Yaksha-Prasna from Mahabharata.pdf

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Yaksha Prasnah
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Sanskrit Text of Mahabharata: Vedic Reserve at
English Translation by KM Ganguli:
Yaksha Prasnah
अथ मऺप्रश्न्
Chapter 296 of Aranyaka Parva in Mahabharata
वैशम्पामन उवाच
ततो मधु धधियो याजा नकुरॊ वचनभब्रवीत ।
आरुह्य वृऺ ॊ भाद्रेम धनयीऺस्व धदशो दश ॥५
Vaisampayana continued, "Then king Yudhishthira
addressed Nakula saying, 'Do thou, O son of
Madri, climb this tree and look around the ten
points of the horizon.
ऩानीमभधिके ऩश्म वृऺान्वाप्यदकाश्रमान ।
इभे धह भ्रातय् श्रािास्तव तात धऩऩाधसता् ॥६
Do thou see whether there is water near us or such
trees as grow on watery grounds! O child, these
thy brothers are all fatigued and thirsty.'
Yaksha Prasnah
नकुरस्त ु तथेत्यक्त्वा शीघ्रभरुह्य ऩादऩभ ।
अब्रवीद ् भ्रातयॊ ज्येिभधबवीक्ष्य सभित् ॥७
Thereupon saying, 'So be it,' Nakula speedily
climbed up a tree, and having looked around, said
unto his eldest brother;
ऩश्माधभ फहुरान्राजन्वृऺानदकसॊश्रमान ।
सायसानाॊ च धनर्ह्ाादभत्रोदकभसॊशमभ ॥८
'O king, I see many a tree that groweth by the
water-side, and I hear also the cries of cranes.
Therefore, without doubt, water must be
somewhere here.'
ततोब्रवीत्सत्यधृधत् कुिीऩत्रो मधु धधिय् ।
गच्छ सौम्य तत् शीघ्रॊ तूणं ऩनीमभानम ॥९
Hearing these words, Kunti's son Yudhishthira,
firm in truth, said, 'O amiable one, go thou and
fetch water in these quivers!'
Yaksha Prasnah
ु े
नकुरस्त ु तथेत्यक्त्वा भ्रातज्यिस्य शासनात ।
प्राद्रवद्यत्र ऩानीमॊ शीघ्रॊ च ैवान्वऩद्यत ॥१०
Saying, 'So be it,' at the command of his eldest
brother Nakula quickly proceeded towards the
place where there was water and soon came upon
स दृष्ट्वा धवभरॊ तोमॊ सायस ै् ऩधयवाधयतभ ।
भा तात साहसॊ काषॉभाभ ऩूवऩधयग्रह् ।
ु ु
ऩातकाभस्ततो वाचभिधयऺात्स शश्रव े ॥११
प्रश्नानक्त्वा त ु भाद्रेम तत् धऩफ हयस्व च ॥१२
And beholding a crystal lake inhabited by cranes
he desired to drink of it, when he heard these
words from the sky, 'O child, do not commit this
rash act! This lake hath already been in my
possession. Do thou, O son of Madri, first answer
my questions and then drink of this water and take
away (as much as thou requirest).
Yaksha Prasnah
अनादृत्य त ु तद्वाक्यॊ नकुर् सधऩऩाधसत् ।
अधऩफच्छीतरॊ तोमॊ ऩीत्वा च धनऩऩात ह ॥१३
Nakula, however, who was exceedingly thirsty,
disregarding these words, drank of the cool water,
and having drunk of it, dropped down dead.
धचयामभाणे नकुरे कुिीऩत्रो मधु धधिय् ।
भ्राता धचयामते तात सहदेव तवाग्रज् ।
अब्रवीद्भ्रातयॊ वीयॊ सहदेवभधयन्दभभ ॥१४
तॊ च ैवानम सोदमं ऩानीमञ्च त्वभानम ॥१५
And, O represser of foes, seeing Nakula's delay,
Yudhishthira the son of Kunti said unto Sahadeva,
the heroic brother of Nakula, 'O Sahadeva, it is
long since our brother, he who was born
immediately before thee, hath gone from hence! Do
thou, therefore, go and bring back thy uterine
brother, together with water.'
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