The Great Khan Game.pdf

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Tom Wham and Richard Hamblen
Game Design
Steve Winter
Paul Hanchette
Graphic Coordination
John Lakey
Box Art
Jeff and Amanda Dee
Game Board, Cards
Development, Playtesting, and other Venerable Aid:
Mark Acres, Rodney Anderson, Mike Bell,
Pete Bennett, Brian Blume, Tom Champeny, Neal Christiansen, Greg Costikyan, Rose Estes, Ernie Gygax,
Doug Kaufman, Don Lowry, Tom Moldvay, Jeff Perren, Jim Ward.
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Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House Inc. and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.
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©1989 TSR Inc. All rights reserved.
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ISBN 0-88038-721-1
Stock No. 1044
In a far-away corner of the Forgotten Realms there is a region known as the Whamite Isles. It is filled with
prosperous nations. They are bound by a common heritage, but cursed by constant conflict. Into this world
step you, the player, as you attempt to build a fortune and an empire. Your tools will be diplomacy, political
manipulation, and, unfortunately, war.
The Great Khan Game is basically a card game. There is a deck of 164 assorted cards. Each nation consists
of 6 to 11 cards, depicting the leaders, people, armies, navies, castles, and other inhabitants therein. Players
are dealt a hand and then, in turn, draw cards from the deck and meld cards, face up, on the table.
Other cards bring events, such as revolts, earthquakes, or rich merchants bearing gold. There are also
cards representing mercenary armies, fleets, and leaders, and special magical items.
During his turn, a player can launch political coups and/or wars in order to take countries from other play-
ers. Pieces representing military units do not move around the board as in many other wargames. Armies are
represented by cards and wars are resolved by simple dice rolls.
The game proceeds until the “Shuffle the Deck” card is drawn from the deck. At this time the Shuffle card
is removed and a card called the “Historian” is inserted. The deck and all discards are then shuffled together.
Play continues until the Historian card is drawn. At that moment, time freezes on his typewritten pages and
the game ends. Players total their treasuries and the value of the countries they control. The player with the
greatest net worth is the winner.
The Great Khan Game is a fairly simple game to play. However, it probably is quite unlike any other game
you have ever played. For this reason, it may seem a bit more complex at first glance than it really is.
The best way to learn how to play The Great Khan Game is to carefully read these rules. Also pay close
attention to the illustrated examples of play which are scattered through the book. Don’t worry about trying
to remember everything. Then gather together some friends, sit down, and play the game. As questions
arise, refer to the rule book for the answers.
Expect your first game to move rather slowly, and don’t be surprised if you make more than a few mis-
takes. But by the time everyone has taken three or four turns, it should all seem a lot clearer. The Great Khan
Game gets more interesting the more times you play it, so a little bit of perseverence will be repaid manyfold.
After you’ve played the game once or twice and have mastered the rules, you’re ready for the Advanced
Rules. These are presented at the end of the Standard Rules. The Advanced Rules add more cards to the
Inventory of Game Parts
Your copy of the Great Khan Game should include the following:
164 playing cards
1 game map
l rule book
1 sheet of 120 die-cut playing pieces
The Playing Pieces
The 120 playing pieces are of two types: control markers and gold pieces.
The six sets of control markers are used to show who controls various countries. Each player takes one set
of markers. When a player melds enough cards to control a country, he places one of his markers on the map
in that country.
The numbered markers represent the gold in each player’s treasury. The different values are used to make
change. Keep the bank in orderly piles near the deck for use by players as they earn and spend gold during
the game.
The Cards
The heart of the Great Khan Game is the cards. Each nation consists of six to eleven, representing the
places and characters there. These are called “Nation Cards.”
Cards representing various admirals, generals, armies, fleets, and privateers who work for pay are called
“Mercenary Cards.” Such cards can be melded as part of any nation. Mercenaries are only used in the
Advanced Game.
“Special Cards” include non-aligned castles, magical items, and siege equipment. These special cards can
usually be melded as part of any country. Special cards are used only in the Advanced Game.
Finally, there are “Event Cards.” These must be read and acted upon immediately as they are drawn.
They can never be kept in a player’s hand.
Two other cards—“Battle Cards”—summarize the dice rolls that are made during battles. These are for
reference only; they are never part of the deck.
Card Symbols
Printed on all cards are one or more symbols indicating the type, value, and strength of the card.
(political power)
(military power)
(defensive power)
(naval power)
Pirate Ship
(black sail, steals gold)
GoId Mine
Special Card
Money Bag
(brings wealth)
Crystal Ball
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