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Genetic Programming
An Introduction
On the Automatic Evolution of Computer Programs and Its Applications
Wolfgang Banzhaf
Peter Nordin
Robert E. Keller
Frank D. Francone
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
San Francisco, California
Verlag fuer digitale Technologie GmbH
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Genetic programming—an introduction : on the automatic evolution of
computer programs and its applications / Wolfgang Banzhaf... [et al.].
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1 -55860-510-X
1. Genetic programming (Computer science)
I. Banzhaf, Wolfgang, date.
dpunkt ISBN:
To Pia, Teresa, Benedikt and Judith,
who had to sacrifice many evenings and weekends for this
book to become possible.
Wolfgang Banzhaf
To my family and friends, who were
there when times got tough. To the lovely Miss Christina
Espanto, who makes even the tough times good.
Frank D. Francone
To those who missed me while I was working on this book.
Robert E. Keller
To my parents Set and Inga.
Peter Nordin
Foreword by John R. Koza
Genetic programming addresses the problem of automatic program¬
ming, namely, the problem of how to enable a computer to do useful
things without instructing it, step by step, on how to do it.
Banzhaf, Nordin, Keller, and Francone have performed a remark¬
able double service with this excellent book on genetic programming.
First, they have written a book with an up-to-date overview
of the automatic creation of computer programs by means of
evolution. This effort is especially welcome because of the rapid
growth of this field over the past few years (as evidenced by
factors such as the more than 800 papers published by some
200 authors since 1992).
Second, they have brought together and presented their own in¬
novative and formidable work on the evolution of linear genomes
and machine code in particular. Their work is especially im¬
portant because it can greatly accelerate genetic programming.
The rapid growth of the field of genetic programming reflects
the growing recognition that, after half a century of research in the
fields of artificial intelligence, machine learing, adaptive systems, au¬
tomated logic, expert systems, and neural networks, we may finally
have a way to achieve automatic programming. When we use the
automatic programming,
we mean a system that
1. produces an entity that runs on a computer (i.e., either a com¬
puter program or something that is easily convertible into a
2. solves a broad variety of problems,
3. requires a minimum of user-supplied problem-specific informa¬
4. in particular, doesn't require the user to prespecify the size and
shape of the ultimate solution,
5. implements, in some way, all the familiar and useful program¬
ming constructs (such as memory, iteration, parameterizable
subroutines, hierarchically callable subroutines, data structures,
and recursion),
6. doesn't require the user to decompose the problem in advance,
to identify subgoals, to handcraft operators, or to tailor the
system anew for each problem,
7. scales to ever-larger problems,
8. is capable of producing results that are competitive with those
produced by human programmers, mathematicians, and spe¬
cialist designers or of producing results that are publishable in
their own right or commercially usable, and
9. is well-defined, is replicable, has no hidden steps, and requires
no human intervention during the run.
Genetic programming is fundamentally different from other ap¬
proaches to artificial intelligence, machine learning, adaptive systems,
automated logic, expert systems, and neural networks in terms of
(i) its representation (namely, programs), (ii) the role of knowledge
(none), (iii) the role of logic (none), and (iv) its mechanism (gleaned
from nature) for getting to a solution within the space of possible
Among these four differences, representation is perhaps the most
important distinguishing feature of genetic programming. Computers
are programmed with computer programs - and genetic programming
creates computer programs.
Computer programs offer the flexibility to perform computations
on variables of many different types, perform iterations and recur¬
sions, store intermediate results in data structures of various types
(indexed memory, matrices, stacks, lists, rings, queues), perform al¬
ternative calculations based on the outcome of complex calculations,
perform operations in a hierarchical way, and, most important, em¬
ploy parameterizable, reusable, hierarchically callable subprograms
(subroutines) in order to achieve scalability.
In attacking the problem of automatic programming, genetic pro¬
gramming does not temporize or compromise with surrogate struc¬
tures such as Horn clauses, prepositional logic, production rules,
frames, decision trees, formal grammars, concept sets, conceptual
clusters, polynomial coefficients, weight vectors, or binary strings.
Significantly, human programmers do not commonly regard any of
the above surrogates as being suitable for programming computers.
Indeed, we do not see computers being ordinarily programmed in the
language of any of them.
My view is that if we are really interested in getting computers to
solve problems without explicitly programming them, the structures
that we need are computer programs.
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