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Table of Contents
I Letter from Lucifer Kreegan
II What’s New?
III Playing Heroes
III: Armageddon’s Blade
& Version Compatibility
IV Campaign Games
V Conflux Towns & Creature Reference
VI Neutral Creatures
VII Conflux Heroes
VIII New Hero
IX Customer Support and Troubleshooting
© 1999 The 3DO Company. All Rights Reserved.
3DO, Heroes of Might and Magic, Heroes, Armageddon’s Blade, New World Computing, and their respective logos, are trademarks and/or service marks of The 3DO Company
in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners. New World Computing is a division of The 3DO Company.
The software and related manual for this 3DO product are copyrighted. No portion of this product may be photocopied, scanned, translated, reproduced, copied or reduced to
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Uses Bink Video Technology. © 1997-1998 by RAD Game Tools, Inc.
Uses Miles Sound System. © 1991-1998 by RAD Game Tools, Inc.
Windows, the Windows logo, and DirectX are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
Section I
To Xeron, loyal servant of his majesty Lucifer
Kreegan, killer of his king's enemies:
Upon receiving this letter, kill the messenger. No one is to
learn of its contents. Should its information fall into the hands
of an enemy, our kingdom of Eeofol may find itself the victim of a
greater nation's aggression.
Though we have met and spoken frequently since the death of our
previous lord, King Xenofex, I have yet to tell you how I came to
know of his death before anyone else in the kingdom.
On the night of the day Xenofex fell to a band of adventurers, he
came to me in a dream.
As I slept, my dream-form walked through a lush forest of rich
green foliage and warm sunbeams. As I walked, the stench of fresh
earth and morning dew surrendered to the fragrance of charcoal and
sulfur. Through the parting trees, I stepped into a clearing. At my
feet lay a shimmering pool of molten rock. Warming my face to the
rising from the pool, I leaned over and peered inside. At the bottom,
barely visible, rested a breastplate. Unafraid of injury, I plunged my
arm into the pool and grabbed the artifact. Unscorched, I withdrew
my arm and held before my eyes the Breastplate of Brimstone.
I could not help but feel my own exaggerated grin as I put on the
prized artifact. However, my elation faded as I heard the echo of an
insane cackle. After a moment of stillness with nothing but the
sound of the leaves rustling in the faint breeze...then the laughter
came again. Its direction was obvious, so I walked toward the source.
As I grew closer, the laughter became louder and more frequent, until
I came upon a shield set against a dead tree. The laughter reached
a fevered pitch, threatening my sanity, as I drew closer. With much
concentration, I was able to grab and lift the artifact. The laughter
ceased. It was the Shield of the Damned.
No sooner did I hold the shield then my ears heard a horrible
screeching. I spun around. For a split second, I glimpsed a sword
speeding through the air. I raised the Shield of the Damned to
deflect the attack. Cartwheeling backward, the blade hovered for a
moment then dove. Again, I parried the attack. This continued, until
finally, the blade tired and dropped to the ground. Carefully, I
approached and picked up the artifact. It was the Sword of Hellfire.
As I rose, I saw before me Xenofex. He turned and began walk-
Section I
ing away. I followed and eventually caught up with
him. He was
standing next to an old man seated on a tree stump. The old
man was examining the construction of a wild rose he had plucked
from a nearby bush.
Under the watchful eye of Xenofex, I approached. At the feet of the
old man, I placed the Breastplate of Brimstone, the Sword of
Hellfire, and the Shield of the Damned. Stepping back, I watched as
the old man put aside the flower.
Picking up the sword, he examined the blade then lifted the shield
from the ground. By a means I do not understand, he folded the arti-
facts together creating a new sword. He then repeated this feat,
folding the sword into the breastplate, creating a final artifact: a
sword with a strong blade and a golden bird lifting its wings at the
After the old man laid the magnificent blade on the ground, Xenofex
stepped forward. Taking the blade in his hands, Xenofex looked in my
direction, grinned, then with great strength, drove the blade into the
In an instant, a flash of white blinded me. My vision returned in
time to see the blade conjure an ocean of fire to wash over the world.
These waves of fire spread, fast as lightning, burning all in its path.
When it was over, Xenofex and I stood face to face, on a world
charred black. Examining the face of Xenofex, I saw only satisfaction
and glee. He then stepped backward, away from the blade as it spoke
to me; "I am the blade of Armageddon."
Carefully, I approached. Stretching out my hand, I reached for the
blade. Before I could touch it, time froze and the vision shimmered. I
I know Xenofex came to me the moment after he was killed. I know
not why, but it is my destiny and duty to possess Armageddon's Blade.
With it, I will set the world on fire.
Go forth
Sword of
the three
I have no
and search the land for the Breastplate of Brimstone, the
Hellfire, and the Shield of the Damned. When you have
artifacts, seek out the old man. I do not know who he is, but
doubt you will find him. It is your destiny.
When you have finished, return to me with the blade.
Section II
What’s New?
Armageddon’s Blade is the highly anticipated expansion pack for Heroes of Might and Magic™ III.
It extends and enhances the original game with new campaigns, new scenarios, a powerful new
random map generator, a campaign editor and an enhanced map editor. In addition, Armageddon’s
Blade presents unique challenges with new creatures, new heroes and a new town type.
Here is a list of new features in Armageddon’s Blade:
Dragon’s Blood, Dragon Slayer, Festival of Life, Foolhardy Waywardness and Playing with Fire.
See page 9 for a description of the new campaigns.
New Campaigns:
There are six new campaigns featuring their own story lines: Armageddon’s Blade,
difficulty, number of players and other selectable parameters. Once created, you can refine your maps
using the Map Editor and string them together with a story line using the Campaign Editor. See page
8 for instructions on using the Random Map Generator.
enables users to edit maps and also to refine maps created by the Random Map Generator. For a
complete explanation of how to use the Map Editor refer to the online Help File. To run the help file
launch the Map Editor from your start menu and press F1.
Scenarios, define the story, cinematic sequences, starting options and objects that carry-over across
multiple Scenarios. Consult the on-line Help File included on the CD for complete instructions on
how to use the Campaign Editor. To run the Help File launch the Campaign Editor from your start
menu and press F1.
creatures. See page 13 for details on all of the new creatures.
New Scenarios:
There are 38 new stand-alone scenarios to test your strategic ability.
Random Map Generator:
Use this tool to create playable maps based on your settings for size, terrain,
Map Editor:
Enhancements include new adventure objects and the Random Map Generator. This tool
Campaign Editor:
Build your own campaigns using the Campaign Editor to connect individual
New Creatures:
Players can now engage 23 new creatures including 10 new elemental Conflux
campaign Heroes around whom the stories revolve. See page 9 for descriptions of the campaign
Heroes and page 21 for descriptions of the other new Heroes.
New Heroes:
The game features two new Hero classes, including 16 new Heroes, as well as 11 new
emerged as either a harbinger of Erathia’s victory, or an omen of world destruction. See page 13 for
details on the Conflux.
during Siege Combat.
New Town Type:
Players will encounter a ninth town type, the mysterious elemental Conflux which has
Secondary Skills:
Heroes that possess the Artillery Secondary Skill can now control Arrow Towers
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