Essential Reiki by Diane Stein.pdf
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Other books by Diane Stein
A Woman’s I Ching
Healing with Flower and Gemstone Essences
Healing with Gemstones and Crystals
Psychic Healing with Spirit Guides and Angels
The Natural Remedy Book for Women
All Women Are Healers: A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Healing
The Goddess Celebrates: An Anthology of Women’s Rituals
Casting the Circle: A Women’s Book of Rituals
Natural Healing for Dogs and Cats
The Women’s Spirituality Book
The Women’s Book of Healing
Stroking the Python: Women’s Psychic Lives
Text copyright © 1995 by Diane Stein
All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Crossing Press, an imprint of the
Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.
Crossing Press and the Crossing Press colophon are registered trademarks of Random
House, Inc.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Stein, Diane, 1948–
p. cm.
Essential Reiki: a complete guide to an ancient healing art/Diane Stein.
1. Reiki (Healing System) I. Title.
RZ403-R45S74 1995
615.8’52—dc20 95-2643
eISBN: 978-0-307-78363-9
Illustrations by Ian Everard
Calligraphy by Carl Rohrs
Many people have helped me make this book possible. First of all
I thank Elaine Goldman Gill and John Gill, co-owners of The
Crossing Press for their encouragement and willingness to publish
what may be a controversial book. Teaching Elaine Reiki I, II, and II
at the Mystical Dragon Bookstore in Carlsbad, California (Lammas,
1993), was one of the highpoints of this lifetime. I thank Richard
Donovan for legal advice, Diana Acuna for alternate teaching
techniques and symbol information, and Sasha Daucus for help
locating rare books and for her constant encouragement. Jane
Brown and Linda Page read and critiqued the manuscript, and Jane
Brown and Carol Hunner provided important material on the Ki
Exercises. Patty Callahan of Brigit Books, St. Petersburg, Florida and
Joy Weaver of Treasures Bookstore, Tampa, Florida were also
instrumental in book searches.
Laurel Steinhice and Suzanne Wagner were among the women
who shared channeling sessions on Reiki with me over several years.
Detong Cho Yin patiently explained Buddhism to me when I knew
nothing about it and o ered other information that proved vital to
this book. I also thank the several people who gave me my own
Reiki training, knowing that I would share everything I learned and
would eventually write about it. They gave me training in
traditional teaching to supplement my nontraditional methods, and
others o ered insight and even attunements at rst meetings.
Though they are unnamed I thank them all deeply.
I also wish to thank my many teaching Reiki III’s, the students
who are continuing to carry Reiki to as many people as wish to
learn it at a ordable prices. A few of the many include Jill Elizabeth
Taylor, Anastasia Marie Zepp, Jane Brown, Sasha Daucus, Diana
Acuna, Tom Oakley, Carolyn Taylor, Lisa Severn, and Liz Tarr. I
thank them for their friendship and their work.
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