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 Let's go for usual shit...

 This is my second module ever (except of course all my High Quality Dance Remixes,
 avalaible by DCC (on IRC), or eventually by E-Mail (just contact me for a list)...

 The first one I made was Forrest Gump (download it too) !
 I made another one, though I don't call it a "module"... It's just a "THX-like"
 sound, made one day for some demos we SHOULD have released (and created ;)...

 This one is some Techno/Dance/Strong module, and I made it for a girl I met only
 once... Siham... I hope she'll listen to it one day :)

 Made in 9 hours, on the 18 september 1995... The module is 279'978 bytes large,
 playing time is 09:33, and the intro is 02:56...

 37 positions, 31 patters, made with ProTracker 3.15, and with samples downloaded
 from peace ftp, and corrected, cycled, converted by me :)

 For all the greetings, please read "ReadMe.!!" file :)

 Contact me at : cantonioli@ping.ch   *NOW*  ! :)
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