Earthdawn 4e - Companion.pdf

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Original Earthdawn Material (First through Third Editions):
Carlton W Anderson, L Ross
Babcock III, Eike-Christian Bertram, Randall N Bills, Steven J Black, Jennifer Brandes, Zach
Bush, Robert C Charette, Loren Coleman, Robert Cruz, Kathleen E Czechowski, Carsten Damm,
Tom Dowd, Nigel D Findley, Nicole Lindroos Frein, Robert Fulford, Marc Gascoigne, Greg
Gorden, Lars Gottlieb, Keith Graham, Josh Harrison, Attila Hatvagner, Lars Heitmann, Achim
Held, Shane Lacy Hensley, Chris Hepler, Michael L Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Jay Krob, Christopher
Kubasik, Robin D Laws, Sam Lewis, Jacques Marcotte, Angel Leigh McCoy, Michael A Mulvihill,
Mike Nielson, Diane Piron-Gelman, Neal A Porter, Louis J Prosperi, Sean R Rhoades, Bradley
Robins, Chris Ryan, Carl Sargent, James Sutton, John J Terra, Richard Tomasso, Allen Varney,
Daniel Vitti, Jason U Wallace, Nicholas Warcholak, Jordan Weisman, Olav Wikan, Donovan
Winch, Sam Witt, Teeuwynn Woodruff, Hank Woon
Masks concept originally proposed by R Scott Tilton
Jesse Butler, Matt Croco, Jamie Harper, Sarah Richards, Jason Schindler, John-Carl Kullmann,
David O’Brien, John Doyle, Oliver Reilly
PDF Release, September 2019
Print Release – Second Printing September 2019
Project Manager
Andi Watson
Line Developer
Josh Harrison
Creative Director
Tiffany Ragland
Companion Development
Josh Harrison, Morgan Weeks, David Marshall
Additional Material
Josh Fontany, Tiffany Ragland, Andi Watson
Debbie Seale
Art Director
Jeff Laubenstein
Ian Liddle
Interior art
John Dollar, Travis Hanson, Jeremy McHugh, Don Higgins, Jeff Laubenstein
Cover painting
Milivoj Ceran
Earthdawn Companion
Earthdawn is a registered trademark of FASA Corporation. Barsaive, FASA and the FASA Logo
are trademarks of FASA Corporation. Copyright © 1993-2019 FASA Corporation.
Earthdawn and all associated trademarks and copyrights are used under license from
FASA Corporation.
Published by FASA Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introduction.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
How To Use This Book .......................... 9
The Challenges Of High Circle Play 10
Disciplines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Wardens and Masters .........................13
How Many Adepts?...........................13
Rituals and Traditions .......................15
Alternate Training Methods .............17
Training Pledge ..................................17
Ghost Masters .....................................19
Discipline Descriptions......................20
Characteristics Bonuses .................20
Karma Bonuses ..................................21
Air Sailor .................................................21
Archer ......................................................22
Beastmaster ...........................................24
Cavalryman ............................................25
Nethermancer .......................................30
Scout .........................................................32
Sky Raider ..............................................33
Swordmaster .........................................35
Thief .........................................................36
Weaponsmith ........................................40
Wizard .....................................................42
Talents.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Game Information ...............................45
Warden Skills ......................................45
Natural Ratings ..................................45
Talent Descriptions .............................46
Talent Knacks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Learning Talent Knacks .....................75
Minimum Talent Rank.....................75
Knacks as Skills ..................................76
Thread Weaving Knacks.................76
Basics .....................................................76
Combining Knacks ............................77
Special Knacks ....................................77
Acrobatic Defense ................................77
Air Sailing ...............................................79
Animal Bond ..........................................79
Animal Training ...................................79
Anticipate Blow ....................................80
Arcane Mutterings ...............................81
Astral Interference ..............................82
Avoid Blow..............................................82
Awareness ..............................................83
Battle Bellow .........................................83
Battle Shout ...........................................84
Book Memory ........................................84
Borrow Sense ........................................85
Call Animal Companion .....................85
Call Missile .............................................86
Charge ......................................................86
Claw Shape .............................................86
Climbing ..................................................88
Cold Purify..............................................88
Danger Sense .........................................89
Diplomacy ..............................................89
Disarm .....................................................90
Disguise Self...........................................90
Dominate Beast ....................................91
Emotion Song ........................................91
Engaging Banter ...................................92
Enhance Animal Companion ............92
Evidence Analysis ................................93
First Impression ...................................94
Forge Armor ..........................................94
Forge Weapon .......................................94
Great Leap ..............................................95
Haggle ......................................................95
Item History ...........................................96
Lock Picking ..........................................96
Long Shot ................................................97
Maneuver ................................................97
Melee Weapons .....................................99
Missile Weapons................................ 101
Mystic Aim ........................................... 102
Navigation ........................................... 102
Patterncraft......................................... 102
Picking Pockets.................................. 103
Resist Taunt ........................................ 103
Riposte.................................................. 103
Shield Bash.......................................... 103
Slough Blame ...................................... 104
Spellcasting ......................................... 104
Stealthy Stride .................................... 110
Steel Thought ..................................... 110
Surprise Strike ................................... 111
Tactics ................................................... 111
Thread Weaving ................................ 111
Throwing Weapons .......................... 114
Unarmed Combat ............................. 115
Wind Catcher ...................................... 115
Winning Smile .................................... 116
Enchanting Knacks ........................... 116
Enchanting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
Enchanting Overview ...................... 119
Obtain an Enchanting Pattern ...... 120
Learning Enchanting Patterns.. 120
Common Patterns .......................... 120
Acquiring Common Patterns ..... 121
Custom Patterns ............................. 121
Gather Materials ............................... 121
Gathering Alchemical Materials ......
Harvesting True Elements and
Orichalcum........................................ 123
Finding True Elements ................ 126
Size ....................................................... 127
Quality................................................. 127
Danger ................................................ 127
Elemental Coins .............................. 128
Thread Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Aetrin .................................................... 177
Amulet of Agamon ............................ 178
Astral Sextant ..................................... 179
Bands of Fortune ............................... 181
Blade of Alemvor............................... 182
Blood Sworn Lattice ......................... 184
Bloody Ribbons ................................. 185
Bracers of Firewind ......................... 187
Fire Bracer ........................................ 187
Wind Bracer ..................................... 188
Crystal Bulwark ................................. 189
Crystal Spear ...................................... 190
Denna’s Brooch .................................. 192
Devastator Spear ............................... 193
Dragon Mail
......................................... 194
Earthshatter Hammer ..................... 196
Enchanter’s Table.............................. 197
Farliss’S Dagger ................................. 200
Forest Robes ....................................... 201
Harvesting Tests ............................. 128
Purifying True Elements ............. 129
Purchasing True Elements ......... 129
Enchanting ......................................... 129
Working as a Group ....................... 130
Blood Charms .................................. 132
Common Magic Items................... 133
Consumables .................................... 135
Living Armor and Shields ........... 137
Spell Matrix Objects ...................... 137
Thread Items .................................... 137
Custom Enchanting Patterns ......... 139
Tweaking Existing Patterns ....... 139
Designing New items .................... 141
Creating Custom Patterns........... 145
Design Aspects ................................ 145
Example Enchanting Patterns ...... 153
Blood Charms .................................. 153
Common Magic Items................... 156
Consumables .................................... 165
Living Armor .................................... 167
Common Thread Items ................ 169
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