Tips and improvements for the general occultist.docx

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Tips and improvements for the general occultist



Do things in correct hour and in correct day.

The day starts when sunrise. Example: When there is Sunday and Sun rises at 7:30, the first hour starts at 7:30. First hour is and Sun is strongest. It will be easier to do thing ar correct days and correct hours.

The seven classical planet (Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupitee and Saturn). Those all rule their respective hours in kind of like cyclic fashion.

Planetary hours calculator:

Every seven hours the cycle is repeated.

Sun rules Sunday.

The Moon rules Monday.

Mars rules Tuesday.

Mercury rules Wednesday.

Jupiter rules Thursday.

Venus rules Friday.

Saturn rules Saturday.

If you want to summon saturnian Spirit you should do that at Saturday.



Use of Solomonic Pentacles.

You can make the pentacles on cardboard paper (with best color). Yellow for the Sun. Silver for the Moon. Black for Saturn. Blue for Jupiter. Green for Venus. Red for Mars. Orange for Mercury.



Use of oil. Before the ritual just take a little bit of that specific oil and rub it over your body specifically arms, face and so on.


Make use of incense. Or incense sticks (but higher quality). Dragon’s blood is a potency increasing incense.

For Sun frankincense. For the Moon jasmine. For Mercury lemongrass. For Saturn is ciderwood/chewy. Rose incense for Venus. Dragon’s Blood (better) or Peppermint for Mars. For Jupiter is sandalwood.


The best way to do the hosting the rituals is once a week.

With Belial you can use Sun or Mercury.

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