tears as much as this.

Before this, it was only an overbearing force without any mercy. But now, the Great King even used his both arms to hug him, pulling him against his body, deepening their kiss without a moment to breathe.

It doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter if he can’t breathe.

This man’s breath was enough to make him forget to breathe, even in his own body. Dying in the arms of a powerful man is a supreme honor.

The Great King, my Great King…

Si Qiang bravely held onto Ruo Yan, kissing him deeply, the yearning infatuation and dream that this life would never fade…

“Feng Ming…”

Ruo Yan moaned in a muffled voice, bringing Si Qiang’s beautiful dream on cloud nine back down.

Within seconds, Si Qiang’s whole body stiffened up.

“Feng Ming, my Duke Ming…Feng Ming…”

Each sigh was a knife cutting into Si Qiang to the point he despised himself for not being able to commit suicide.

Not only was he severely dragged down from cloud nine, but he also felt he was once again torn to pieces.





Luo Yun did not say anything, he immediately walked outside to give the order.

Eating halfway, Zi Yan noticed Feng Ming’s frown, he placed his chopsticks down and asked with concern, “Is Duke Ming worried about the Prince of Tong’s hostility towards you? I have heard some news regarding Tong Kingdom while heading here. Along the way, I happened to meet up with Mian Ya who was in charge of gathering information across the realms. He was planning on heading to Fan Jia. Even though Tong Kingdom’s situation pose some risks, but it’s not quite as dangerous as it seems.”

Zi Yan’s cautiousness was comparable to Rong Hu, so when Zi Yan spoke those words, it attracted everyone’s attention.

Feng Ming quickly placed his head closer, eagerly asking, “What is the overall situation then?”

“Tong Kingdom is currently in disarray. Didn’t Duke Ming hear about this?”

Zi Yan was slightly surprised as he glanced over at Feng Ming, calmly explaining, “When Tong Kingdom’s Great King, Qing Ding was alive, he held complete power, however his younger brother, who is the Royal Uncle of Tong Kingdom’s Crown Prince, Qing Zhang, also had influential power within that nation. After the Great King, Qing Ding died, the Royal Uncle, Qing Zhang seized power, similar to that of the King of Tong.”

Feng Ming silently thought, the correct term should be Regent King. But of course, he wouldn’t be rude to interrupt Zi Yan at this time so he continued to listen obediently.

“Right now, even though Qing Ding is dead, Tong Kingdom’s Crown Prince has no way of seizing power.”

“Ah? Why not?” Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing asked together in a sweet and surprised tone of voice.

“Because Qing Zhang is holding onto the current power. Qing Zhang has been reluctant to admit that his brother Qing Ding has died. Since the King is not dead, of course, it is impossible for the Crown Prince to ascend to the throne. And since the Crown Prince cannot reign, then he is also unable to retrieve the monarch power from his Uncle’s hands.”

Chiu Lan’s face was at a loss, “Qing Ding is obviously dead, that is what all the other nations have rumored, how can he not admit to it?”

Zi Yan smiled and asked, “Rumors are just rumors. Tong Kingdom’s Crown Prince, Qing Li, has no evidence to prove that it’s true.”

Feng Ming was deep in thought, after a moment, he finally realized and with wide eyes, he shouted, “I understand now!”

Chiu Yue quickly asked, “What does Duke Ming understand?”

“I understand why the Crown Prince of Tong wanted to kill me to avenge his father. It’s to prove that Qing Ding is dead which will make Qing Li rightfully inherit the throne left by his father. Therefore, right now, Qing Li’s priority is to have everyone admit that his father is dead. If Qing Ding was killed then he needs to search for his father’s killer. Qing Li couldn’t find the real killers, therefore, he decided to accuse me, all thanks to my well-known status. Also, it would be in his best interest to frame me. He continues to accuse me as the murderer to prove to everyone that his father was killed. How hateful! What a disgrace! Even though he knows I’m innocent, he will surely try to eliminate me! He’s clearly only thinking about his own throne! Shameless! Ah, I was even planning on reasoning with him that I wasn’t the culprit…”

Seeing Feng Ming’s upset face, Zi Yan was reminded of what Rong Tian had said about Feng Ming’s cute expressions. He couldn’t help but smile kindly and said, “Duke Ming mustn’t be upset right away. Even if Qing Li wishes to take Duke Ming’s life for his own purpose, there’s still one person who will not allow that.”

Feng Ming straightened himself. Blinking his round eyes, he immediately nodded his head as if he understood.

That’s right, Qing Zhang will not allow him to do that.

First of all, if that happens, Tong Kingdom will offend both Rong Tian and the Xiao family. Secondly, if he allowed Qing Li to use the excuse of avenging his father to harm Feng Ming, then wouldn’t he openly admit that Qing Ding is dead? By then, Qing Zhang would have to immediately return the rightful power to his nephew.

Thinking about that, Feng Ming became relieved. His almond eyes gleamed as he chuckled, “Hehe, within Tong Kingdom, Qing Zhang is the one who holds the most power.”

Zi Yan silently praised him for his quick realization, and he nodded his head, “That’s why in your journey to Tong Kingdom, Duke Ming only need to take advantage of the conflict between their uncle/nephew relationship in order to pass through with ease. Qing Zhang is currently holding military power, if Qing Zhang is willing to protect Duke Ming, then Duke Ming’s safety is guaranteed.”

“Great!” Feng Ming applauded heartily, his face filled with exhilaration, “Great! Haha! I knew that things have changed for the better! Haha!”

All of his three female attendants’ eyes shined, jumped for joy as they huddled together to cheer and applaud. The guards who were standing guard outside shook their heads after hearing the sudden loud noise inside. They didn’t know what fresh tricks Duke Ming had prepared this time.

After a while, they finally settled down. This time, Feng Ming and Chiu Lan noticed that Rong Hu and Zi Yan were still sitting unmoved like a mountain in their seats. Rong Hu’s face was a little more solemn.

“Rong Hu?”

“Even though this news is of private matter within the royal family of Tong Kingdom, but it is not considered top-secret. Mian Ya was able to retrieve the information so why weren’t we aware of it?” Rong Hu lowered his voice, “If we knew of this earlier, Duke Ming wouldn’t have to be worried for many days now.”

Zi Yan added, “I, too, feel that this matter is very strange.”

This is a big problem that shouldn’t be ignored. The group of female attendants who are usually clueless about these schemes immediately focused their attention. “After boarding the ship, the spies we sent out belonged to the Xiao family. The news informed to us were all from the Xiao family.” Rong Hu finally realized why the Prime Minister Lie Zhong Liu sent Mian Ya to gather information.

If they didn’t have Mian Ya, the person who Rong Tian appointed as leader of the spies to be next to Feng Ming, then they would have to rely all of their news and information on the Xiao Family, which shouldn’t be a problem.

However, it’s very difficult to believe that the Xiao Family’s information gathering network would be so incompetent like this. They should know that as assassins, they first need to have an accurate and correct information, otherwise, how can they carefully arrange a successful assassination attempt?

Chiu Xing asked frightfully, “Could it be that Luo Yun have been concealing this information?”

“That’s not possible.” It’s unbelievable that Luo Yun’s big adversary, Chiu Yue was the one to speak on his behalf. “I remembered that the one who said Qing Li wanted to slice Duke Ming into thousand of pieces was not Luo Yun, but Luo Ning.” Seeing everyone curiously staring at her, Chiu Yue’s cheeks reddened, and she pouted her lips, “Why are you looking at me like this? I’m just saying the truth, it’s not like I’m purposely helping that scumbag.”

“Both father and son love to bully Duke Ming, isn’t it the same thing?” Chiu Xing muttered.

“Whether it’s Luo Yun or Luo Ning, they are both important figures within the Xiao Family. If they are secretly scheming against Duke Ming, then the consequences may be very dire.” Rong Hu was silent for a moment, narrowing his eyebrows, he said, “However, the highly skilled assassins usually frown upon backstabbing schemes. This doesn’t look like something the father and son would do.”

Zi Yan didn’t expect to encounter such a crucial matter upon arrival. Carefully pondering for a while, he softly said, “First, let’s not suspect anything. If they truly wanted to harm Duke Ming, then Duke Ming would’ve already been dead. Right now, we have to carefully investigate who is in charge of the Xiao Family’s information gathering.”

“I’ll go investigate this matter.” Rong Hu answered.

Zi Yan and him exchanged glances. They have worked together for a long time, so one glance was enough to communicate their intentions.

Zi Yan stood up, tiredly stretching himself, “The Xiao Family’s information gathering situation will be handled by Rong Hu. It seems that I will need to head to Tong Kingdom immediately.”

Feng Ming jumped up in shock, he didn’t want to give in, “You just came, so why are you suddenly leaving now?”

ZY: Mian Ya has left for Fan Jia, therefore, we are short of someone to gather precise information. If you were to continue onwards, wouldn’t it be dangerous? I must be one step further, before Duke Ming reaches Tong Kingdom, I will be a good spy for you. The situation at the moment does not seem simple, Duke Ming has to be careful while on board.

Chiu Yue urgently declared, “You must stay on board in case something really happens so we can deal with it together.”

Zi Yan chuckled, “If Luo Ning, the commander of the assassination group, truly wants to take Duke Ming’s life, with their martial arts and number, even with an additional person like me, we won’t be able to stop them. If I stay here, I’ll just be buried along with all of you. Not to mention, I don’t think he is the one behind concealing information. I have heard of his name for many years along with his personality. It isn’t like that, and also, why would he want to kill Duke Ming? Everything is just speculation, please rest assured. Judging by the present situation, even if there is danger, it would only be along the borders of Tong Kingdom. After all, Duke Ming is publicly acknowledged as Holy Master Xiao’s son, who would dare to make a move towards him? If they dare to, it would be ‘borrowing someone’s knife to do the deal’, they wouldn’t personally do it themselves.”

Feng Ming heard the firmness in his voice and knew that Zi Yan had already decided. Staring at him, Feng Ming said, “Zi Yan, the situation in Tong Kingdom is in chaos, you have to understand that we are not the same. I have lots of bodyguards, but you are just one person.”

Zi Yan grinned showing his snow white teeth, “Rest assured Duke Ming, I’m very familiar with Tong Kingdom. Every year, His Majesty would relocate some of us to hide along the sea of Tong Kingdom. We would often be near the Dan Lin Strait. If something were to happen while I’m in Tong Kingdom, I will immediately flee towards the sea, I’ll guarantee that they will search in vain without finding a single strand of my hair.”

His calm composure greatly eased the tension in the room. Feng Ming laughed after hearing his words, “Ah, talking about Dan Lin Strait, I suddenly remember this vexing problem. I also have to open up a safe water route for transporting the luminescent sand, that place that has lots of pirates…”

“After I reach Tong Kingdom, I will investigate about these pirates for Duke Ming,” Zi Yan abruptly interrupted Feng Ming, “When I leave this time, I will try my best to return before Duke Ming’s large ship enter Tong Kingdom’s territory.”

Zi Yan walked over to Rong Hu, whispered a few words to him and then turned around to stare at Feng Ming, putting on a confident smile, he said, “His Majesty said, he wants Duke Ming to obediently wait for his return, Duke Ming, please take care.” In a flash, Zi Yan’s image disappeared behind the door.

There were only five people inside the room. Rong Hu didn’t have time to spare, he looked up and said, “I will go investigate about the person in charge of overseeing the information gathering of the Xiao family.” Without waiting for Feng Ming to nod his head, Rong Hu had voluntarily walked out.

Seeing Rong Hu leave, Chiu Lan turned over to Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing and whispered, “Starting today, when Duke Ming sleeps, we will not allow Luo Yun to stand guard.”

Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing unrelentingly nodded, both desperate to protect Duke Ming’s handsome appearance. However, Chiu Yue still solemnly protested, “But I still don’t believe that Luo Yun would want to harm Duke Ming, his kind of person….”

“It’s not just you that doesn’t believe it, even I can’t believe it, also I don’t think Luo Yun is such a bad person, even though his demeanor is fierce. However, we still have to take precaution, be a bit more careful, even if Zi Yan and Rong Hu don’’t suspect them. The three of us will stand watch just like before, taking turns each night. We won’t be standing guard outside the room, but instead stand guard along with Luo Yun in front of Duke Ming’s bed.”

Feng Ming watched as his three female attendants huddled together to carefully negotiate an important business.


Oh Prime Minister, just like you said, this journey is filled with many twists, every day is something new. The fact is I will most definitely be under layers and layers of protection just because of that indomitable dream? Right now, it feels like I’m a young tree being protected by many…. Feng Ming let out a long sigh. Right now, the dishes on the table were still warm.

Underneath the gentle moonlight, the large ship of the famous Xiao was slowly advancing towards Tong Kingdom.




The Xiao family fleet sounded their drums and chimed the gongs as they continued upstream along Aman River, heading straight to Dong Kingdom.

Even though the ship was magnificently decorated, staying on it for a long time would soon become boring. Besides the occasional encounter of the scenic shores and relaxing at port stops, the majority of the time was extremely dull and boring. During those times, Feng Ming found that playing the flute was his õnly source of entertainment.

The Xiao family had musicians traveling onboard and among them, there was someone who knew how to play a flute. Feng Ming eagerly wanted to practice; therefore, he purposely requested for that person to teach him. As each day passed by, his playing became easier on the ears.

The jade flute Du Feng gave was a precious gift to him, he even refused to let other people touch it. Everytime he finished blowing it, he would ask Chiu Lan to prepare a damp washcloth, to personally wipe it himself and then carefully placed it back onto his waist belt.

Chiu Lan would often laugh at him, “There are many better items in the palace, but yet none of them have brought such joy to Duke Ming like this one. Young Master Du Feng just gave a jaded flute and now it has turned into a precious object. If His Majesty were to find out, he would definitely be burning with jealousy.”

Feng Ming joked around with his female attendants, giggling with them, “Do you mean Rong Tian will be jealous of Du Feng or be jealous of the jade flute?”

During the night, under the moon and cool breeze, after he finished eating, Feng Ming continued playing a simple tune. Despite the practicing, he is still far from achieving the same result as the original owner of the jade flute. However, his slender body, along with his loose fitted robes and shoulder hung cloak that Chiu Yue handmade for him, while standing under the moonlight and holding his flute was enough to make all the observers, especially Chiu Yue mesmerized.

“Duke Ming is amazing.”

“Naturally, Duke Ming is impressive; therefore, a quick learner. I believe Duke Ming’s playing is even better than Du Feng’s.”

“Chiu Xing, your praises are a bit outrageous.”

“Ha ha..”

Gradually, even Luo Yun who usually is bothered by these silly chats was seen quietly leaning against the deck of the ship. He silently stared out towards the river, as if he didn’t care about the lively chatter of the men and women around him.


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