Volo's Guide to the North.pdf

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Volos Guide
Wind by the Fireside
So as you shiver in the cold and the dark,
Look into the fire and see in its spark
My eye
Watching over you.
As you walk in the winds whistling claws.
Listen past the howling of the wolfs jaws.
My song
Comes to you.
And when youre lost in trackless snow,
Look up high where the eagles go.
My star
Shines for you.
In deep, dark mine or on crumbling peak,
Hear the words of love I speak.
My thoughts
Are with you.
You are not forsaken.
You are not forgotten.
The North cannot swallow you.
The snows cannot bury you.
I will come for you.
Faerûn will grow warmer,
And the gods will smile
But oh, my love, guard yourself well
All this may not happen for a long, long while.
(A traditional trail ballad of the Savage Frontier—
composer unknown)
Ed Greenwood
Victor K. Wertz, Lisa Stevens, and Kathryn Haines
Additional Editing:
Julia Martin and Karen S. Boomgarden
Cover Art:
John and Laura Lakey
Interior Art:
Valerie Valusek
Cynthia Felegy, Rob Lazzaretti, and David Sutherland III
Angelika Lokotz
Paul Hanchette
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United Kingdom
...................................................... 4
Volos Ratings System ............................... 4
A Word from Volo
...................................... 5
Savage Frontier
......................................... 6
A Warning to Travelers ............................ 8
A Note About Wards
................................... 9
The Dessarin
........................................... 11
Amphail ................................................ 13
The Stag-Horned Flagon ....................17
The Stone Stallion .............................19
Mother Gothals ................................22
Bargewright Inn .................................... 27
Beliard .................................................. 35
Calling Horns ........................................ 37
Conyberry ............................................. 40
Goldenfields .......................................... 43
Griffons Nest ........................................ 45
Grunwald ............................................. 46
Kheldell ................................................ 50
Longsaddle ........................................... 52
Mornbryns Shield ................................. 63
Nesmé .................................................. 68
Noanars Hold ....................................... 74
The Boar with Black Tusks ................75
Rassalantar ........................................... 78
Red Larch ............................................. 79
Triboar ................................................. 82
Westbridge ............................................ 89
Xantharls Keep ..................................... 90
Yartar ................................................... 93
Beldabars Rest ................................. 97
The Coast
............................................... 107
Leilon ................................................. 108
Luskan ................................................ 111
The Ruins of Illusk ..........................119
The Host Tower of the Arcane ..........121
The Cutlass ..................................... 125
Seven Sails Inn ................................127
Neverwinter ........................................ 130
The Fallen Tower ............................135
The Moonstone Mask ......................138
The Shining Serpent Inn ..................140
Port Llast ............................................. 144
The Frozenfar
........................................ 147
Icewind Dale (The Ten Towns) ..............148
Mirabar ............................................... 151
The House of the Bright Blade ..........157
The Goblet and Gems ..................... .159
The Sign of the Forgehammer ..........161
The Interior
Everlund .............................................165
Silverymoon ........................................170
Sundabar ............................................178
Delhnbiyr Vale
Loudwater .......................................... 190
Other Places of Interest in
Delimbiyr Vale ................................ 193
Other Places of Note in the North
Places in the Dessarin .......................... 195
Uluvin ............................................ 195
Places in the Coast ...............................196
Phandalin .......................................196
Thundertree ...................................197
Places in the Frozenfar .........................198
Fireshear ........................................ 198
Hundelstone ...................................199
Ironmaster ..................................... 200
Places in the Interior ............................201
Citadel Adbar ..................................201
The Citadel of Many Arrows .............203
Deadsnows ..................................... 204
Jalanthar ........................................ 206
Mithral Hall ....................................207
Olostins Hold ................................. 208
Quaervarr .......................................209
Places in Delimbiyr Vale .......................210
Hellgate Keep ..................................210
Llorkh ............................................ 212
Orlbar ............................................ 214
Zelbross .........................................215
Appendix I: Folk of the North
Appendix II: Wardings of the North
Appendix III: Elminsters Notes
Appendix IV: Index
I dont know how he talks me into
these things. Look yeanother tome
of hilarious misinformation about
part of the Realms, from the irre-
pressible, nay, pompous and preten-
tious Volo. This time, hes presuming
to tell travelers something of where to
go and what to do in the northern
Sword Coastthat part of Faerûn we
still call the Savage Frontier. It lies
north of Waterdeep for as far north as
the snow blows, east of the Sea of
Swords and west of Anauroch. Its a
land of endless mountains and vast
forests, home to more gems and
metal richesand to more orcs and
worse monstersthan any other
region of Faerûn.
Id feel a mite guilty if I let fools
trust in Volos guidance without a lit-
tle warning. Fools? Aye. Anyone who
ventures north of Waterdeep for mere
entertainment must be a fool. Even
those who do it to earn riches are
ruled by reckless greed, not good
But enough. It is for such that Ive
agreed to provide a crucial modicum
of behind-the-scenes information. My
colleague, Ed of the Greenwood, has
recast my words into notations of
import to gamers. I must warn all of
ye: its been many long winters since I
was that special sort of fool known as
an adventurer in the North. My lore
is surely incomplete and outdated
surpassed in faults only by the work
of the esteemed Volo. Gods give ye
good luck, readersyoull assuredly
need it!
Courtyards, etc.)
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