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Rectangular Balers
John Deere 349* 359 459
* Not available in the UK and Ireland
Rugged John Deere Square Balers
For bales that stack like bricks, get a solid baler.
The rounded auger chamber slants
10 degrees so it’s wider at the feed
opening. This allows constant
movement of material as it
approaches the feed opening.
Adjustable feeder forks fold
precompressed crop into the
chamber, filling each charge
and ensuring uniform bale
“Rock Solid.”
From the pick-up
to the bale chute, durable
components are designed to work
together as a single unit. No other
baler is built this way.
A proven Constant Flow
crop control system
puts more
material into square bales. Bales
that handle, stack, transport and
hold onto crop quality better than
Plus good John Deere
engineering makes these balers
more efficient.
You gain more
capacity without using more
Parts availability and timely
service means non-stop
John Deere makes
buying a square baler a very solid
The simple, deep flighted
floating auger provides
continuous, uniform feeding
and reduces leaf loss.
Plenty of strong, straight teeth
gently lift the crop and carry it
to the auger. Teeth are closely
spaced (6.1 cm apart).
The 90 degree edges on stripper
bars gently strip all material
from they teeth as they retract,
saving nutritious leaves.
Provide even compression
instantly. A unique shape and
9 position adjustability let you
match crop conditions.
The 349 makes solid bales measuring 36 x 46 cm. The 1.75 m pick-up (96 teeth, 4 bars) carries material to a 1914 cm
opening. There are 80 plungerhead strokes per minute, the minimum tractor requirement: 41 horsepower.
The 359 makes 36 x 46 cm bales. A deluxe pick-up (114 teeth, 6 bars) delivers material to a 1914 cm
feed opening. The 359 also
has a faster plungerhead speed of 92 strokes per minute. The minimum tractor requirement: 47 horsepower.
The 459 also makes 36 x 46 cm bales. It’s pick-up (168 teeth, 6 bars) is 2 m wide, moving the crop into a 1914 cm
feed opening.
At 100 strokes per minute the plungerhead boosts capacity. The minimum tractor requirement: 61 horsepower.
*Not available in the UK and Ireland.
More into the baler. More into the bale
High Capacity, Low Profile Pick-up
Crop control – and better bales
– start here;
with the low profile,
high capacity pick-up, crop lift and
leaf loss are minimised, thanks to
the small diameter pick-up.
Plenty of long, straight teeth work
to lift the crop and gently carry
it to the cross auger. Teeth are
spaced just 6.1 cm apart to
effectively handle even short
grasses and straw. Flanged,
narrow-channel strippers keep the
material (especially protein rich
leaves) inside the baler.
The pick-up takes control
The nine-position
compressor rack turns fluffy
windrows into a controllable
crop mat; adjusting is easy as
conditions change. Attached
directly to the pick-up, it maintains
the same relationship to the
pick-up at all heights.
Get excellent ground
hugging, crop saving
performance. Rugged springs,
mounted at each end of the
pick-up, provide the flotation. The
left hand spring doubles as a drive
belt tension spring – another
indication of the practical design.
John Deere Constant Flow System
John Deere balers deliver consistency, consistently.
The side mounted flywheel
turns on the same plane as
the plungerhead, for efficient
power transfer.
A floating compressor turns a
fluffy windrow into a tight
crop mat. The crop mat
remains under control on
windy days.
Building squarer, stackable,
solid bales
is what the proven
Constant Flow System is all about.
It provides complete control of
material from the instant it is lifted
off the ground until it hits the
ground again as the squarest
package available today. There’s
no surer way to form square bales
in all conditions.
Once the crop is inside the
baler, a continuous flow auger
moves it into a tapered chamber.
This makes John Deere bales
denser, more consistent. A
difference you will notice when
stacking and feeding.
Following precompression,
feeder forks fold material into
every corner of the bale
to provide a full charge
every time.
The continuous flow
auger moves crop to the
chamber, automatically
adjusting to changing
volumes of material.
A fast plungerhead speed
adds to capacity. So does the
long, 76 cm plungerhead
Top and bottom T-rails apply
uniform tension to the bale.
Bale doors let you control
side pressure.
Feeder forks fold
precompressed crop into the
chamber to ensure uniform
bales. Fewer moving parts
help reduce maintenance
Rugged components produce solid results
The side location of the flywheel allows
for its large size (the industry’s heaviest).
The weight turning on the same plane as
the plungerhead, helps provide efficient
transfer of power. This makes John Deere
balers light running and light pulling.
Inside the bale chamber
The plungerhead takes over.
Fast, 76 cm strokes speed
production. The crank is placed
slightly to the feed opening side of
the plungerhead. This puts the
thrust force slightly more to the
knife side of the plungerhead. The
result is a cleaner cut and a lower
horsepower requirement.
Plungerhead guides, roller
bearings, guided side thrust,
stationary knife and plungerhead
knife are adjustable to help
maintain peak efficiency.
Pressure is applied to the
bale from four sides, increasing
Convenient cranks let you
control top and bottom pressure.
(Hydraulic control is available for
the 359 and standard on the 459).
Adjustable hay doors maintain
pressure on each side.
Control density even further with 6
retractable hay dogs (1) inside the
balecase. These hay dogs, plus
dimpled side hay resisters (2),
keep hay firmly in place. The result
is more material packed into each
bale, giving the straightest edges
with the squarest corners.
The all-welded balecase
holds its shape and rigidity.
There’s no distortion over time as
on bolted and combination
(bolted/welded) balecases which
tend to loosen up.
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