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The Grimoire Of
The person who desires to invoke the perverse “Spirits of Darkness must observe a
three days’ fast; he must also confess and approach the Holy Altar. After these three
days, upon the morrow, and at the hour of sunrise, he shall recite the Seven Gradual
Psalms, with the accoinpanying Litanies and Prayers,
the whole on his knees; further,
he must drink no wine and eat no meat on that day. Next, he shall rise at midnight on
the first Monday of the month,
and a priest shall say a Mass of the Holy
2 The three days’ fast must therefore have been regulated so that it expired on the previous Saturday.
After the consecration, taking the Host in his left hand,he shall
recite the following prayer on his knees :
My Sovereign Saviour Jesus Christ, Son of the living God! Thou who
for the salvation of all mankind didst suffer the death of the Cross; Thou
who, before being abandoned to Thine enemies, by an impulse of
ineffable love didst institute the Sacrament of thy Body; Thou who hast
vouchsafed to us miserable creatures the privilege of making daily
commemoration thereof; do Thou deign unto thine unworthy servant, thus
holding thy Living Body in his hands, all strength and ability for the
profitable application of that power with which he has been entrusted
against the horde of rebellious spirits. Thou art their true God, and if they
tremble at the utterance of Thy Name, upon that Holy Name will I call,
crying Jesus Christ! Jesus, be Thou my help, now and for ever! Amen.
After sunrise a black cock must be killed, the first feather of its left wing
being plucked and preserved for use at the required time. The eyes must
be torn out, and so also the tongue and heart; these must be dried in the
sun and afterwards reduced to powder. The remains must be interred at
sunset in a secret place, a cross of a palm in height being set upon the
mound, while at each of the four corners the signs which here follow
must be drawn with the thumb :
3 The Mass of Pentecost, except the Epistle, which should be
that of the Tuesday after Pentecost, and the Gradual, for which there are special versicles.
On this day also the operator should drink no wine and abstain from
eating meat.
On Tuesday, at break of day, let him say a Mass of the Angels,
the feather taken from the bird upon the altar, together with a new
penknife. The signs hereinafter represented must be inscribed on a sheet
of clean paper with the consecrated wine which is the Blood of Jesus
Christ :
They should be written upon the altar, and at the end of the Mass the
paper should be folded in a new veil of violet silk, to be concealed on the
morrow, together with the oblation of the Mass and a part of the
consecrated Host.
On the evening of Thursday the operator must rise at midnight, and, having sprinkled
holy water about the
1 The Mass for the Apparition of St. Michael, May 8, with a special Epistle, Gospel,
Commemoration, &c,
chamber, he must light a taper of yellow wax, which shall have been
prepared on the Wednesday and pierced in the form of a cross. When it is
lighted he shall recite Psalm
—Attendite, popule meus, legem meam,
&c.—without the
Gloria Patri.
He shall then begin the “Office of the
with 1/enite exultemus Domino,
&c. He shall recite Matins and
Lauds, but in place of the versicle of the ninth Lesson 1 he shall say:
Deliver us,
O Lord, from the fear of hell. Let not the demons destroy my soul when I
shall raise them from the deep pit, when I shall command them to do my
will. May the day be bright, may the sun and moon shine forth, when I shall
call upon them. Terrible of aspect are they, deformed and horrible to sight;
but do Thou restore unto them their angelic shapes when I shall impose my
will upon them. 0 Lord deliver me from those of the dread visage, and grant
that they shall be obedient when I shall raise them up from hell, when I
shall impose my will upon them.
After the “Office of the Dead” the operator shall extinguish the taper, and
at sunrise shall cut the throat of a male lamb of nine days, taking care that
the blood does not gush forth upon the earth. He shall skin the lamb, and
shall cast its tongue and heart into the fire. The fire must be freshly kindled,
and the ashes shall be preserved for use at the proper time. The skin of th~
lamb shall be spread in the middle of a field, and for the space of nine days
shall be sprinkled four times every day with holy water. On the tenth day,
before the rising of the sun, the lambskin shall be covered with the ashes of
the heart and tongue, and with the ashes also of the
2 This Psalm is numbered lxxviii. in the Authorised Version.
1 This is extremely confused; the Office of the Dead does not begin with the
Venite exultemus.
The ninth Lesson
belongs to the third Nocturne of the Matins. The prayer given in the Grimoire is based on the verses which it replaces.
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