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Baba Yaga
by Fabiano Mello de Lima. A digital sculpture by the storyboard artist Fabiano Mello de Lima that desexes Baba
Yaga. An original feature is the pair of small hands protruding from the aperture in the vehicular mortar on which she is
seated, presumably belonging to a captured child who will become Baba Yaga’s meal and end up as a skull to be added
either to Baga Yaga’s fence or to those dangling from the mortar. Illustration by Fabiano Mello de Lima, Fabiano Lima
The Wild Witch of the East in
Russian Fairy Tales
Introduction and Translations by Sibelan Forrester
Captions to Images by Helena Goscilo
Selection of Images by Martin Skoro and Helena Goscilo
Edited by Sibelan Forrester, Helena Goscilo, and Martin Skoro
Foreword by Jack Zipes
university press of mississippi
The University Press of Mississippi is a member of the Association of American
University Presses.
With Support and Assistance from The Museum of Russian Art, 5500 Stevens
Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55419,
A good faith effort was made to identify all artists or copyright holders of the
illustrations used.
Copyright © 2013 by University Press of Mississippi
All rights reserved
Manufactured in the United States of America
First printing 2013
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Baba Yaga : the wild witch of the East in Russian fairy tales / introduction and transla-
tions by Sibelan Forrester ; captions to images by Helena Goscilo ; selection of images
by Martin Skoro and Helena Goscilo ; edited by Sibelan Forrester, Helena Goscilo,
and Martin Skoro ; foreword by Jack Zipes.
pages : illustrations ; cm
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-1-61703-596-8 (cloth : alkaline paper) — ISBN 978-1-61703-778-8 (ebook)
1. Baba Yaga (Legendary character) 2. Tales—Russia. I. Forrester, Sibelan E. S. (Sibelan
Elizabeth S.), translator, editor of compilation. II. Goscilo, Helena, 1945–, editor of
compilation. III. Skoro, Martin, editor of compilation. IV. Zipes, Jack, 1937–, writer of
added commentary.
GR75.B22B22 2013
British Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data available
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