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                                CrAzY LiGhTs

Author: Yannis Brown
  Thankyou for downloading Crazy Lights!! Please read the following text.

General But IMPORTANT Info
  - I accept NO responsibility for any damage that this or any of my 
    programs may cause to your system. (don't be put off by this.. I have
    run these plenty of times on my own system). But heed my warning!
    You accept this warning by running the program (at your own risk).

So What is this program?
  - Crazy Lights is a TSR (Terminate Stay Resident) program. What does that
    mean? It simply means that it will execute and stay in memory until you
    reboot the machine or use tools otherwise to remove it from memory.

What Does it do to MY Machine!
  - He he.. this el-neato little program will make your keyboard "Lock" 
    lights blink in a sequence you determine. It's really cool typing
    while the Capslock light is flashing.. :)
How And Why Was it Written?
  - I used Turbo Pascal 5.0 and above to create this program. I first wanted
    to write a TSR back in 1992 when I saw a cool program that put a dot on 
    the screen and made it fly around in the background while normal DOS 
    functionality remained. Since I couldn't find the program, I decided
    to attemt to write my own, so I begain to read up on TSR techniques in
    Turbo Pascal. Finally found the stuff I needed to use to write the 
    program and produced my first TSR.

Wanna find me on the NET?
  - EMail:
  - IRC: #australia, #trax, #adelaide, #amiga
  - WWW:

Other Programs I have Written

- Crazy Cursor : Makes your cursor Hyper Active.

- Cool-TSR     : Puts a character on the screen and makes it fly around
                 in the background while you continue using DOS.

- 3DStarsn     : A 3D Starfield program that lets you enter in X,Y and Z
                 rotation angles, Speed, and Number of Stars to use.

- Reboot       : Not sure if I will release this one. It reboots the 
                 computer after a number of seconds given to it. Displays
                 a count down message of 20 seconds notice before rebooting.
- Melting      : Another TSR. This one will make characters drop off the 
                 screen in DOS or Text Mode Programs after a number of 

- Star DOS     : A "Hack" to put a 3DStarfield in your DOS Prompt.

- Key Music    : Musical Program that uses the PC Speaker. Pretty cool for
                 Kids. Allows you to save and read Music Script files.
                 Try Passing a normal Textfile thru it to find out what it

- Crazy Lights : This TSR will make your Keyboard "Lock Lights" Blink in
                 a sequence you decide.
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