Conan d20 1e - Across the Thunder River.pdf

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Across the Thunder River
At the Ends of Civilisation
Life on the Aquilonian Frontier
Salt of the Earth
The Picts
Tribes of Pictland
Tricks and Tools
Savage Magic
Prestige Classes
Defending the West
Across the Thunder River is © 2004 Conan Properties International LLC. CONAN®, CONAN THE BARBARIAN®
and related logos, character, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Conan Properties International
LLC unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd Authorized User. Conan The Roleplaying
Game is released under version 1.0 of the Open Game License. Reproduction of non-Open Game Content of this
work by any means without the written permission of the pulisher is expressly forbidden. See Page 192 for the
text of this license. With the exception of the character creation rules detailing the mechanics of assigning
dice roll results to abilities and the advancement of character levels, all game mechanics and statistics
(including the game mechanics of all feats, skills, classes, creatures, spells and the combat chapter) are
declared open content. Printed in China
The Chroniclers of Our Time
Vincent Darlage
Morgan Nash, Chiara Mac Call, Hayden Nash, Adam
Taylor, Ian Over, Simon English, Rafael Dei Svaldi,
Guilherme Dei Svaldi, Gustavo Emmel, Leonel
Caldela, André Mendes Rotta, Harvey Barker, Wesley
R. Gassaway, Betty Gassaway, Danny Gordon, Raven
Gordon, Michael Dunmire, Vincent Darlage, Bob
Probst, Chris Bradley, Craig Pekar, Jason Durall,
Mark ‘Neo’ Howe, Mark Billanie, Mark Sizer,
Michael J Young, Alan Moore, Jamie Godfrey, Daniel
Scothorne, Daniel Haslam, Christy Ward, Jason
Ward, Jason Hohler, Kevin French, William Dvorak,
Jack Cox, Brent Strickland, Melissa Strickland, Adam
Crossingham, Alex Aplin, Paul Evans, David Little,
Nick Lowson, Dougal McLachan, Mark Steedman,
Sam Vail, Alan Marson, Robert Hall, Trevor Kerslake,
André Chabot, Antonio Eleuteri, Emilia Eleuteri,
Francesco Cascone, Claudio Mormile, Angelo
Mormile, Paul O’Neal, Patrick O’Neal, Chuy
Hernandez, Butch Mercado, D’Angelo Ramos,
Jay Hafner, Eric D. Schurger, Geissler G. Golding,
Brian Fulford, Richard D. Cserep, Jason Waltrip,
James Williams, Scott Bradley.
Editor and Line
Richard Neale
Additional Layout
Ted Chang
Cover Art
Chris Quilliams
Interior Artists
Anthea Dilly, Stephen Cook, Stacy Drum,
Chris Quilliams, Chad Sergesketter, Ronald
Smith, Ursula Vernon, Alejandro Villen & Forge
Studios (
Studio Manager
Ian Barstow
Special Thanks
Theodore Bergquist & Fredrik Malmberg at
Conan Properties.
Production Director
Alexander Fennell
Jason Durall & Sarah Quinnell
Continuing support for Conan the Roleplaying
Game can be found at,
and in the pages
of Signs and Portents magazine.
Welcome to the Pictish Wilderness
refrain from reading the
When thinking
chapters about the Picts,
villains for the
remaining safe and sound
Hyborian Age, what
Virgin’s wail and a babe is
within the chapters of the
comes to mind? For many,
Westermarck. The fun
Nailed like a fly on a gory lance;
the first ideas to come to
part of reading about or
White on the skulls the stars are
mind are the Stygians
playing against the Picts
and Acheronians: Thoth-
Over them sweeps our demon’s dance
is their dark mystery. Let
Amon in his loathesome
the Games Master reveal
towers of ancient evils
Heritage of the world is ours,
the world of the Picts for
where gruesome relics
Gods of all evil grant us rule –
their players, learning
of past ages lurk; Great
See where they hang from the flaming
about these savage people
Xaltotun and his horrible
as they go.
dreams of Acheronian
Woman and prelate, priest and fool.
Are they
This book will also be
Robert E. Howard,
Empire: A Song for All
the worst the Hyborian
useful for players who wish
Age has to offer? This
to play a Pict in a standard
book suggests that they
game. A Pict in
are not. There is a darker
Zamora would be as out
and more sinister presence
of place as Conan and would make for an interesting
in the world, a savage power prowling the edges of the
story. This book should provide enough background
Hyborian landscape, unseen by most of the world.
information to allow a player to portray an exciting and
Who are they?
believable Pict who is more than just a dull-witted and
bloodthirsty savage.
They are the Picts.
Dark and mysterious, lurking in dim forests and dank
swamps, the Picts of the Hyborian Age are a primal
force that will ultimately unleash its collective rage
against civilisation and bring the whole of Hyboria
down in flames and savage devastation.
This book is intended to give Games Masters the
resources to bring these terrible adversaries to life and
break their misconception as idiotic savages who whoop
and jump around a lot, flinging arrows and tomahawks
at people. Picts are dangerous. For those who intend
to play characters in the wild Westermarck, take a word
of advice – beware. The Picts are out there, and they
will hurt you if they find you. Although this advice will
be largely ignored, perhaps it would be best if players
Be prepared to enter one of the ultimate lost worlds
of fantasy fiction: the Pictish Wilderness. Be prepared
to journey to the strange places where hidden tribes
flourish, untouched by the gilt decadence of their
more civilised neighbours. Be prepared to travel weird
valleys where mesmeric shamans rule uncontested by
the painted men of a savage culture. Be prepared to
find new skills and uses for older skills. Be prepared
for uncover their secrets and magic. The Picts have
stalked in their wooded fortress long enough. They
will emerge in blood and flame, and only a trail
of corpses will mark their passing. Prepare to
unleash upon your campaign the darkest and
most sinister villains of the Hyborian Age.
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