Netis WF2190 AC1200 USB dongle na Linux Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS ver 64 bit.txt

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Instalacja karty WiFi Netis model WF2190 AC1200 na Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS

From site (to zadziałało):

Solution by schragge:
	sudo apt-get install build-essential git
	git clone
	cd rtl8812au
	sudo make install
	sudo modprobe 8812au

I just wanted to add the following to this topic: this method worked PERFECTLY for me!!
Many thanks to those involved, presenting this solution!

I got it instantly working with: Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon 64-bit.

Here's what I did / happened (as kind of a newbie to Linux):
	1.	I plugged in the "netis WF2190" Wireless USB Dongle
	2.	I opened a terminal and copy-pasted (Control + Shift + V) exactly the lines of code (and hit enter after each line), below "Solution by Schragge" (I didn't do anything more!)
	3.	Then: A folder with the name "rtl8812au" was created in my Documents folder.
	4.	And in meantime, the wireless adapter got recognized and started working: the wireless network got available (where it wasn't before).
	5.	Finally, I deleted the "rtl8812au" folder from my Documents, as I don't want it to live there.

Many thanks again!
Hope this might be of help, to any other "newbie".


Pomocnicze jakby nie poszło to co wyżej

wcześniej wykonywałem również polecenia ze strony:

a dokładnie :

See if this works:
	git clone
	cd rtl8812au
	sudo ./ 

Sorry, forgot to add you should reboot after doing that.

z nadaniem uprawnień do dkms.config przez polecenie 
	sudo chmod +x ./dkms.conf
polecenie wziąłem ze strony Netis(link w ostatniej lini dokumentu) i z restartem tak jak jest opis w post

Sprawdzenie siły sygnału w konsoli:
	iwlist scan | egrep -i 'ssid|quality'

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