Feng Yu Jiu Tian.eng t. 15 - Chapter 1.3.docx

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Feng Yu Jiu Tian - Volume 15 - Chapter 1.3

Holiday finished! Back to translating. Ruo Yan is like Albert in True Star. So ruthless, but he treasure Feng Ming above all and don't want anyone else to hurt him. I guess he takes Rong Tian's word "to not hurting Feng Ming if he wants him" seriously. That's in Volume 4 i think.. 




Although he did not dare look up to see the Great King’s expression, but from the tone of his voice already knew he is in bad mood, the messenger turn dreary, more carefully answered, “In Fen Cheng selling Duke Ming dolls was Yu Lang gongzi plan in order to capture Duke Ming trusted aid as well as to uncover their plan. Yu Lang gongzi also acting as Bei Qi Kingdom’s Du Feng, went on board Xiao Family ship and meet with Duke Ming. He thinks Xi Lei King Rong Tian was not in the vicinity of Duke Ming. Yu Lang gongzi also suspects that King Rong Tian is not there with Duke Ming and mostly speculates he’s at Dong Fan Kingdom because recently we received some news from there”. 


“This King already heard the news about Dong Fan. And the speculation that Rong Tian will come to Fen Chang to meet Duke Ming, This King also feel it make sense.” Ruo Yan cut off the explanation from the messenger about the situation with a cold laugh, “This King only feels strange. Yu Lang as an intelligent person who can put forth hundreds of schemes, this times unexpectedly cannot think of other ways and use such a disgraceful scheme towards Duke Ming? This King wants him to quickly take back all the remaining dolls and buy back all that has been sold, either it’s inside the pleasure house also need to take back. Also spread the bids to buy the dolls in all directions not leaving any outside.”


TLN: Ruo Yan address himself as Benwang = This King = I as in royalty language.. 


The words coming from the King increasingly full of chills,” I heard they said that the dolls and Feng Ming himself extremely similar, simply impudent! Who is Xi Lei Duke Ming, how can those lowly citizens privately use his dolls as part of their lewd activities? And that his private’s part also, how come has been design according to Feng Ming’s figure?”


Si Qiang sits inside Ruo Yan’s bosom, originally being hug by both of Ruo Yan’s arm but now those hands becoming more and more tighter, just like an iron hoop, almost making his bones to break. With pinched eyebrows, that beautiful small face however stayed silent and bear with the pain. 


He knew the King right now really furious, at this time have to be careful as not to make the King’s attention draw on him or else he will set fire upon himself. 


"Great King, do not be angry.  This is..... Yu Lang gongzi in order want to capture Xi Lei King set this trap, perhaps he fails to take what has happen now into consideration at that moment.....”


“He did not consider?”


"Uh ......" the messenger himself know their own King  his hand really fierce, taking someone’s life with just a drop of hands, can’t help but trembles in fear while his head is also getting lower and said,” This ... this is to say..............."


“ U say!”


“Although gongzi did not catch Xi Lei King, but ...... he caught someone named Lie Er ...... "


“This King appointed him to the task, but he spent so much time to only catch a small attendant."


The messenger heard the King’s cold laugh, trembles with fear for a very long time, only dare to reply in a low voice,”To report, Great King, Yu Lang gongzi said, this Lie er, ah, he is not a normal attendant..... but very important.”


“Who said he is important?”


This word can be said as “headless brain” ah. The messenger suddenly dumbfounded, don’t know what to reply. 


TLN : Headless brain [wú tóu wú nǎo] completely without clue; The causes are not apparent


The sound of Ruo Yan’s voice spreading outwards, “You go and tell Yu Lang, immediately collect all those damn dolls and burn it all, do not hesitate even have to use a lot of money to buy them, then burn it altogether. And afterwards all schemes to implicate Duke Ming, must go through This King agreement, do not boldly to decide himself.”




“ Another thing,” after a moment of silence, Ruo Yan one more time started talking, his tone already ease a lot, the words coming felt warmer, “ On behalf on This King convey my words, this period of time left him wondering outside, suffering hardship, his contribution to Li Kingdom This King never a moment forget.”


“Yes, yes......”the messenger releases a mouthful of air, immediately kneeling more lower,” Subordinate kowtow on behalf of gongzi for Great King’s favour.”


“As for that small attendant that he caught, if he do not consider killing then This King won’t force him to, although if he wants to enjoy playing also can take his time and enjoy it. But..,” Ruo Yan voice suddenly once more shifting, condense heavy pressure and intimidating atmosphere, “But he must not make Duke Ming matter give This King to act accordingly. What This King said, have you remembered it?” 


“Subordinate remembers.”


“En”, Ruo Yan feeling satisfied, languidly turn to see the box that has been brought with the letter,” Inside this small box, what does it contains?”


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