All Stars Fall_ A Seaside Pictu - Rachel Van Dyken.pdf

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All Stars Fall
By Rachel Van Dyken
A Seaside Pictures/Big
Sky Novella
Introduction by Kristen
All Stars Fall: A Seaside Pictures/Big Sky
By Rachel Van Dyken
Copyright 2019
ISBN: 978-1-948050-54-8
Published by Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated
All rights reserved. No part of this book may
be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any
printed or electronic form without permission.
Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of
copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s
This is a work of fiction. Names, places,
characters and incidents are the product of the
author’s imagination and are fictitious. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
events or establishments is solely coincidental.
Book Description
All Stars Fall: A Seaside Pictures/Big Sky
By Rachel Van Dyken
New York Times
USA Today
bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken…
Two words I can't really get out of my head.
She left
Three more words that make it that much
Three being another word I can't seem to wrap
my mind around.
Three kids under the age of six, and she left
because she missed it. Because her dream had
never been to have a family, no her dream had been
to marry a rockstar and live the high life.
Moving my recording studio to Seaside
Oregon seems like the best idea in the world right
now especially since Seaside Oregon has turned
into the place for celebrities to stay and raise
families in between touring and producing. It would
be lucrative to make the move, but I'm doing it for
my kids because they need normal, they deserve
normal. And me? Well, I just need a break and help,
that too. I need a sitter and fast. Someone who
won't flip me off when I ask them to sign an Iron
Clad NDA, someone who won't sell our pictures to
the press, and most of all? Someone who looks
absolutely nothing like my ex-wife.
He's tall.
That was my first instinct when I saw the
notorious Trevor Wood, drummer for the rock band
Adrenaline, in the local coffee shop. He ordered a
tall black coffee which made me smirk, and five
minutes later I somehow agreed to interview for a
nanny position. I couldn't help it; the smaller one
had gum stuck in her hair while the eldest was
standing on his feet and asking where babies came
from. He looked so pathetic, so damn sexy and
pathetic that rather than be star-struck, I took pity. I
knew though; I knew the minute I signed that NDA,
the minute our fingers brushed and my body
became insanely aware of how close he was—I was
in dangerous territory, I just didn't know how
dangerous until it was too late. Until I fell for the
star and realized that no matter how high they are
in the sky—they're still human and fall just as hard.
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