Zodiac Academy - Ruthless Fae (Supernatural Beasts and Bullies #2) by Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti.pdf

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Ruthless Fae
Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti
Note to all students: Vampire bites, loss of limbs or getting lost in the
wailing wood will not count as a valid excuse for being late to class.
Click on the map to explore it more closely.
THE SCENT OF a burning body still lingered in the air, catching in the
back of my throat and making my scowl deepen. My heightened senses
picked up every drop of blood which had been spilled tonight and I
wondered again how such a thing had happened in the middle of campus
with teachers all around.
I marched through The Wailing Wood with Max and Seth on either side
of me. We travelled in silence, waiting until we could be sure of complete
privacy before we discussed what had happened tonight with the Vega
The air between the trees was thick with tension and the darkness
beneath their canopy almost complete. None of us summoned a light into
existence though. Even in the dark we knew where we were going and we
didn’t want any chance of anyone following us tonight. Not after what had
just happened. What we’d just done.
I strained my ears for any sound of Darius approaching. There had been
no sign of him since he’d stormed out of the Lunar Leisure building and left
us all to deal with Orion’s wrath by the poolside.
My lip curled back as my mind landed on our Cardinal Magic Professor.
No one had dared give me so much as a verbal warning since we’d arrived
at this school yet he’d just seen fit to give us two weeks in detention. Who
the hell did he think he was? Didn’t he consider the fact that we would be
his kings soon? Was he really so angry with us that he’d risk incurring our
He’ll realise exactly who he’s crossed once I’ve graduated this place.
I’m more than an Heir to him; I’m the most powerful Vampire in Solaria
and his superior in every way once I leave this academy behind.
My mind snagged on the way Tory had looked when he’d pulled her out
of that pool and a sliver of ice trickled down my spine. I didn’t want to
think about that. I didn’t want to remember the way her heart had been
beating too slowly when I’d strained my ears to listen for it. I didn’t want to
think about the way she’d kept her eyes to the floor instead of glaring right
back at us.
We’d needed to break them. It had to be done.
So why does it make me feel like a piece of shit?
It was cold in the woods and I drew on my fire Element to warm myself
through. Flames licked along my limbs from the inside but it didn’t do
much to chase away the cold pit in my gut.
My energy was running low. I could feel the well of power within me
straining to maintain the heat of my fire. I should have topped up on Tory’s
magic while we were at the dance. But I’d known the others were planning
something for her and I just... hadn’t.
I pushed a hand through my hair, my fingers catching in the curls as I
messed it up.
It was her own fault really. I’d tried to get her to leave the dance with me
before anything had happened. I’d done my best.
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