klucz unit 2 vocab.odt

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UNIT 2 1 1 Rural 2 global 3 political 4 urban 5 domestic 6 industrial 7 ethical 8 Economic 2 1 d 2 c 3 h 4 b 5 f 6 g 7 a 8 e 3 1  record (n) 2  Research (n) 3  project (v) 4  permit (n) 5  present (v) 6  import (v) 7  desert (n) 8  suspect (v) 4 1 test 2 queue 3 cured/has cured 4 tips 5 fi nes 6 delay 7 guess 8 lied 5 1 invasion 2 deterrent 3 monitor 4 store 5 authorities 6 prevention 7 keep 8 access 6 1  disturbing, outrageous 2  unethical, illegal 3  irresponsible, reasonable

7. 1–12: access, appeal, benefi t, challenge, display, estimate, insult, off er, order, process, promise, talk 13–21: approve, contain, dispose, disturb, equip, identify, introduce, pollute, remove 8 1 order 2 estimate 3 display 4 promise 5 off er 6 benefi t 7 process 8 insult 9 challenge 10 access 11 appealing 12 talk 9 1 V 2 V 3 N 4 N 5 V 6 V 7 N 8 N 9 N 10 V 11 V 12 N 10 Across 2  economic 4  cure 5 hurry 6  drought 9  appeal 11  debt 14  irresponsible 17  shout 18  global 20  crime  prevention 22 queue

Down 1  unethical 3  keep track of 7  domestic 8  deterrent  to crime 10  identify 12  import 13  illegal 15  disturbing 16   outrageous 19  urban 21  rural

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