More Songs of the Vaisnava Acaryas2.doc

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More Songs of the Vaiñëava Äcäryas

More Songs of the Vaiñëava Äcäryas



1: Madhuräñöakam

2: Akrodha Paramänanda

“Supreme Bliss that is Never Angry”

3: Ambudäïjanendra-Néla

Çré Kåñëa-Candräñöaka

4: Ämi Yamunä Puline

“On the Bank of the Yamunä River

5: Antara Mandire Jägo Jägo

“Arise, Arise in the Temple of My Heart”

6: Är Koto Käl

“After How Much Time?”

7: Boro Sukher Khabor Gäi

“The Song of the Broker”

8: Caraëa Kamal

“Lotus Feet”

9: Dhule Dhule Gorä Chäìda

“Moonlike Gaura Swaying To and Fro”

10: Duùkher Sägore

“In the Ocean of Misery

11: Durlabha Mänava Janma

“Rare Human Birth”

12: Duñöa Mana

Vaiñëava Ke?—“Who is a Real Vaiñëava?”

13. Gauräìga Karuëä Koro

“Be Merciful Lord Gauräìga”

14. Gäy Goräcänd Jéver Tore

“Don’t Neglect Giving Me Your Mercy”

15. Gorä Pahuì


16. Hari He Doyäl Mor

Dainya O Prapatti

17. He Govinda He Gopäl

“O Govinda! O Gopäl!”

18. Jaya Jaya Jagannätha Çacéra Nandan

“Glories to the Son of Jagannätha and Çacé”

19. Jaya Mädhava Madana Muräri

20. Jaya Rädhä Girivara Dhäri

21. Jaya Rädhe Jaya Rädhe Rädhe

22. Çré Jagannäthäñöakam

23. Names of Lord Chaitanya

24. Keno Hare Kåñëa Näm

“Oh Why While Chanting Hare Kåñëa...?”

25. Kåñëa Deva Bhavantam Vande

“I Praise You Lord Kåñëa”

26. Kåñëa Jinakä

Kåñëa Prema Mayé Rädhä

27. Yugaläñöakam

Eight Verses Glorifying the Divine Couple

28. Kuìkumäkta Käïcanäbja

Çré Rädhikäñöaka

29. Kusumita Våndävane Näcato Çikhi Gaëe

“Peacocks Dance in Flowering Våndävana”

30. Madhuram Madhurebhyo

Çré Kevaläñöakam

31. Maine Raöanä Lagäi Rädhä Nämaké

“I Practice the Repetition of Rädhä’s Name”

32. Mama Mana Mandire

“In the Temple of My Heart”

33. Nava Gaura Varam

Eight Prayers Glorifying the Son of Çrématé Çacé Devé

34. Nava Nérada Nindita

Eight Prayers Glorifying the Son of the King of Vraja

35. Nitäi Guëa Maëi

“Nityänanda My Treasure”

36. Nitäi Näm Häöe

Näm Haööa Bhajan

37. Ore Våndävaner Nanda Duläl

“Nanda’s Boy From Våndävana”

38. Praëäm Tomäi Ghana-çyäm

“Bowing Unto You, O Cloudlike Beauty”

39. Rädhe Rädhe Çyäm Milade

40. Räj-Räëé Mérä

41. Çré Guru Caraë Kamal

42. Çré Rädhe Govinda

43. Çrita Kamalä

Maìgala Gétam

44. Sundara Bälä

“Beautiful Boy”

45. Sundara Mor

“My Beautiful One”

46. Tätala Saikate

“Scorched on the Sandy Beach”

47. Ujjvala Varaëa

Eight Prayers Glorifying the Son of Çrématé Çacédevé

48. Vaàçé-dhäré Kåñëa Muräri

49. Vande Kåñëa Nanda Kumära

50. Våndävana Ramya Sthäna

“Amorous Pastimes in the Spring”

51. Yadi Gaura Nä Hoito

“If Lord Gaura Had Not Incarnated”

Languages of the Vaiñëava Songs



Compiled and Translated

by Daçarath Suta Däsa

[Many songs that were originally included in this publication are now to be found in the sections on Gétävalé, Çaraëägaté, etc. of which they are a part.]


1: Madhuräñöakam

by Çré Vallabhäcärya


adharaà madhuraà vadanaà madhuraà

nayanaà madhuraà hasitaà madhuraà

hådayaà madhuraà gamanaà madhuraà

madhurädhi-pater akhilaà madhuraà

adharam—lips; madhuram—sweet; vadanam—face; madhuram—sweet; nayanam—eyes; madhuram—sweet; hasitam—smile; madhuram—sweet; hådayam—heart; madhuram—sweet; gamanam—gait; madhuram—sweet; madhura-adhi-pateù—of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam—all; madhuram—sweet.

1) His lips are sweet, His face is sweet His eyes are sweet, His smile is sweet His heart is sweet, His gait is sweet—Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!


vacanaà madhuraà caritaà madhuraà

vasanaà madhuraà valitaà madhuraà

calitaà madhuraà bhramitaà madhuraà

madhurädhi-pater akhilaà madhuraà

vacanam—speech; madhuram—sweet; caritam—character; madhuram—sweet; vasanam—clothing; madhuram—sweet; valitam—belly-folds; madhuram—sweet; calitam—wandering; madhuram—sweet; bhramitam—wandering; madhuram—sweet; madhura-adhi-pateù—of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam—all; madhuram—sweet.

2) His words are sweet, His character is sweet  His dress is sweet, His belly-folds are sweet  His movements are sweet, His wandering is sweet—Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!


veëur madhuro reëur madhuraù

päëir madhuraù pädau madhurau

nåtyaà madhuraà sakhyaà madhuraà

madhurädhi-pater akhilaà madhuraà

veëuù—flute; madhuraù—sweet; reëuù—dust; madhura—sweet; päiù—hands; madhura—sweet; pädau—feet; madhurau—sweet (pair); ntyam—dancing; madhuram—sweet; sakhyam—friendship; madhuram—sweet; madhura-adhi-pateù—of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam—all; madhuram—sweet.

3) His flute is sweet, His foot-dust is sweet  His hands are sweet, His feet are sweet  His dancing is sweet, His friendship is sweet—Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!


gétaà madhuraà pétaà madhuraà

bhuktaà madhuraà suptam madhuraà

rüpaà madhuraà tilakaà madhuraà

madhurädhi-pater akhilaà madhuraà

gétam—singing; madhuram—sweet; pétam—yellow cloth; madhuram—sweet; bhuktam—eating; madhuram—sweet; suptam—sleeping; madhuram—sweet; rüpam—beauty; madhuram—sweet; tilakam—forehead marking; madhuram—sweet; madhura-adhi-pateù—of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam—all; madhuram—sweet.

4) His singing is sweet, His yellow cloth is sweet  His eating is sweet, His sleeping is sweet  His beauty is sweet, His tilaka is sweet—Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!


karaëaà madhuraà taraëaà madhuraà

haraëaà madhuraà ramaëaà madhuraà

vamitaà madhuraà çamitaà madhuraà

madhurädhi-pater akhilaà madhuraà

karaëam—deeds; madhuram—sweet; taraëam—deliverance; madhuram—sweet; haraëam—stealing; madhuram—sweet; ramaëam—love-making; madhuram—sweet; vamitam—offering oblations; madhuram—sweet; çamitam—tranquility; madhuram—sweet; madhura-adhi-pateù—of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam—all; madhuram—sweet.

5) His deeds are sweet, His liberating is sweet His stealing is sweet, His love-sports are sweet His oblations are sweet, His tranquility is sweet—Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!


guïjä madhurä mälä madhurä

yamunä madhurä vécé madhurä

salilaà madhuraà kamalaà madhuraà

madhurädhi-pater akhilaà madhuraà

guïjä—berry necklace; madhurä—sweet; mälä—garland; madhurä—sweet; yamunä—the river; madhurä—sweet; vécé—ripples; madhurä—sweet; salilam—water; madhuram—sweet; kamalam—lotuses; madhuram—sweet; madhura-adhi-pateù—of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam—all; madhuram—sweet.

6) His guïjä-berry necklace is sweet, His flower garland is sweet His Yamunä river is sweet, His ripples are sweet His water is sweet, His lotuses are sweet—Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!


gopé madhurä lélä madhurä

yuktaà madhuraà bhuktaà madhuraà

håñöaà madhuraà çiñöaà madhuraà

madhurädhi-pater akhilaà madhuraà

gopé—cowherd girls; madhurä—sweet; lélä—pastimes; madhurä—sweet; yuktam—union; madhuram—sweet; bhuktam—food; madhuram—sweet; håñöam—delight; madhuram—sweet; çiñöam—courtesy; madhuram—sweet; madhura-adhi-pateù—of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam—all; madhuram—sweet.


gopä madhurä gävo madhurä

yañöir madhurä såñöir madhurä

dalitaà madhuraà phalitaà madhuraà

madhurädhi-pater akhilaà madhuraà

gopäù—cowherd boyfriends; madhurä—sweet; gävaù—cows; madhurä—sweet; yaiù—staff; madhurä—sweet; såñöiù—creation; madhurä—sweet; dalitam—trampling; madhuram—sweet; phalitam—fruitfulness; madhuram—sweet; madhura-adhi-pateù—of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam—all; madhuram—sweet.

8) His gopas are sweet, His cows are sweet  His staff is sweet, His creation is sweet  His trampling is sweet, His fruitfulness is sweet—Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!

Akrodha Paramänanda

“Supreme Bliss that is Never Angry”

2: Akrodha Paramänanda

“Supreme Bliss that is Never Angry”

from Caitanya Maìgala by Locana Däsa Öhäkura


akrodha paramänanda nityänanda räy

abhimäna çünya nitäi nagare beòäy

akrodha—not angry; paramänanda—supreme bliss; nityänanda räy—the venerable Lord Nityänanda; abhimäna çünya—without pride; nitäi—Nitäi; nagare—in the village; beòäy—wanders.

1) The noble Lord Nityänanda Räy is never angry, for He is the personification of supreme transcendental bliss. Devoid of any concept of false ego, Nitäi wanders about the town.


adhama patita jéver dväre dväre giyä

hari-näma mahä-mantra deno biläiyä

adhama—wretched; patita—fallen; jéver—of the souls; dväre dväre—door to door; giyä—having gone; hari-näma mahä-mantra—the great chanting of the Lord’s holy names; deno—He gives; biläiyä—distributing.

2) Going from door to door in the residences of the most fallen and wretched souls, He freely distributes the gift of the Hari-näma mahä-mantra.


järe dekhe täre kohe dante tåëa dhori’

ämäre kiniyä loho bhajo gaura-hari

järe dekhe—whoever He sees; täre kohe—to them He says; dante—in the teeth; tåëa dhori’—holding straw; ämäre kiniyä—purchasing me; loho—please take; bhajo—do worship; gaura-hari—Lord Chaitanya.

3) He exclaims to whomever he sees while holding straw between his teeth, “Please purchase me by worshipping Gaurahari!”

o bhäi re tädera päye dhori

mädhäi re tor päye boli

bolo re ek-bär hari hari

bhäi mädhäi re tor päye boli

bolo re ek-bär gaura hari

bhäi mädhäi re tor päye boli

(“O my dear brother! I am grasping your feet! O Mädhäi, at your feet I request you to just once chant ‘Hari, Hari!’ Only once, dear Mädhäi, just chant `Gaura Hari!’ Please chant His holy name and you will be delivered from the material world.”)

o tui bolo re ek-bär gaura hari

bhavopari tore jäbi

o tui bolo re ek-bär hari hari

bhavopari jäbi tore

o tui bolo re ek-bär hari hari

bhavopari tore jäbi


eto boli’ nityänanda bhüme gaòi jäy

sonära parvata jeno dhüläte loöäy

eto boli’—saying thus; nityänanda—Nityänanda; bhüme—on the ground; gaòi jäy—rolls about; sonär parvata—a mountain of gold; jeno—just like; dhüläte loöäy—tumbling in the dust.

4) Saying thus, Nityänanda Prabhu rolls about on the ground, appearing like a golden mountain tumbling in the dust.

dhüläte loöäy, dhüläte loöäy

sonära parvata jeno dhüläte loöäy

sonära parvata jeno dhüläte loöäy

sonära parvata jeno gaura hari hari bole

sonära parvata jeno dhüläte loöäy

gaura hari hari bole dhüläte loöäy

(He rolls on the ground, tumbling in the dust. He looks just like a golden mountain rolling upon the earth. The golden mountain roars ‘Gaura Hari Hari!’ while rolling in the dust, and again chants ‘Gaura Hari Hari!’)


heno avatäre jär rati nä janmilo

locan bole sei päpé elo är gelo

heno avatäre—for such an incarnation; jär—whose; rati—affection; nä janmilo—has not come about; locan bole—Locana Däsa says; sei päpé—that sinful person; elo—comes; är—and; gelo—goes (in repeated birth and death).

5) Locana Däsa says, “Whoever has not experienced the awakening of affection for such an avatär as this, that sinful person simply comes and goes uselessly in the cycle of repeated birth and death.”


Çré Kåñëa-Candräñöaka

3: Ambudäïjanendra-Néla

Çré Kåñëa-Candräñöaka

from Govinda-Lélämåta by Kåñëadäsa Kaviräja Goswämé

[Midday Pastimes, chapter 17.50–58, as chanted by the male parrot Çuka]

—please see accompanying song Kuìkumäkta-Käïcanäbha—





sväìghri-däsyado ’stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù

ambuda—of clouds; aïjana—black eye ointment; indra-néla—sapphires; nindi—belittling; känti—splendor; òambaraù—He who possesses the abundance; kuìkuma—reddish powder; udyat—rising; arka—sun; vidyut—lightning; aàçu—beams of light; divyat—shining; ambaraù—He who wears the garments (or the sky); çrémat—beautiful; aìga—limbs; carcita—anointed; indu—camphor; pétana—saffron; akta—anointed; candanaù—He who wears the sandalwood; sva—His own; aìghri—feet; däsya—of the devotional service; daù—the giver; astu—may become; me—to me; saù—He; ballava—of the cowherd men; indra—of the king (Nanda); nandanaù—He who is the son (Çré Kåñëa).

1) His abundantly beautiful complexion belittles the splendor of combined rainclouds, black eye cosmetics, and sapphires. His garments appear effulgent like a rising sun tinted like kuìkum powder and enhanced by shining bolts of lightning. His perfectly-formed limbs are anointed with sandalwood paste mixed with camphor and saffron. May Çré Kåñëa, the Son of the king of the cowherd men, grant me the service of His own lotus feet.




ballavéñu vardhitätma-güòha-bhäva-bandhanaù

sväìghri-däsyado ‘stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù

gaëòa—on the cheeks; täëòava—in dancing; ati—very much; paëòita—learned; aëòaja-éça—the god of those born from eggs (the shark); kuëòalaù—He who wears earrings; candra—moon; padma-ñaëòa—a collection of lotuses; garva—pride; khaëòana—destruction; asya-maëòalaù—the orb of His face; ballavéñu—amongst the gopés; vardhita—increased; ätma-güòha—concealed within the self; bhäva—by the love; bandhanaù—He who is bound.

2) He wears shark-shaped earrings that dance very expertly upon His cheeks. The beauty of the orb of His face destroys the pride of a multitude of moons and lotus flowers. He causes the knot of His own secret ecstatic love-moods to increasingly tighten amongst the gopés. May Çré Kåñëa, the Son of the king of cowherd men, grant me the service of His own lotus feet.





sväìghri-däsyado ‘stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù

nitya—eternal; navya—youthful; rüpa—beautiful form; veça—mode of dress; härda—love; keli—pastimes; ceñöitaù—He who endeavors; keli—amorous pastimes; narma—joking words; çarma—pleasure; däyi—giving; mitra-vånda—the assembly of boyfriends; veñöitaù—He who is surrounded; svéya—His own; keli-känana—pastime-forest; aàçu—rays; nirjita—defeated; indra-nandanaù—the heavenly Nandana gardens of Lord Indra.

3) He is eternally engaged in designing ever-fresh variations of His youthful form, mode of dress, and loving pastimes. He is surrounded by the assembly of His cowherd boyfriends, who excel in giving Him delight by their playful joking words. Even a single brilliant ray of splendor from His personal pleasure-forest defeats the heavenly Nandana gardens of Lord Indra. May Çré Kåñëa, the Son of the king of cowherd men, grant me the service of His own lotus feet.





sväìghri-däsyado ‘stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù

prema—of pure love; hema—the gold; maëòita—decorated; ätma—His own; bandhuta—friendship; abhinanditaù—He who is delighted; kñauëi—the earth; lagna—touching; bhäla—foreheads; loka-päla—protectors of the planets; päli—multitudes; vanditaù—He who is praised; nitya-käla—daily; såñöa—done; vipra—to the brähmaëas; gaurava—reverence; ali—the groups; vandanaù—He who offers prayers.

4) He is delighted by the friendship of His devotees, whose consciousness is decorated with the golden ornaments of pure love for Him. He is praised by the great demigods who protect various planets in the universe and who offer obeisances to Him by touching their foreheads to the ground. He honors the brähmaëas with great reverence at specific times of the day. May Çré Kåñëa, the Son of the king of cowherd men, grant me the service of His own lotus feet.





sväìghri-däsyado ‘stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù

lélayä—easily; indra—King Indra; käliya—the serpent Käliya; uñëa—angry; kaàsa—King Kaàsa; vatsa—Vatsäsura; ghätakaù—He who is the killer; tat-tat—by all these; ätma-keli—His own pastimes; våñöi—the shower; puñöa—nourished; bhakta-cäöakaù—whose devotees are like cäöaka birds; vérya—heroism; çéla—nature; lélayä—by the pastimes; ätma—His own; ghoña-väsi—of the cowherd residents; nandanaù—He who is the delighter.

5) He easily removed the pride of Indra as well as the violent anger of Käliya, and He killed the demons Kaàsa and Vatsäsura. With the rainfall of these variegated pastimes, He nourishes the chätaka birds who are His devotees. By performing His pastimes of heroic nature, He delights the residents of His own cowherd community. May Çré Kåñëa, the Son of the king of cowherd men, grant me the service of His own lotus feet.





sväìghri-däsyado ‘stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù

kuïja—in the groves; räsa-keli—the räsa dance; sédhu—with the nectar; rädhikä-ädi—the gopés headed by Rädhikä; toñaëaù—He who satisfies; tat-tat—all these; ätma—own; keli—for sport; narma—jokes; tat-tat—all these; äli—cowherd girls; poñaëaù—He who is the nourisher; prema—love; çéla—good character; keli—of the pastimes; kérti—the fame; viçva-citta—the minds of the entire universe; nandanaù—He who gives delight.

6) He satisfies Çré Rädhikä and the other gopés with the nectar of the sportive räsa dance performed in the groves of Våndävana. During the various intrigues of those amorous pastimes, He devises many different playful jokes to sustain the assembly of gopés. He thus delights the minds of all the people in the universe by the glory of His loving pastimes. May Çré Kåñëa, the Son of the king of cowherd men, grant me the service of His own lotus feet.




gopikäsu netra-koëa-bhäva-vånda-gandhanaù

sväìghri-däsyado ‘stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù

räsa-keli—by the pastimes of the räsa dance; darçita—shown; ätma-çuddha-bhakti—His own pure devotional service; sat-pathaù—the eternal path; svéya—His own; citra—amazing; rüpa-veça—form and dress; manmatha—of cupids; ali—multitudes; manmathaù—He who is the cupid; gopikäsu—among the cowherd damsels; netra-koëa—the corner of the eyes; bhäva-vånda—heaps of ecstasies; gandhanaù—He who hints.

7) By revealing His pastimes of the festive räsa dance, He also shows the eternal path of His own pure devotional service. By His amazing beauty and fascinating mode of dress, He churns the minds of a vast multitude of cupids. Through the outer corners of His eyes, He casts sidelong glances, aimed at the gopés, that give hints of a host of affectionate ecstatic moods. May Çré Kåñëa, the Son of the king of cowherd men, grant me the service of His own lotus feet.




rädhikoraséha lepa eña häri-candanaù

sväìghri-däsyado ‘stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù

puñpa-cäyi—She who picks flowers; rädhikä—Rädhikä; abhimarça—the touch; labdhi—by the attainment; tarñitaù—He who is pleased; prema-vämya—crookedness of love; ramya—charming; rädhikä-äsya—the face of Rädhikä; dåñöi—by the sight; harñitaù—jubilant; rädhikä-urasi—on the breasts of Rädhikä; iha—here; lepaù—ointment; eñaù—He; häri-candanaù—He who is the sandalwood.

8) He becomes excited with desire by suddenly touching Çré Rädhikä while She is busy picking flowers. Then He becomes jubilant when He sees Her charming face decorated with the contrariness of pure love. Verily He is the sandalwood paste that decorates Rädhikä’s breasts. May Çré Kåñëa, the Son of the king of cowherd men, grant me the service of His own lotus feet.


añöakena yas tv anena rädhikä-suvallabhaà

saàstavéti darçane ‘pi sindhujädi-durlabham

taà yunakti tuñöa-citta eña ghoña-känane


añöakena—by these eight verses; yaù—who; tu—indeed; anena—with these; rädhikä-su-vallabham—He who is very dear to Rädhikä; saàstavéti—praises with full attention; darçane—in the sight; api—even; sindhu-jä—she who was born from the sea (Lakñmé); ädi—and so on; durlabham—difficult to achieve; tam—to him; yunakti—engages; tuñöa-citta—of satisfied mind; eñaù—He; ghoña-känane—in the forest of the cowherds; rädhikä-aìga—the limbs of Rädhikä; saìga—by the contact; nandita—delighted; ätma-päda—His own feet; sevane—in the service.

9) It is very difficult for Lakñmé Devé and other exalted gods and goddesses to attain even a glimpse of Çré Kåñëa, who is very dear to Çré Rädhikä. But if someone glorifies Him by reciting these eight verses with full attention, then He who is delighted by the intimate association with Rädhikä’s limbs will become pleased with that person and engage them in the service of His own lotus feet within the cowherd forests of Goloka Våndävana.

Ämi Yamunä Puline

“On the Bank of the Yamunä River”

4: Ämi Yamunä Puline

“On the Bank of the Yamunä River”

from Kalyäëa Kalpataru by Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura


(ämi) jamunä-puline, kadamba-känane,

ki herinu sakhé! äja

(ämär) çyäma baàçé-dhari, maëi-maïcopari,

lélä kore’ rasa-räja

ämi—I; jamunä-puline—on the bank of the Yamunä river; kadamba-känane—in a kadamba-tree grove; ki herinu—what have I seen today?; sakhé—O dear girlfriend!; äja—today; ämär—my; çyäma—dark boy; baàçé-dhari—holder of the flute; maëi-maïca-upari—upon a throne of jewels; lélä kore’—performs His pastimes; rasa-räja—the King of all transcendental mellows.

1) O Sakhé! My dear girlfriend! What have I seen today? In a kadamba-tree grove on the bank of the Yamunä river, a beautiful blackish boy holding a long flute named vaàçé is seated upon a throne of jewels, performing His pastimes as the King of all transcendental mellows!


kåñëa-keli sudhä-prasravana

(tära) añöa-dalopari, çré-rädhä çré-hari,

añöa-sakhé parijana

kåñëa-keli—Kåñëa’s amorous pastimes; sudhä-prasravana—waterfall of nectar; tära—their; añöa-dala-upari—upon the eight petals; çré-rädhä çré-hari—Çré Rädhä and Çré Hari; añöa-sakhé—eight chief gopés; parijana—associates.

2) Kåñëa is performing His amorous pastimes, which are just like a waterfall of nectar. Çré Rädhä and Çré Hari are surrounded by Their dearmost attendants, the eight chief gopés, who are situated upon the eight petals of the jewelled altar.


(tära) sugéta nartane, saba sakhé-gaëe,

tuñiche jugala-dhane

(takhan) kåñëa-lélä heri’, prakåti-sundaré,

bistäriche çobhä vane

tära—their; su-géta—nice songs; nartane—by dancing; saba—all; sakhé-gaëe—their girlfriends; tuñiche—give satisfaction; jugala-dhane—to the treasured couple; takhan—then; kåñëa-lélä—Kåñëa’s amorous pastimes; heri’—beholding; prakåti-sundaré—beautiful female energies; bistäriche—expanding; çobhä—splendor; vane—throughout the forest.

3) By singing sweet songs and dancing nicely, all the gopés satisfy the treasured Divine Couple. Thus His beautiful female energies behold Kåñëa’s amorous pastimes expanding throughout the splendrous forest.


(ämi) ghare nä jäibo, vane praveçibo,

o lélä-raser tare

(ämi) tyaji’ kula-läja, bhaja braja-räja,

vinoda minati kore’

ämi—I; ghare—to home; nä jäibo—I will not go; vane—in the forest; praveçibo—I will enter; o—that; lélä-raser tare—on account of the pastime-mellows; ämi—I; tyaji’—giving up; kula-läja—shyness due to fear of family members; bhaja—just worship; braja-räja—the Lord of Vraja; vinoda—of Bhaktivinoda; minati kore’—makes the humble submission.

4) For the sake of tasting the mellows of such pastimes, I will not go to my home, but will instead enter the forest. O readers! Just worship the Lord of Vraja, renouncing all hesitation due to fear of family members. This is the humble submission of Bhaktivinoda.

Antara Mandire Jägo Jägo

“Arise, Arise in the Temple of My Heart”

5: Antara Mandire Jägo Jägo

“Arise, Arise in the Temple of My Heart”

Traditional Bangladesh Bhajan


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