Rifts - Vampires.pdf

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Violence, War, Magic
the Supernatural
The fictional worlds of Rifts®
are violent, deadly and filled with aliens, war and supernatural mon­
sters. Other-dimensional beings often referred to as "demons," torment, stalk and prey on humans. Alien
life forms, monsters, vampires, werebeasts, zombies, ghosts, ancient gods and demigods, as well as magic,
insanity, psychic powers, human sacrifice and combat are all elements in this book.
young readers/players. We suggest parental discretion.
Please note that none of us at Palladium Books® condone or encourage the occult, the practice of
magic, the use of drugs, or violence.
of it is fiction.
Some parents may find the violence, magic and supernatural elements of the game inappropriate for
An epic sourcebook for the Rifts® series.
Compatible with the entire Palladium Books® Megaverse®.
Phyllis Opolko, Kevin Lowry, Sophie Bartold,
and many other heroic friends the Palladium family has lost to monsters like cancer
and heart disease.
And to
Kathyrn Kozara, Mike Mumah
and others of us who fight the good fight against such villains and appreciate just how precious
every day with friends, family, life and love really is.
- Kevin Siembieda,
The cover,
depicts a Master Vampire unleashing her vampire hordes in search of blood and vengeance.
First Printing - April 2013
No part of this publication may be scanned, OCRed, reproduced or distributed in any way for electronic publication on the web/
internet or any other medium.
Palladium Books Inc.
All rights reserved, worldwide, under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole,
in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations,
institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is
strictly coincidental.
Rifts®, The Rifler®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Phase World®, Splicers®, Coalition Wars®,
After the Bomb®, RECON®, Nightbane®, and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Palladium Books
Inc. and Kevin Siembieda.
Anti-Monster, Archie-Bot, Archie Three, Arzno, Biomancy, Bio-Wizard, Black Faerie, Body Fixer, Blind Warrior Women, Bandito
Arms, 'Bot, 'Borg, 'Burb, Brodkil, Chaos Earth, Chi-Town, City Rat, Coalition States, CS, Coalition State of El Dorado, Colorado
Baronies, Combat Cyborg, Coming of the Rifts, Crazy, Cyber-Doc, Cyber-Knight, Deluded Vampire, Doc Reid, Dog Boy, Dog Pack,
Dinosaur Swamp, Dyna-Bot, E-Clip, Emperor Prosek, Erin Tarn, Federation of Magic, Fort Reid, Free Quebec, Gargoyle Empire, Glit­
ter Boy, God Fist, Grackle Tooth, Great Cataclysm, Headhunter, Hero Vampire, Horune Pirates, Juicer, Lazio, Ley Line Walker, Lone
Star Complex, Lord Dunscon, Lord Splynncryth, Madhaven, Magic Zone, Manistique Imperium, Master Vampire, Mind Melter, Mystic
Knights, Naruni, Naruni Enterprises, New West, Northern Gun, Pecos Empire, Psi-Stalker, Psyscape, Psykes, Reid's Rangers, Rifts
Earth, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts® Book of Magic, Rifts® Dark Conversions, Rifts® Atlantis, SAMAS, Secondary Vampire,
Shemarrian, Shifter, Silver City, Simvan, Skelebot, Spirit West, Splynn Dimensional Market, Splugorth, Minions of Splugorth, Splu­
gorth Slavers, Sunaj, Stormspire, Tattooed Man, Techno-Wizard, Titan Robotics, Tolkeen, Triax, True Atlantean, Ulti-Max, Undead
Slayer, Vampire Kingdoms, Vampire Lands, Wild Vampires, Wilk's, Xiticix, Mega-Damage, M.D.C., S.D.C., I.S.P., P.P.E., and other
names, titles, initials, characters, character likenesses and slogans are trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palla­
dium Books Inc.
Palladium Online:
also visit us at
Vampires™ Sourcebook
is published by Palladium Books Inc.,
Webb Court, Westland, MI
Printed in
the USA by McNaughton
Gunn in Saline, Michigan.
Written by:
Kevin Siembieda
Additional Writers:
Braden Campbell
Matthew Clements
Chris Kluge
Additional Ideas:
Mark Dudley
T.G. Moore
Charles Walton
Alex Marciniszyn
Kevin Siembieda
Wayne Smith
Julius Rosenstein
Cover Painting:
Michael C. Hayes
Interior Artists:
Amy L. Ashbaugh
Nicholas Bradshaw
Kent Buries
Karli Cooper
Mark Dudley
Michael Gustovich
Kevin Long
Kevin Siembieda
Art Direction:
Kevin Siembieda
Typography and Layout:
Wayne Smith
Based on the RPG rules, text, characters, settings,
concepts and Megaverse® created by
Kevin Siembieda.
Special Thanks to
Michael C. Hayes
for a powerful and evocative cover. To
Mark, Nick, Amy, Kent, Kevin,
Allen, Brian, Mumah, Mike, Walton
and all the rest for artwork that helps bring our words to life; to
Braden, Chris
for their contributions to the Vampire Kingdoms' mythos and for inspiring me to push
Allen Manning
Brian Manning
Michael Mumah
Kevin Siembieda
Timothy Truman
Charles Walton
Michael Wilson
the envelope even further; and to the real world heroes at Palladium Books (my Reid's Rangers) for their inspira­
tion and friendship:
Alex, Wayne, Kathy, Julius, Thom, Carmen
- Kevin Siembieda,
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