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This document explains the method used by OSRB to reproduce "standalone build" of copyleft components, such as Linux kernel and user space copyleft executables and libraries. Similar instructions should be provided along with the source code when posting source packages to OSMC. 

 1. Create a workspace containing "vanilla" JB release from Google. You may need to apply the following change in build repo to prevent the build from aborting when unexpected _user_ tag is found on some modules:

        diff --git a/core/ b/core/
        index 3c11673..ecf611d 100644
        --- a/core/
        +++ b/core/
        @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ ifneq ($(filter $(LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS),user),)
             $(warning * PRODUCT_PACKAGES section of)
             $(warning * build/target/product/
             $(warning * )
        -    $(error user tag detected on new module - user tags are only supported on legacy modules)
        +    $(warning user tag detected on new module - user tags are only supported on legacy modules)

 2. Overlay Motorola-provided published repos on top of original Google versions. 

 3. Build user space components:

        cd <workspace>
        . build/
        lunch generic-user
        make BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH=true TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM=omap <target>

    Where <target> is something like `out/target/product/generic/system/bin/bluetoothd`

 4. Building kernel and kernel modules:
        mkdir -p $PWD/out/target/product/generic/obj/kernel

        make  -C kernel/omap4 ARCH=arm  CROSS_COMPILE=$cross  O=$kernel_out_dir KBUILD_DEFCONFIG=mapphone_defconfig defconfig modules_prepare
        make  -C kernel/omap4 ARCH=arm  CROSS_COMPILE=$cross  O=$kernel_out_dir zImage
        make  -C kernel/omap4 ARCH=arm  CROSS_COMPILE=$cross  O=$kernel_out_dir INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$PWD/out/target/product/generic modules
        make  -C kernel/omap4 ARCH=arm  CROSS_COMPILE=$cross  O=$kernel_out_dir INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$PWD/out/target/product/generic modules_install
 5. About sgx module, please refer to the README & INSTALL files of omap4_sgx_src_eurasia_km.tgz
    export KERNDIR=/{absolute-path-of-your-codebase-out-folder}/out/target/product/{phone-name}/obj/PARTITIONS/kernel_intermediates/build/
    export CROSS_COMPILE=/{absolute-path-to-your-codebase}/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6/bin/arm-eabi-
    make ARCH=arm BUILD=release TARGET_SGX=540       

Build vpndriver:

        make CROSS=$cross CROSS_COMPILE=$cross PROCFAMILY=OMAP4430 PROJROOT= HOST_PLATFORM=sdc4430 KRNLSRC=$PWD/kernel/omap4 KERNEL_DIR=$kernel_out_dir PREFIX=$kernel_out_dir ARCH=arm KLIB=$kernel_out_dir KLIB_BUILD=$kernel_out_dir O=$kernel_out_dir -C $PWD/kernel/omap4 M=$PWD/vendor/authentec/vpndriver modules

Build compat driver:
        make CROSS=$cross CROSS_COMPILE=$cross PROCFAMILY=OMAP4430 PROJROOT= HOST_PLATFORM=sdc4430 KRNLSRC=$PWD/kernel/omap4 KERNEL_DIR=$kernel_out_dir PREFIX=$kernel_out_dir ARCH=arm KLIB=$kernel_out_dir KLIB_BUILD=$kernel_out_dir -C $PWD/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/compat

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