RoleplayingTips - Campaign Creation Guide.pdf

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Campaign Creation
Essays on How to Build Killer Campaigns
by Johnn Four
Special thanks to Mike Bourke
for supplying articles and advice
Fantasy Landscape Forest Red art by Jeremy Hart
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Copyright Johnn Four,
Campaign Creation Guide
Table of Contents
Brief  Word  From  Johnn  ............................................................................  3
Idea  Seeds:  A  Campaign  Design  Method  .............................................  4
How  to  Add  Pizzazz  With  a  Great  Campaign  Name  .......................  16  
Turning  Coal  Into  Diamonds  ................................................................  23  
12  Steps  To  An  Epic  Campaign  .............................................................  38  
6  Tips  For  Starting  &  Planning  A  Campaign  ....................................  63  
My  Campaign  Planning  Cycle  ...............................................................  75  
Been  There,  Done  That,  Doing  It  Again  –  The  Sequel  Campaign
 ........................................................................................................................  79  
Sprouts  and  Saplings  ...............................................................................  94  
Final  Thoughts  .......................................................................................  134  
More  GM  Books  &  Resources  ............................................................  135
Campaign Creation Guide
Brief Word From Johnn
The Campaign Creation Guide contains more two types of tips
that complement the Campaign Seeds book. The first type
gives you more ideas and help on creating campaign seeds,
from brainstorming to creating great names.
The second tip type takes several steps beyond the campaign
seed into a fantastic campaign design method by Mike Bourke.
Follow his 12 steps and you will have a robust, imaginative, and
playable campaign plan.
This guide ends with some examples of how I plan my
campaigns every two weeks, and how I keep my campaigns on
track all the way through to memorable campaign endings.
I feel campaigns are the best way to go for RPGs, as opposed
to running one adventure at a time by the seat of your pants.
The continuity, character development, and larger stories you
can tell fit comfortably with a campaign’s borders, but not so
much an adventure’s.
These days, with real life intruding more and more on my
games, I’ve started planning shorter campaigns, just 1-2 years
long, because reaching the end of a campaign is so satisfying
and builds momentum to keep my busy group together and
eager to show up each session.
Hopefully this guide helps you build and run amazing
campaigns and RPG experiences.
Campaign Creation Guide
Idea Seeds: A Campaign Design
By Mike Bourke,
There are a lot of techniques for campaign design and
construction out there. What makes this technique different is
it lets the subconscious desires of the GM flavour the
campaign directly over time, through the process, so the
campaign more closely resembles what the GM wants to run -
whether he realizes it or not.
The Idea Seeds Campaign Design Method builds on two core
components: idea seeds and process iterations:
1) Idea Seeds
The GM starts with a clean sheet of paper (or better yet, word
processor document) and writes down a number of one-word
nouns. These words are the idea seeds from which the
campaign design will evolve, like mighty trees emerging from
small acorns.
2) Process Iteration
Small, simple steps performed repeatedly make light work of
large tasks. There might be more powerful tools out there for
developing ideas, but this is one of the easiest.
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