Namastaka - Bengali Songs based on Rupa Gosvami Namastaka.doc

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Supplementary Literatures

Çré Nämäñöaka
Eight Prayers Glorifying the Holy Name
- Eight Songs -

(Bengali songs based on Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé’s Sanskrit Nämäñöaka)

Song 1

Song 1

[Lalita—Ekatälä & Daçakuçé]


çré-rüpa-vadane çré-çacé-kumär
swa-näm-mahimä koralo pracär

1) Through the mouth of Çréla Rüpa Goswämé, the son of Mother Çacé preached the glories of His own divine holy name.


jo näm, so hari—kachu nähi bheda
so näm satya-miti gäyati veda

2) There is no difference between that holy name of Lord Hari and Lord Hari Himself. The Vedic scriptures sing of the true glory of the Lord’s holy name.



sabu upaniñada,  ratna-mälä-dyuti,
jhakamaki’ caraëa-samépe
maìgala-ärati,  koro-i anukñana,

3) All the Upaniñads are like a necklace of beautifully effulgent jewels shining before the lotus feet of the holy name. They perpetually perform maìgala ärati for the holy name with lamps of two rows of five ghee wicks.


caudda bhuvana mäha,  deva-nara-dänava,
bhäga jäìkara balavän
näma-rasa-péyuña,  pibo-i anukñana,
choòata karama-geyän

4) Within the fourteen worlds, those demigods, men and demons whose fortune has been very great constantly drink the nectar of the sweet mellows of the holy name, casting aside all kinds of fruitive activities and intellectual forms of knowledge.


nitya-mukta punaù,  näma-upäsana,
satata koro-i säma-gäne
goloke baiöhata,  gäowe nirantara,
näma-viraha nähi jäne

5) The eternally liberated souls living in the spiritual world, however, always worship the holy name in beautifully composed hymns and sit in Goloka Våndävana perpetually singing the name. Therefore they do not know any separation from the holy name.


sabu-rasa-äkara,  `hari’ iti dvy-akñara,
sabu-bhäve koraluì äçroy
näma caraëe pa’òi,  bhaktivinoda kohe,
tuwä pade mägahuì niloy

6) The two syllables Ha and ri are a mine of all varieties of devotional mellow. Every ecstasy of devotion has taken shelter in them. Falling at the lotus feet of the holy name, Bhaktivinoda says, “O Harinäm, I pray for residence at Your lotus feet.”

Song 2

Song 2



jaya jaya harinäm,  cidänandämåta-dhäm,
para-tattva akñara-äkär
nija-jane kåpä kori’,  näma-rüpe avatari’,
jéve doyä korile apär

1) All glories, all glories to the holy name of the Lord, the abode of immortal transcendental bliss! The Supreme Absolute Truth, who possesses an eternal form of sacred syllables, has descended in the form of the holy name. Thereby He shows mercy to His own devotees while showering boundless compassion upon all fallen souls.


jaya `hari’, `kåñëa’, `räm’,  jaga-jana-suviçräm,
muni-vånda nirantar,  je nämera samädar,
kori’ gäy bhoriyä vadana

2) All glories to the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is called by different names such as Hari, Kåñëa and Räma! He is the auspicious resting place of all living entities within the universe, and He delights the minds of all souls. Wise sages maintain great reverence for His holy name and constantly sing it by filling their mouths with the sound.


ohe kåñëa-nämäkñar,  tumi sarva-çakti-dhar,
jévera kalyäna-vitaraëe
tomä vinä bhava-sindhu,  uddhärite nähi bandhu,
äsiyächo jéva-uddhäraëe

3) O Lord Kåñëa in the form of name-syllables! You possess all supreme powers, and are engaged in bestowing pure auspiciousness upon the living beings. Without You there is no other friend to rescue us from the ocean of material existence. You have come for the deliverance of all fallen souls.


äche täpa jéve jata,  tumi saba koro hata,
heläya tomäre eka-bär
òäke jadi kono jan,  ho’ye dén akiïcan,
nähi dekhi’ anya pratikär

4) For all souls within this world there is much misery and sorrow. O Harinäm, if someone calls upon You just once, feeling himself very meek and lowly, possessing nothing and seeing no other remedy for his relief, You then easily destroy all his sorrows.


tava svalpa-sphürti päy,  ugra-täpa düre jäy,
liìga-bhaìga hoy anäyäse
bhakativinoda koy,  jaya harinäma jay,
paòe’ thäki tuwä pada-äçe

5) If one simply obtains a faint glimpse of Your actual identity, then all sorts of terrible miseries are cast far away; indeed, the very form of suffering itself is easily broken to pieces. Bhaktivinoda says, “All glories, all glories to the holy name of Lord Hari! O Harinäm, I perpetually fall to the ground in hope of attaining Your lotus feet.”

Song 3

Song 3



viçve udita,  näma-tapan,
avidyä-vinäça lägi’
choòata saba,  mäyä-vibhava,
sädhu tähe anurägé

1) The brilliant sun of the transcendental holy name of the Lord has appeared in the material universe in order to destroy ignorance. Casting aside all worldly attractions, the saintly souls cultivate affection for the name alone.


harinäma-prabhäkara,  avidyä-timira-hara,
tomär mahimä kebä jäne
ke heno panòita-jan,  tomära mähätmya-gaë,
uccaiù-sware sakala bäkhäne

2) The sun of the holy name is the dispeller of the darkness of ignorance. O Harinäm, who actually knows Your greatness? What sort of learned man is capable of loudly singing the host of Your glories?


tomära äbhäs pahilohi bhäy
e bhava-timira kavalita-präy

3) O holy name, from the first moment one perceives a glimpse of You appearing on the horizon of the heart, the darkness of this material world is almost totally devoured.


acire timira näçiyä prajïän
tattvändha-nayane korena vidhän

4) Quickly destroying all remaining darkness, You bestow divine wisdom upon our spiritually blinded eyes.


sei to’ prajïän viçuddha bhakati
upajäy hari-viñayiné mati

5) That divine wisdom gives rise within the heart to pure devotion, from which awakens an understanding of the transcendental characteristics of Lord Hari.


e adbhuta-lélä satata tomär
bhakativinoda jäniyäche sär

6) This wonderful pastime of Yours is eternally taking place, and Bhaktivinoda has understood its essence.

Song 4

Song 4



jïäné jïäna-yoge,  koriyä jatane,
brahmera säkñät kore
brahma-säkñätkär,  apraräbdha karma,
sampürna jïänete hare

1) The learned man, endeavoring in the practice of jïäna-yoga, eventually achieves direct perception of the Supreme Brahman. That realization of Brahman awards one with fully complete transcendental knowledge, which removes all of one’s aprärabdha, or unfructified karmic reactions accrued in previous births.


tabu to’ prärabdha,  nähi hoy kñoy,
phala-bhoga binä kabhu
brahma-bhüta jéva,  phala-bhoga lägi’,
janama-maraëa labhu

2) However, by dint of Brahman realization one’s prärabdha,  or karmic reactions that are presently fructifying, are not diminished unless one actually undergoes the suffering of those reactions. Therefore, despite being a Brahman-realized soul, one must still experience the present reactions of his karma and thus be implicated in the cycle of birth and death.


kintu ohe näma,  tava sphürti ha’le,
ekänté janera äro
prärabdhäprärabdha,  kichu nähi thäke,
vede gäya bäro bäro

3) But, O holy name, if You are manifest on the tongue of Your unalloyed devotee, then all of his sinful reactions of both past and present lives are completely destroyed. This truth is sung by the Vedas again and again.


tomära udaye,  jévera hådoya,
sampürna çodhita hoy
karma-jïäna-bandha,  saba düre jäya,
anäyäse bhava-kñoy

4) O holy name, when You arise within the living being’s heart, it becomes completely purified. The shackles of materialistic activities and intellectual knowledge are cast far away, and the soul’s worldly existence comes to an end without any difficulty.


bhakativinoda,  bähu tule’ koy,
nämera niçäna dharo
näma-òaìkä-dhvani,  koriyä jäibe,
bheöibe muralédharo

5) Bhaktivinoda raises his arms and says, “Take up the banner of the holy name and walk along sounding the drum of the holy name. In this way you will surely obtain the direct audience of Lord Muralédhara, the holder of the flute.”

Song 5

Song 5



harinäm, tuwä aneka swarüp
yaçodä-nandana,  änanda-vardhana,
nanda-tanaya rasa-küp

1) O Harinäm, You possess unlimited forms, such as the beloved son of Mother Yaçodä, the increaser of bliss, the son of Nanda, and the reservoir of all transcendental mellows.


pütanä-ghätana,  tånävarta-hana,
çakaöa-bhaïjana gopäl
muralé-vadana,  agha-baka-mardana,
govardhana-dhäré räkhäl

2) You are the slayer of the demons Pütanä and Tånävarta, the breaker of the cart, the protector of the cows, the player of the muralé flute, the destroyer of the demons Agha and Baka, the holder of Govardhan Hill, and You are a cowherd boy.


keçé-mardana,  brahma-vimohana,
ariñöa-pätana,  gopé-vimohana,

3) You killed the demon Keçé, bewildered Lord Brahmä, and broke the pride of Indra, king of Heaven. You are the destroyer of the demon Ariñöa, the enchanter of the young cowherd girls, and You like to sport along the banks of the river Yamunä.


rädhikä-raïjana,  räsa-rasäyana,
räma, kåñëa, hari,  mädhava, narahari,

4) You give delight to Çré Rädhikä, bring the nectar of life to the räsa dance, and sport in the groves near Rädhä Kunòa. You are the reservoir of pleasure, the all-attractive one, the remover of inauspiciousness, the husband of the goddess of fortune, the half-man half-lion incarnation, and You are the source of all other incarnations such as Matsya, the fish avatära.


govinda, vämana,  çré-madhusüdana,
yädava-candra, vanamälé
käliya-çätana,  gokula-raïjana,

5) You are pleasing to the cows, You are the dwarf brähmana incarnation, and the splendrous slayer of the demon Madhu. You are the moon of the Yadu dynasty, and You always wear beautiful garlands of fresh forest flowers. You are the punisher of the Käliya serpent, the delighter of Gokula, and You rejoice in the worship of Çrématé Rädhäräëé.


ityädika näm,  swarüpe prakäm,
bäòuk mora rati räge
rüpa-swarüpa-pada,  jäni’ nija sampada,
bhaktivinoda dhori’ mäge

6) O Harinäm, thus according to Your own sweet will You are manifest in all these forms and in many others also. Please let my love and attachment for them increase more and more. Bhaktivinoda recognizes his own priceless treasure and clasps the lotus feet of Rüpa Goswämé and Swarüpa Dämodara Goswämé while offering this prayer.

Song 6

Song 6

[Vibhäña—Jhäìphi, Lophä]


väcya o väcaka—dui swarüp tomär
väcya—tava çré-vigraha cid-änandäkär

1) O Lord, You possess two transcendental forms, properly called väcya (that which is nameable) and väcaka (that which denotes). The väcya is Your beautiful personal bodily form full of transcendental knowledge and bliss.


väcaka swarüp tava `çré-kåñëaädi’ näm
varna-rüpé sarva-jéva-änanda-viçräm

2) The väcaka forms are Your holy names, such as Çré Kåñëa and so forth. Thus appearing in the form of transcendental sound vibration, You are the resting place for the bliss of all souls.


ei dui swarüpe tava ananta prakäç
doyä kori’ deya jéve tomära viläs

3) Your unlimited manifestations are found in these two forms. Taking pity and being very kind, they confer upon the fallen souls entrance into Your divine pastimes.


kintu jäniyächi nätha väcaka-swarüp
väcyäpekñä doyamoy, ei aparüp

4) But of these two forms of Yours, O Lord, I have understood Your väcaka form to be even more merciful than Your väcya form. Thus do I find Your holy name most wonderful.


näma nämé bheda näi, vedera vacan
tabu näma—nämé ho’te adhika korun

5) It is the declaration of the Vedas that the holy name of the Lord and the Lord Himself are non-different, yet still the holy name is more merciful than the Lord Himself.


kåñëae-aparädhi jadi näme çraddhä kori’
präna bhori’ òäke näm—`rama, kåñëa, hari’,

6) If one is an offender to Lord Kåñëa personally, but has genuine faith in the holy name and calls out with all his heart and soul, “Räma!” “Kåñëa!” “Hari!”...


aparädha düre jäy, änanda-sägare
bhäse sei anäyäse rasera päthäre

7) ...then all his offenses are cast far away, and he floats without difficulty in the ocean of divine bliss and transcendental mellows.


vigraha-swarüp väcye aparädha kori’
çuddha-nämäçraye sei aparädhe tori’

8) A person may commit offenses to the väcya or the transcendental figure of the Lord, but if he is under the shelter of the pure holy name, he crosses over all those offenses.


bhakativinoda mäge çré-rüpa-caraëe
väcaka-swarüp näme rati anukñane

9) At the lotus feet of Çréla Rüpa Goswämé, Bhaktivinoda begs for constant loving attachment for the väcaka or divine holy name of the Supreme Lord.

Song 7

Song 7

[Lalita Jhiìjhiöa—Ekatälä]


ohe harinäm, tava mahimä apär
tava pade nati ämi kori bär bär

1) O holy name! Your glories are boundless! Therefore I bow down at Your lotus feet again and again.


gokuler mahotsava änanda-sägar!
tomär caraëe paòi’ hoiyä kätar

2) O grand festival of Gokula! O ocean of bliss! I fall down at Your lotus feet, for I am feeling very distressed and troubled at heart.


tumi kåñëa, pürna-vapu, rasera nidän
tava pade poòi’ tava guna kori gän

3) You are Lord Kåñëa, Your divine form is fully perfect and complete, and You are the origin of all transcendental mellows. Falling down at Your lotus feet, I sing of Your divine qualities.


je kore tomär pade ekänta äçroy
tä’r ärti-räçi näç koroha niçcoy

4) You definitely destroy the multitude of afflictions of that person who takes exclusive shelter at Your holy feet.


sarva aparädha tumi näça koro tä’r
näma-aparädhävadhi näçaho tähär

5) You destroy all of his offenses, even to the extent of the näma-aparädhas (the ten offenses against the chanting of the holy name).


sarva-doña dhauta kori’ tähära hådoy-
siàhäsane baiso tumi parama äçroy

6) Cleansing him of all impurities, You who are the supreme shelter are then seated upon the throne of his heart.


ati-ramya cid-ghana-änanda-mürtimän
`raso vai saù’ boli’ veda kore tuwä gän

7) You are delightful and beautiful, the personification of complete cognizance and thickened bliss. The Vedas sing of You, saying, “The Supreme Personality of Godhead is verily the personification of all transcendental mellows.”[1]  Raso vai saù — this statement is found in the Taittiréya Upaniñad 2.7.1.*...

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