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Praise for Mastering Ethereum
“Mastering Ethereum is a fantastically thorough guide, from basics to state-of-
the-art practices in smart contract programming, by two of the most eloquent
blockchain educators.”
Manuel Araoz, CTO, Zeppelin
Mastering Bitcoin is the canonical reference that made Bitcoin and blockchain
technology accessible to a broad audience, and Mastering Ethereum does the
same for the Ethereum world computer.
Lane Rettig, Ethereum core developer
“Mastering Ethereum is the absolute best book to read if you’re ready to build
your own DApp! Andreas and Gavin have put together a comprehensive guide
for anyone interested in the decentralized web and how to build decentralized
Taylor Gerring, Executive Director, Blockchain Institute
“I had the privilege of having access to Andreas’ and Gav’s book Mastering
Ethereum, and I have to say I’m amazed at its breadth, scope, and
accessibility. It has it all: a deep history of Ethereum, explanations of elliptical
curve mathematics, solidity tutorials, and legal debates on utility tokens and
ICOs. It’s deep enough that it can be used as a whole syllabus of reference
material, yet it’s accessible enough that anyone who is merely math-curious
can understand. After reading a few chapters on the topic, I feel I have a much
more solid understanding of many of the underlying cryptographic primitives.
If you’re a researcher, a developer, a manager, a lawyer, a student, or anyone
curious about where the future of tech is going, I highly recommend having
Mastering Ethereum on your shelf.”
Alex Van de Sande, designer, Ethereum Foundation
“Mastering Ethereum will become a must-read in the future, as Ethereum is
going to be as ubiquitous as TCP/IP. It will become a necessary layer under
which decentralized, trustless technologies live and thrive.”
Hudson Jameson, Community Organizer, Ethereum Foundation
“Mastering Ethereum is the perfect book for anyone who wants to learn more
about Ethereum, whether you’re looking to test the waters or dive straight into
the deep end. Between Gavin Wood’s technical knowledge of Ethereum’s
inner workings and Andreas Antonopoulos’ ability to make complex subjects
approachable, you get the best of both worlds with this book. I only wish it
had been around when I first started diving into Ethereum.”
Taylor Monahan, Founder and CEO of MyCrypto
Mastering Ethereum
Building Smart Contracts and DApps
Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Dr. Gavin Wood
Mastering Ethereum
by Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Dr. Gavin Wood
Copyright © 2019 The Ethereum Book LLC, Gavin Wood. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North,
Sebastopol, CA 95472.
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Acquisitions Editor: Rachel Roumeliotis
Developmental Editor: Michele Cronin
Production Editors: Nicholas Adams
and Kristen Brown
Copyeditor: Rachel Head
Proofreader: Kim Cofer
Indexer: WordCo Indexing Services, Inc.
Interior Designer: David Futato
Cover Designer: Karen Montgomery
Illustrator: Rebecca Demarest
December 2018: First Edition
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