Sharn Inquisitive - Lawyers of Eberron v1.3.pdf

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Lawyers of Eberron!
Resources for Legal Thrillers in Eberron
-a Sharn Inquisitive publication
This text provides elements that may bring
flavor or provide some inspiration for
playing legal thrillers in Eberron (or
elsewhere). Included are suggested
backgrounds and role opportunities;
character ideas and flavor options;
monsters; magic items pertinent for legal
thriller adventures; ideas on classes; and
plot adventure suggestions
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7. Magic items .......................................... 16
The Heart of Boldrei ..................................... 16
Inspection rights ‘key’ document and
cipher lock ....................................................... 16
Restless Cyran judge (vengeful spirit of
condemnation) ............................................... 18
Night Hag: risky supernatural
ambassadors, mediators and judges ....... 18
Draconic judges and executioners ........... 19
8. Monsters ................................................ 17
9. (Some) Inspirational games, books
and films ........................................................ 20
10. Miscellany: Lawyers for hire!
Hirelings, NPCs legal magewrights (or
adepts in Thrane), services and prices,
(legally-useful) cantrips, planes,
inspirational movies, and results of
trials 20
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this
document for personal use only
1. Table of Contents
2. Foreword ................................................. 3
3. Introduction and overview ............... 3
4. Legal Backgrounds and Lore ............ 4
Canon lawyer (religious codes) .................. 4
Variant: Dragonmarked (corporate)
attorney ................................................................... 6
Sivis Jurist ........................................................... 6
International and War Law Advocate ....... 8
Variant: Brelish Member of Parliament
(MP) ........................................................................... 9
Hirelings ........................................................... 20
Success in Court (or elsewhere, e.g.
negotiations): legal disputes’ resolution21
Control of NPC lawyer(s) by DM or Players
.............................................................................. 22
NPCs ................................................................... 22
Magewrights and Cantrips .......................... 24
The planes of Eberron and lawyers ......... 25
Inspirational material .................................. 25
11. Subclass: Silver Preacher (new
Bard College) ................................................ 26
12. Campaign arc: ‘The Justice of
Thronehold’ –a diplomatic and legal
intrigue adventure path/outline ........... 27
5. Class and character ideas for lawyer
characters ...................................................... 10
Class ideas ......................................................... 10
Cleric Order domain –Itinerant Judge
(Sentinel Marshal) ......................................... 10
‘Race’ ideas on legal roles (not just for
‘lawyers’) .......................................................... 11
Note on alignment ......................................... 12
The Tribunal of Thronehold
6. Plot ideas for legal thriller
adventures or scenes! ................................ 12
‘You come to me to be trained in legal
interpretation and practice? And you
consider this path an easy one?
Foolish younglings! We may not find
ourselves at swordpoint –that— often,
but I tell you lads, the justices and
attorneys that litigate before the
Tribunal of Thronehold
are fiercer
than the Daughters of Sora Kell,
cutthroats many of ‘em, I tell ye, and
their words frequently filled with
poison –although others seek to be as
pure as the angels of the Silver Flame,
freely defending those without a
voice before authorities. To retrieve
evidence, I have oftentimes had to
carry out heists, retrieve proof from
ancient tombs, and flee from would-
be murderers hired by the party that
lost against me. Aye, that is why I
came to Stormreach, a much more
civilized place where I can retire and
enjoy the sun and seas. If you must,
then, go to Morgrave or a fancy posh
Aundairian University, grab a copy of
the Korth Edicts or the Code of
Galifar, and brace yourselves’.
Perhaps you will learn to cast a
powerful magic of deception of
persuasion, stronger than that of
wizards and bards… rhetoric and
—Wernor Lyrriman,
International law attorney
Law and legal practice are highly
developed and complex in Eberron,
unlike what happens in other
campaign settings –that being said,
you may make adjustments in order
to steal ideas from this text in order
to use them in other D&D worlds,
using this book as inspiration! There
can be many adventures revolving
around aspects as circumventing the
standards of or bringing an end to
the quasi-state of martial law in
figuring out if there are
gaps that permit an excoriate or a
dragonmarked heir to marry a noble
and not lose certain benefits -for
instance, declaring the Korth edicts
as no longer having legal effects in
some regards!; on challenging the
authority of sentinel marshals, who
are but the “arm” of law and order,
and the legality of their actions; on
The Forge of War, p. 96.
City of Stormreach, p. 68.
Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron, p. 30.
procuring an interview with a
detainee in Deneith facilities or even
Dreadhold itself (a certain Karrnathi,
authorities, and winning a case
against a cadre of expensive Sivis
lawyers he hired!; settling a religious
dispute between heretical and
mainstream factions of the Church of
the Silver Flame in Flamekeep, before
Jaela Daran herself!; collecting
evidence; advising as counsellors
rulers or House barons if an attack in
foreign territory is allowed by the law
and advisable;
or figuring out who is
killing the witnesses who claim that a
certain Brelish member of parliament
is actually a war criminal from the
Last War!
In addition to the Neo-Noir and Pulp
elements of Eberron so properly
Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron, there
is (among others) another interesting
and cool feature of Eberron: political
intrigue, which can be related to legal
options on such dimension…
P.S. Please note that important lore is
found throughout the text, including
the backgrounds section.
4.Legal Backgrounds
and Lore
This subsection offers different
variants of backgrounds for lawyer
characters, some of whom specialize
in evidence collection, others in
persuasion and oratory, and so on.
Canon lawyer (religious codes)
After theology and law studies, and
graduating with honors, you have
been vested with the authority to
decide or argue on cases related to
religious (canon) law, including the
validity of religious marriages, which
can be fiercely disputed by monarchs
who want an heir or authorization to
marry their lovers; settling if a
bishop is guilty of misdemeanor and
ought to be defrocked; ascertaining if
a new doctrine is heretical and must
determining if it is lawful to preach
or proselytize in a given region;
participating in cases of the
inquisition, as happened years ago
during the Lycanthropic purge, or
Skill proficiencies:
Religion, and one of your
choice among History, Investigation, Insight,
Performance or Persuasion –you may want
to have heightened skills or experience at
knowledge about historical facts that may
prove decisive in a case, at researching
(investigation) legal precedents and
applicable norms that are crucial for victory,
at figuring out if the gestures or demeanor of
others in a case or situation reveal fear (of
proof of guilt) or else; at deceiving with your
‘grandiloquent’ words and theories or the
use of an appropriate etiquette (under
‘performance’ or ‘persuasion’); to intimidate
others by telling them that if they do not
heed your advice they will find themselves
on the wrong side of the law and face
penalties; to excel at oratory skills that
enthrall audiences, or at convincing others
about your position and speeches,
respectively. These ideas on skills are
applicable to other suggested backgrounds,
below, with some adjustments as to outlook
Celestial –while the gods have not
walked Eberron, entities allegedly aligned
with them have, including Couatls and
angels; and the Silver Flame’s presence is
unquestionable. Canon lawyers of the Silver
Flame and Sovereign Host write treatises
and litigate using these languages, as
determined by ancient religious dictates.
Blood of Vol attorneys who practice in
religious disputes, despising the false gods,
resort to Draconic instead, considering it a
rational language of rational beings, but use
this language to uncover philosophies or
theories, not to use them in legal practice.
Tool proficiency:
Forgery Kit –given the
ritualistic formalities of legal practice in the
field, Canon lawyers are required to be
skilled in writing and handling various sigils,
emblems and demonstrate the authenticity
of a given legal document or decision.
Frequently those knowledgeable in legal
theory are able to “fabricate” or write (with
authorization) a document that is regarded
as legally sound and valid by legal colleagues.
Those without a legal background roll with
disadvantage when attempting to do so.
Logically, throughout the ages some lawyers
have used this knowledge in an ‘illicit’ or
unauthorized way –for instance, to “show” a
guard that a certain prisoner’s release
without delay has been ordered by the baron
same as those of the Acolyte
Feature: Defender of the Faith (Fidei
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