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“Mark of the Demon is a nifty combination of police procedural and urban
fantasy. Not too many detectives summon demons in their basement for the
fun of it, but Kara Gillian is not your average law enforcement officer. In the
course of Rowland’s first book, Kara learns a lot about demons, her past, and
above all, herself.”
—CHARLAINE HARRIS, New York Times bestselling author of From
Dead to Worse
“Mark of the Demon crosses police procedure with weird magic. Diana
Rowland’s background makes her an expert in the former, and her writing
convinces me she’s also an expert in the latter in this fast-paced story that
ends with a bang.”
—CARRIE VAUGHN, New York Times bestselling author of Kitty Raises
“If Karen Chance and Kim Harrison’s books had a baby and that baby was a
ninja, it would be Mark of the Demon.”
—ANN AGUIRRE, national bestselling author of Blue Diablo
“Rowland spins a tale that is riveting, suspenseful, and deliciously sexy.
With a unique take on demons, and with one of the most terrifying serial
killers ever, Mark of the Demon will keep you up late at night turning pages.”
—JENNA BLACK, author of Speak of the Devil
“Mark of the Demon is a fascinating mixture of a hard-boiled police
procedural and gritty yet otherworldly urban fantasy. Diana Rowland’s
professional background as both a street cop and forensic assistant not only
shows through but gives the book a realism sadly lacking in all too many
urban fantasy ‘crime’ novels.”
—L. E. MODESITT JR., author of the Saga of Recluce
“A well-woven supernatural procedural that keeps the pages turning,
hooking you on both the characters and the crime.”
—LAURA ANNE GILMAN, author of Free Fall
“In a world full of paint-by-numbers urban fantasy, Mark of the Demon is a
breath of fresh air. Diana Rowland brings a cop’s cynical eye and gallows
humor along with a great sense of storytelling to make this one of the
standout books in the field. I’m looking forward to the next one.”
—M. L. N. HANOVER, author of Unclean Spirits
“A highly polished supernatural crime thriller … From the forensic and
police procedures to the descriptions and dialogue, every facet has the ring of
authenticity.… A great part of the success of this novel is how well the
supernatural elements are integrated and grounded into a real-world crime
procedural.… If I had read this book as a ‘blind test’ I would have guessed it
to be the author’s seventh or eighth novel. It really is that good.… This is a
very exciting urban fantasy debut.”
“Diana Rowland’s Mark of the Demon is like an episode of CSI … only with
more realistic science, better police procedural, and demons.… Mark of the
Demon is fast-paced and fun. It’s sour, bitter, sweet, salty, and sexy. It’s
science without technobabble, and gritty without being gross.… After
gobbling up this debut, I’m really looking forward to what Diana Rowland
offers us next!”
—InterGalactic Medicine Show
“Mark of the Demon floored me. Completely. I could NOT put this book
down for a single minute.… Action, arcane witchcraft, demons, and dream
travel—I can’t rave about Mark of the Demon enough. Part urban fantasy, part
romantic suspense, Mark of the Demon will grab you, keep you enthralled.”
—Wild on Books
“Mark of the Demon is a great novel for those who enjoy a suspenseful
crime-solving mystery.… This is one great mystery.… There are twists and
turns and great chemistry between Kara and Ryan.… Not to be missed.”
—Babbling About Books
“Utilizing her real-world experience as an ex-cop/forensic assistant, debut
author Rowland pulls together an edgy new urban fantasy novel that’s both a
police procedural and a demonic thriller. The collision of heroine Kara’s dual
careers sets the stage for an engrossing and gritty tale that also possesses a
dangerously sexy edge. Through Kara’s eyes readers get a crash course on a
serial killer case with an unholy twist. Brava to Rowland for creating a vivid
heroine and several transfixing secondary players.”
—Romantic Times
“From the opening sequence to the very ending, Mark of the Demon never
loses its pace and its atmospheric feel.… A very solid debut and I can
definitely see a bright future for both the author and the series.
—The Book Smugglers
“One of those books that starts off with a nice bang and rarely let me down
from then on.… Welcome to the urban fantasy genre, Ms. Rowland. Here’s to
many more such engrossing reads.”
—Lurv a la Mode
“A delightful collaboration of genres including urban fantasy, suspense,
romance and police procedural. Debut author Diana Rowland takes
everything that I love in a book and puts it all together to write an outstanding
novel. Take a dash of Charmed mixed with some Dexter and you have Mark
of the Demon.… A breathtaking, heart-stopping, white-knuckler thriller that
grabbed me by the throat and didn’t let go!”
—Enchanted by Books
“Excellent … Diana Rowland has hit a home run, not only with urban
fantasy fans, but I believe anyone who reads forensic science/police
procedure books will enjoy Mark of the Demon as well.”
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