Necromunda - Rulebook (2018).pdf

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What nightmare are these hive worlds?
In these places where man has been allowed to
grow unchecked, teeming billions infest the vast
hive cities. Even here the press of humanity is
not strong enough to turn back the madness, or
deflect the distaff forces of chaos, heresy and
death. Life is cheap. The bullet and the grenade are
kings. Neither day nor night touches the billions
of souls trapped in this nightmarish world. For
them, there is just the unblinking septic gloom of
ancient fluorescence. The putrid atmosphere of
the underhive is stained with the dark patina of
age. A brown haze fills air which has been recycled
a million million times and offers the inhabitants
but the meanest measure
of life it can without choking them.
Beware the shadows of the hive,
where only the strongest endure...
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Empire in the Stars................................................................4
Anatomy of a Hive Spire
Hive Cities of Necromunda.................................................14
The Houses of Necromunda...............................................20
Necromunda Timeline
Gang Fighters and their Weaponry....................................40
Characteristic Profiles
Models and Fighter Cards
Weapon Profiles
General Principles
Fighter Statuses
The Rules
Game Structure
The Priority Phase..........................................................56
The Action Phase
Close Combat
Resolve Hits....................................................................70
End Phase.......................................................................73
Psykers in Necromunda......................................................74
Psychic Powers..............................................................75
Using Wyrd Powers
Psychic Duels.................................................................76
Perils of the Warp...........................................................76
Sanctioned and Non-sanctioned Psykers
The Dominion Campaign
How the Campaign Works.............................................78
Setting up the Campaign...............................................79
Founding Gangs.............................................................81
Running the Campaign..................................................83
The Pre-battle & Post-battle Sequence
Ending the Campaign
Skirmish Games
Battlefield Set-up and Scenarios
Battlefield Set-up..........................................................117
Choose Crew
Scenario Reference......................................................119
Sector Mechanicus Scenario 1 – Stand-off
Zone Mortalis Scenario 1 – Tunnel Skirmish.............125
Sector Mechanicus Scenario 2 – Looters
Sector Mechanicus Scenario 3 – Ambush.................128
Sector Mechanicus Scenario 4 – Border Dispute
Sector Mechanicus Scenario 5 – Sabotage
Sector Mechanicus Scenario 6 – Rescue Mission
Zone Mortalis Scenario 2 – The Trap..........................136
Zone Mortalis Scenario 3 – Forgotten Riches
Zone Mortalis Scenario 4 – The Marauders
Zone Mortalis Scenario 5 – Sneak Attack
Zone Mortalis Scenario 6 – Smash & Grab................144
Arbitrator Tools..................................................................146
House Sub-plots...........................................................150
Last Stand.....................................................................160
Escape the Pit!
Downtown Dust-up
Caravan Heist
Ghast Harvest...............................................................170
Escort Mission..............................................................174
Fighter Down
Murder Cyborg
The Hit
Multi-player Scenario: Gang Moot..............................182
Multi-player Scenario: Pitfight
Necromunda © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2018. Necromunda, GW, Games Workshop, Citadel
and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof,
are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or
by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or
incidents is purely coincidental. British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN: 978 1 78581 458 7
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>>> Subject: Event log: shift 336 of the year of Him of Terra 996.M41.
>>> Conduit Necro-vox HZ607
>>> Thought for the Day: ‘Hope is the beginning of unhappiness.’
Subjects of Lord Helmawr, heed now the voice of Necromunda!
++ Productivity in Sector Delta-7 is down by 0.07% since last cycle quarter
checking. The displeasure of the Imperial House has been exacted upon all
those within its environs. Praise be to the benevolence of the Imperial House.
++ Blessed news for the inhabitants of Sector Delta-9. New domes have
been cleared for the use of Delta-9’s workers and citizens. As a reward for
this gift, Lord Helmawr has set Delta-9 quotas at +90% for the first cycle
commencing. Do not disappoint the Imperial House!
++ House Ran Lo gross yield (adjusted) -5.5%. Marriage privileges withdrawn
(cf Ran Lo/Escher).
++ Hive Mortis corpse reclamation yield +323.1%, the Imperial House
commends the workers of Hive Mortis their diligence in the harvest.
Let all other hives take note!
++ Average authorised gang violence quotient +12.7%. In contest are we made
strong (cf Imperial Tithe Commencement).
++ Average unauthorised gang violence quotient +17%.
++ Pyschopathology maladjustment grade +4% (cf Open War Sanctioning).
>>> [Additional] Praise be to Him of Terra for the right to wage war within his sight.
All Necromunda thrives upon the contest of clan and House; productivity is
dependent on that most human of needs to out-perform, out-produce and
out-fight rivals. The Imperial House recognises the efforts of the Clan Houses
Delaque, Van Saar, Escher, Goliath, Orlock and Cawdor for their efforts in this
time of the coming Tithe; know that all of the Great Houses are watching with
interest and waiting with rewards for those who do their duty to Necromunda
– and punishments for those who fail our world in its time of need.
>>> Their blood is the oil of the lathe; their ire the heat of the furnace; their death
cries the claxon of the shift’s end.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The Imperium of Mankind stretches across the galaxy, encompassing over a
million habitable worlds and untold billions of the Emperor’s subjects. It is the
most extensive and populous empire that has ever existed in the history of
humanity, and it is ruled as it has been for the last ten thousand years by the
Divine Champion and Protector of the human race, the God-Emperor of Mankind.
The Emperor is the greatest of all human psykers, His mental energies are godlike
and His powers incomprehensible to ordinary humans. It is His mind alone which
projects the Astronomican throughout the galaxy, the psychic homing beam
which enables spacecraft to navigate through the fabric of warp space. Without
the Emperor, the Imperium would collapse and human unity would disintegrate,
leaving the remaining pockets of civilisation isolated and vulnerable to the infinite
enemies of Mankind; creatures that seek to destroy or enslave the human race.
The Emperor has long since ceased to live in any normal sense. Ten thousand
years ago, following His titanic battle against the rebel Warmaster Horus,
Primarch and Arch-champion of Chaos, His mutilated and barely-alive body
was installed inside a sophisticated life-support machine known as the Golden
Throne. The Emperor can no longer speak and it is doubtful if He comprehends
events which take place in the material universe, as His powerful mind stalks
through that nefarious region of pure energy known as the Realm of Chaos,
staving off the enemies of Mankind. The actual administration of the Imperium
is therefore undertaken by a vast bureaucracy known as the Adeptus Terra – or
Priesthood of Earth.
A hundred thousand
worlds, ten hundred
thousand wars. There
is no respite, there is
nowhere to hide. Across
the galaxy, there is only
Even the Adeptus Administratum, the administrative branch of the Adeptus
Terra, does not know for certain the exact number of worlds within the Imperium.
There are approximately a million, but the treacheries of space travel, the process
of time distortion and the effects of warp storms, which can isolate worlds for
centuries, make an accurate count impossible. In addition, the galaxy is a
dangerous and warlike place, where worlds are constantly under threat from alien
invaders, internal rebellion, and treachery by their governors. Also, new worlds
are constantly being added to the Imperium: virgin worlds ripe for colonisation or
ancient human worlds which have been rediscovered after long periods of isolation.
The worlds of the Imperium take many different forms. Some are sparsely
populated agri-worlds whose sole purpose is to provide food for less productive
and more highly populated planets. Other worlds are dedicated to specific
functions, such as mineral-rich mining planets, barren research stations, military
observation planets, and so forth. Most worlds of the Imperium have a reasonably
mixed economy and are, in most respects, self-sufficient and autonomous.
The Adeptus Terra has very little to do with such worlds so long as their governors
continue to pay their tithes and impose the Imperial laws which control and contain
the emergence of mutant psykers.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
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