Necromunda - House of Faith.pdf

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Be true to your clan, honour your house and
obey your superiors; for you live beneath the
spire, workers at the bottom and God-Emperor
above all.
Faith is the fuel that powers the great hive cities
like promethium coursing through the veins of
a great machine. All souls who toil under the
Aquila must have faith, for without it they are
nothing. Faith in the factorum, where men and
women pray before the altar of industry. Faith
in the hab that shelters and nourishes the weak
human form so it might work another cycle. Faith
in the clan masters that they might see fit in their
eternal wisdom to protect all from the greed of
the wicked and the hatred of the unclean. And
finally, faith in the line of Helmawr, who stands
above us, who is the protector of the world, the
guardian of the hive cities and the representative
of the Emperor Himself upon Necromunda.
Only the followers of the Redemption fully
understand this truth, for without faith a worker
is nothing more than a hollow machine, damned by
their ignorance.
House Cawdor History & Background ............................ 5
House Cawdor Gang List.............................................. 27
Campaign Play & Skirmish Play .............................. 27
Fighter Names, Categories and Types ................... 27
Gang Composition .................................................. 27
Weapons and Wargear ........................................... 28
Fighter Cards & Gang Roster.................................. 28
Equipment Sets ...................................................... 28
Death of a Leader................................................... 29
Gang Alignment ...................................................... 30
Cawdor Word-Keeper.............................................. 32
Redemptor Priest.................................................... 34
Cawdor Firebrand ................................................... 36
Redemptionist Deacon........................................... 38
Cawdor Brethren..................................................... 40
Redemptionist Brethren ......................................... 42
Bonepicker ............................................................. 44
Zealot...................................................................... 46
Exotic Beasts................................................................ 48
Sheen Bird .............................................................. 49
Cherub-servitor....................................................... 50
Hangers-on and Brutes ................................................ 54
Hive Preacher ......................................................... 56
Flagellator ............................................................... 57
Rogue Docs ............................................................ 58
Gang Lookout and Dome Runner ........................... 59
Ammo-jacks ............................................................ 60
Slopper ................................................................... 61
Cawdor Stig-shambler ............................................ 62
Luther Pattern Excavation Automata ...................... 64
‘Jotunn’ H-Grade Servitor Ogryn............................. 66
Hired Guns ...................................................................
Hive Scum...............................................................
Bounty Hunters.......................................................
House Agents .........................................................
Strong Alliances............................................................ 78
Making an Alliance ................................................. 79
Allies of House Cawdor........................................... 80
Rogue Factoria ....................................................... 83
House Ko’iron ......................................................... 84
Corpse Harvesting Party ........................................ 86
Factoria Work Gangs .............................................. 88
House Ko’iron Ministorum Delegation ................... 90
Additional Rules............................................................ 92
Cawdor House Favours .......................................... 93
Cawdor Sub-plots ................................................... 94
Piety Skills............................................................... 96
Articles of Faith....................................................... 97
Cawdor Terrain ..................................................... 106
House Cawdor Scenarios........................................... 109
Righteous Crusade ............................................... 110
Test of Faith.......................................................... 112
Weapon Reference Chart........................................... 120
Armour ........................................................................ 124
Equipment .................................................................. 126
Weapon Traits............................................................. 129
House Cawdor Gang Tactics ...................................... 133
Dramatis Personae
Klovis the Redeemer .............................................. 51
Deacon Malakev..................................................... 53
The Headsman, House Cawdor Executioner..........76
Rattus Tatterskin .................................................... 77
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>>> Subject: Event log shift 742b of the year of Him of Terra 996.M41.
>>> Conduit Necro-vox TCB120.
>>> Thought for the Day: Faith is the food of the Imperium.
Subjects of Lord Helmawr, heed now the voice of Necromunda!
Subjects of Necromunda are reminded that when you look upon the face of the
Great Horologium, you are looking upon the face of the God-Emperor! In its clicking
numerical cogs and in its start and end cycle sirens, you will hear his voice, and in the
crimson warning lights of a quota not met, shall you know his wrath.
The Imperial Creed exists to protect the Emperor’s subjects from dangerous thoughts
and an uncaring universe. Mighty is the Imperium of Mankind that has seen fit to visit
the glory of the God-Emperor upon Necromunda and shine a light into the darkness
of your minds. Remember, the Imperial Creed is there to answer any questions you
might have about your place in the universe – and think so you don’t have to.
By order of the Ministorum, in its ceaseless efforts to safeguard the souls of all
Necromundans, subjects must adhere to the tenets of the faith. The worship of
anything other than the God-Emperor (or the spirit of the God-Emperor as it pertains
to the running of your factorum), dealing with aliens, mutants or suspected heretics,
and the wearing of non-sanctioned head gear (see sub-section 2Y46b of the
Ecclesiastical Guidebook of Necromunda)
is strictly prohibited.
The Imperial Creed looks gladly upon sanctioned violence between honest gang
members and encourages an increase in all gang-related warfare quotients. Only
through adversity does humanity thrive, and only in death will the Emperor bless you.
Extremist elements within the so-called Redemptionist Crusades will not be tolerated.
While the Imperial House respects the efforts of the Redemptors in keeping mutant
and outcast populations down, and praises their creative use of promethium-based
weaponry in doing so, it will not sanction anything that threatens the function of
the hive. To this end, any Redemptors found doing the Emperor’s work in Hive City
will politely be asked to return to the underhive where they belong. They will not be
asked twice.
Subjects are reminded – once again – that the End Times are not upon us. As terrible
as things might seem, don’t forget, they can always get much, much worse.
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