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Sigil Magic:
Spirit Summoning
by Karl Ivanov
Copyright 2019
all rights reserved
Note: Much of this book assumes a familiarity with my other two books,
Magic: Spell Casting
Sigil Magic: Servitor Creation.
I recommend
reading those first or reading them soon afterwards. The three books
constitute a trilogy of magical knowledge which will be invaluable to the
sincere seeker. Though brief, I have done by best to make every sentence
count, removing extraneous information. You will find in these books only
the necessities, with nothing needlessly added to fill space.
Spirit summoning is one of the most universal forms of magic. It is present in
all cultures, worldwide, without exception. It is also an integral part of
modern magic, and it stands as one of the most powerful and rewarding
magical disciplines that one can engage in.
Unlike servitors or mind-created entities, the object of spirit summoning is
communication with entities that are independent of one’s own
consciousness. The most common form of ancient magical literature—the
"grimoire"—is actually a
of how to speak to these entities, detailing
methods whereby such entities can be summoned, as well as other rules and
practices that should be observed. Grimoires also gave lists of these entities,
providing their names and powers, as well as physical descriptions. In many
cases, visual symbols known as "sigils" were also provided. These sigils were
and are a central feature of both Western ceremonial magic and Chaos magic.
Though sigils are not necessary for spirit summoning, they do make the
process easier. Spirit summoning involves both the spirit and the summoner,
and if the summoner’s consciousness is fully engaged in the spirit, the
summoning proceeds quicker, more powerfully and more vividly. Having a
visual point of reference in the form of a sigil naturally enhances this process.
It is possible to summon any spirit, provided one knows how. Sigil magic
makes this process easier. When a sigil has been constructed for a spirit—or,
even better,
revealed by
a spirit—then that spirit can be summoned just as
easily and frequently as a spirit in a traditional and established grimoire.
I will now tell you how.
Spirit Summoning Theory
All consciousness is connected. The divisions of time and space are
rather than
to existence. The categories of time and
space apply to the manifest cosmos whereas the un-manifest is beyond time,
beyond space. Therefore, when consciousness interacts on the unmanifest
plane, it does so beyond the confines of time and space.
Because of this, communication between consciousnesses is possible. Any
individual consciousness can contact any other individual consciousness, so
long as the contact occurs within the unmanifest plane.
To access the unmanifest plane from the manifest plane, consciousness must
connect to its depths. These depths are known as the unconscious. In the
unconscious, all entities called "spirits", "Gods", "Goddesses", "angels" and
"demons" reside. Magicians cultivate the skill of consciously entering their
own unconscious. This then allows them to interact with the unmanifest
The language of the unconscious is abstraction. It speaks through indirect
symbolism and non-representational forms. Thus names in unknown or
"Holy" tongues, or sigils and other arcane symbology, are the language of the
unmanifest. When consciousness is directed towards them through magical
practice, the language of this unmanifest is spoken. And, therefore,
communication between entities in these separate planes can occur.
All language is artificial, however. This is true of both the manifest and
unmanifest planes. It is possible to create languages which cross the barrier
between the planes. Magicians can therefore create their own sigils for
entities within the unmanifest, just as entities can create their own sigils to be
used in the manifest. Through this process, a magician can have potential
access to any communicative spirit, provided he or she knows its identity.
This process is also not restricted to entities alone. All things are information.
All things are gestures of the infinite. The distinction between animate and
inanimate, between spiritual and physical, is functionally real but
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